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Presented by:

Amar nath Mishra

Ankit Jain
Deepti Choudhary
Sonal Agarwal
Vaishali Bhati
Environmental Ethics

Environmental ethics is concerned with the

issue of responsible personal conduct with
respect to natural landscapes, resources,
species, and non-human organisms
Each person has the right to a healthy
living environment.

Values must teach individuals and

organizations to act in a way which will
benefit not only their self-preservation,
but also to the well-being of the
environment which sustains them.
• Precautionary principle
Projects are not started unless it is
certain that the environment will not be

• Sustainable development
Development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet
their own needs
• Problems protecting the Commons
– Oceans, atmosphere, outer space
– Who can regulate, and enforce?

• Intrinsic value of the environment

– Which is most important, the economy
or the environment?
– How do you place a dollar amount on
clean water, or fresh air or biodiversity?
Human – Nature Relationship
Humans are a part of Nature
Our knowledge of life is simplistic
The sustainability of life is not compatible with
current consumption rates and population growth
 Humans have altered the natural systems of the
Earth, causing extinctions of countless species
Environmental Ethics Principles
 Every life form is unique, and has intrinsic value, regardless of its
perceived value to humans

 We should have a profound respect for Nature

 We must maintain a harmonious relationship with other species

 Everyone should take responsibility for his impact on Nature

 Local and indigenous environmental knowledge should be respected

Go Green
Talk it up. Share what you do with your friends and
coworkers. Let your public officials know that you care about
climate issues .

Recruit the best. Upgrade to high efficiency (ENERGY STAR)

water heaters, AC units, lighting and appliances when it is time
to replace old units

Surf. Many states, cities and utilities have programs that make
up the cost difference between high-efficiency appliances and
the average.
Set and forget it. Keep your home at 68 in the winter and 72 in
the summer—just a few degrees can save you more than 10
percent on your heating bill.

Put the bottle down. Bottled water and other highly packaged
items contribute to landfills and emissions. Filter systems are
cleaner and cheaper. Ninety percent of the cost of bottled water
goes to the cap and bottle

Designate a driver. Where possible, use public transportation

or carpool. Better yet, walk or bike instead and enjoy the fresh air
More you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and do your
part to address our global climate challenge.

Plant trees, which absorb carbon dioxide

Use rechargeable batteries
Wash your clothes in cold or warm water
Turn off the heated dry function on your dishwasher
Change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent light
bulbs (CFLs) 

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