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The Akshaya project , first started in the rural Malappuram

district of Kerala , India 2002-03 and now spread all around
development the state , was the first district e-literacy project in
India and one of the largest known Internet Protocol (IP) based
wireless network in the world .
The project was launched on 18 November 2002 by Honorable
President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam .

Akshaya is a ICT project by the KSITM to bridge the digital

divide and to bring the benefits of ICT to entire population of the
state .
The project opens up immense opportunities for women
participation at various levels as entrepreneurs ,master
trainers , social animators and finally as trainees etc.

Akshaya made the lives of common man easy by front

ending most of the services .

E- filing of commercial taxes , online applications ,

registration of BPL families for health insurance, delivery of
multiple services of E-district etc could be made 100%
online only because of Akshayas ubiquitous network
within the reach of every citizen in the state.

The Global objectives of the project were firstly to

bridge the digital divide and secondly to empower
the citizens through ICT .
The Akshaya objective in the first phase was to
make at least one person in the family e-literate and
in the second phase was to deliver citizen services
and specialized services using ICT.
Governments objective were to
Create a sustainable network to carry out the above objectives .
Providing necessary assistance to substain the network including
Financial , Organizational and policy support.
Generation of G2C services for delivery to the citizens using the
Akshaya network.

Entered into new array of services like banking and insurance .

Over 650 Akshaya Entrepreneurs have become IRDA Agents .
More than 60 lakhs applications submitted under e-district .
Over 1.6 Crore citizens enrolled under UID through Akshaya
RSBY Health Insurance Policy for 2 crore population .
Registered 35 lakhs BPL families .
Akshaya launched Aadhaar Based Payments for the first time
in Kerala.

UID Enrollment
Registration for Health Insurance Scheme
Application for election ID Cards
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