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Creating Custom Forms

Lesson B Objectives

Suppress default system messages

Create alerts and messages to provide system
feedback to users
Create applications that avoid user errors
Trap common runtime errors
3 Controlling System Messages
Controlling System Messages

By default, FRM- and ORA- messages are

displayed in the Forms Services message line
They are useful for determining :
Ifthe DBMS successfully inserts, updates, or deletes a
The nature of errors that occur while the form is running
Controlling System Messages

Oracle classifies system messages according to:

their severity
Whether or not they require user intervention
System message severity levels

Message Severity Description Example

5 Informative message that doesnt require user FRM-40400: Transaction complete:
intervention 1 records applied and saved
10 Informative message that identifies a FRM-40201: Field is full: Cant
procedural mistake made by the user insert character
15 Informative message that identifies a data- FRM-50016: Legal characters are
entry error, such as entering an incorrect data 0-9 - + E
value in a text item
20 Error message that identifies a condition that FRM-40602: Cant insert into or
keeps a form trigger from working correctly update data in a view
25 Error message that identifies a condition that FRM-40919: Internal SQL
causes the form to operate incorrectly statement execution error: %d
>25 Error message that identifies a condition that FRM-40024: Out of memory
must be corrected immediately for the form to
continue running
System message severity levels

Form developers can set the

:SYSTEM.MESSAGE_LEVEL to suppress error
messages equal to or less than a certain level
By default, the :SYSTEM.MESSAGE_LEVEL is 0, so all
messages are displayed
The variable is commonly set in the PRE-FORM
8 Providing System Feedback
Providing System Feedback

It is important for a Forms Builder application to

provide feedback to users.
Feedback can be provided via the form message
line or through the use of an alert.
Custom Messages

A custom message is a short (up to 200 characters)

text string that the form developer displays on the
form message line
The MESSAGE built-in is used to display a custom
message. The syntax is:

An alert is a pop-up dialog box or window that

displays a message and buttons
We need alerts when:
The feedback requires a longer message than will fit on
the message line
The user needs to select between alternate ways to
Or, the user needs to acknowledge important messages
Creating an Alert

To create a new alert:

Select the Alerts node in the Object Navigator
Click on the create button

Specify the alert properties

An alert can have a maximum of three buttons

Alert Styles

1. Note alert
display an i for information
Conveys information to the user, such as confirming that the form has
inserted a record
2. Caution alert
display an exclamation point !
Inform the user that he is about to make a choice that cant be undone
and could lead to a potentially damaging situation, such as deleting a
3. Stop alert
display a red X or a red stoplight
Inform the user that he has instructed the system to perform an action
that is not possible, such as trying to delete a record that is referenced
as a foreign key another table
Displaying an Alert

To display an alert in a form, you use the

SHOW_ALERT built-in function
The SHOW_ALERT function returns a numeric value
indicating which button the user pressed.
Displaying an Alert

To display an alert during the execution of a

trigger, you need to:
declare a numeric variable
Assign to this variable the value that the SHOW_ALERT
function returns using the syntax:
alert_button NUMBER;
alert_button := SHOW_ALERT (alert_name);
Displaying an Alert

To execute alternate program commands

depending on the alert button that the user clicks,
we create an IF/ELSEIF decision control structure
This structure:
Evaluates the value that the SHOW_ALERT function
Executes the appropriate program command
Displaying an Alert

Syntax to display an alert and execute alternate commands

depending on the button the user clicked
alert_button NUMBER
alert_button := SHOW_ALERT (alert_name);
IF alert_button = ALERT_BUTTON1 THEN
commands to execute for second alert button
commands to execute for first alert button
commands to execute for third alert button
18 Avoiding User Errors
Avoiding User Errors

A properly designed form can help users avoid

Techniques include validating user input, disabling
command buttons, and disabling text items
Validating Form Input Values

When a user enters a value in a text item, it can be

validated against business rules to determine
whether the user made a data entry error
Text item validation can be performed using text
item validation properties or validation triggers
A form can validate a text items value using
specific text item validation properties that can be
used in data block or custom forms
Text Item Validation Properties

Property Property Allowable Values Description

Data Data Type Char, Number, Date, Alpha, Ensure that input values are of the correct
Integer, Datetime, Long, data type
Rnumber, Jdate, Edate, Time
Data Maximum Length Integer value Defines the maximum number of
characters the item will accept
Data Required Yes or No Specifies whether or not the value can be
Data Lowest Allowed Integer value For numerical fields, specifies the lowest
Value acceptable value
Data Highest Allowed Integer value For numerical fields, specifies the highest
Value acceptable value
Data Format Mask Legal format masks Ensure that user input is in the correct
List of Validate Form List Yes or No Specifies that the value entered by the
Values user should be validated against the items
Validation Unit

The level at which form validation occurs is called

the validation unit
It can be set to validate a field whenever the user
navigates away from the field; this is the default
Other possible values are Form, Data Block, and
However, for a custom form, validation should be
performed at the Item level.
Form Validation Trigger

Text item validation properties work well for simple

validation, but more complex validation can be
coded in an item validation trigger
This is an item-level trigger associated with the
If the item does not satisfy the validation rules
coded in the trigger, the form displays a message
and raises a FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE exception
Disabling Form Command Buttons to Avoid
User Errors

It is a good idea to disable any button that should not be

pressed at a particular time.
Example: in a form to enter student data, the Save New
button should be disabled until the students last name is
The method used to disable a button is:
In the case of disabling a button, property_name is
ENABLED, and the value should be FALSE to disable the
button and TRUE to enable it.
Disabling Text Item Navigation

When a form displays certain items such as primary

keys, it is a good idea not to allow the user to
modify the value
One way to do this is to prevent navigation to the
field by making it nonnavigable
This means that the user cannot use the Tab key to
navigate to the text item
To make an item nonnavigable, set the Keyboard
Navigable property to No.
Disabling Text Item Navigation

Since the user can still navigate to the item using the
mouse, it is also necessary to create a trigger that
moves the form focus away from a text item
whenever the mouse is placed there
The WHEN-MOUSE-UP event can be used to
activate this trigger
Trapping Form Runtime Errors

The ON-ERROR event occurs when FRM- and ORA-

messages are generated
There are four built-in procedures used for
obtaining information about runtime errors
Forms Builder Built-in Procedures for
Handling Errors

Procedure Name Data Returned

DBMS_ERROR_CODE Error number of the most recent database (ORA) error,
represented as a negative integer
DBMS_ERROR_TEXT Error number and message text of the most recent ORA-
ERROR_CODE Error number of the most recent Forms Services (FRM)
error, represented as a positive integer
ERROR_TEXT Error number and text of the most recent FRM- error or

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