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Ideas Live On- Bhutto

1. According to Bhutto, what makes a government effective?

2. What point of view does Bhutto establish in paragraph 2?
A. Bhutto establishes the point of view that a nations success
depends on the power of the intellect and the success of
individuals rather than the strength of a nations military power.
B. Bhutto establishes the point of view that democracy is an
enduring ideal.
C. Bhutto establishes the point of view that democracy is the
responsibility of civilians.
D. Bhutto establishes the point of view that democracy will fail if the
nation does not compete in marketing and education.
Ideas Live On- Bhutto
3. Which quotes provides evidence to support your response to
question 2?
A. The idea of democracy has survived tyranny over centuries since
it was first practiced in ancient Greece.
B. Power began to shift from the might of armies to the strength of
the intellect. ..military strength was no longer critical in defining
the greatness of a nation.
C. What kind of future we . build depends on the nature of our
political system, the strength of our judiciary and the use of our
economic resources.
Ideas Live On- Bhutto
4. What is the impact of Bhuttos use of quotes in the first two paragraphs on the
meaning of her speech?
A. Using the words of Kennedy and Churchill allows Bhutto to demonstrate
that she shares the values of respected leaders of Western democracy.
The quotes remind the audience that the values these leaders express
are important and should shape the audiences response to current
B. Bhutto quotes U.S. President John F. Kennedys statement, Men die,
nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. This quote establishes her
point of view that democracy is a form of government that continues to
be important.
C. Bhutto quotes U.S. President John F. Kennedy to demonstrate that she
favors American beliefs. This quote builds her case that other
governments should model themselves after the American government.
D. Both A & B
Ideas Live On- Bhutto
5. How does Bhutto further develop her point of view when she states,
The reflection and thought of the past is giving way to the speed of the
future (paragraph 10)?
A. Bhuttos statement reminds her listeners that they are stuck in
B. Bhuttos statement reminds her listeners that they must change
C. Bhuttos statement reminds her listeners that they are living
through a period of rapid change.
D. Bhuttos statement reminds her listeners that they will only see
change if they vote and take part in a democratic system.
6. Write a 25 word GIST statement for paragraphs 1-10.

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