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Amity Business School

Challenges in Verbal

Amity Business School
Amity Business School

Verbal Communication
Verbal is the Latin adjective of Word.
Verbal communication means communicating with words, whether
written or spoken.
Amity Business School

Advantages of Verbal Communication

More personal and informal.
Makes immediate impact.
Provides opportunity for interaction and feedback.
Helps us correct our messages according to the feedback.
It is very fast and non-expensive.
Amity Business School

1. Use of Jargon
Jargon are special words or expressions used by a profession or group that
are difficult for others to understand.
Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.
Amity Business School

2. Emotional Barriers and Taboos

Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics
may be completely 'off-limits' or taboo.
Amity Business School

3. Lack of Attention
Lack of Interest, Distractions, or Irrelevance to The Receiver
Amity Business School

4. Differences in Perception
People perceive the world uniquely.
Difference in viewpoint leading to misunderstandings.
Amity Business School

5. Physical Disabilities
Deafness or Hearing Problems
Blindness or impaired vision
Aphasia or speech difficulties
Amity Business School

6. Language Differences
Language and linguistic ability may act as a barrier to communication.
Regional colloquialisms and expressions may be misinterpreted or even
considered offensive.
Difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
Amity Business School

7. Expectations and Prejudices

Expectations and prejudices may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping.
People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said
and jump to incorrect conclusions.
Prejudice prevents a person from having an open mind an listening to new
Amity Business School

8. Cultural Differences
The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the
way in which emotions are expressed.
Cultural diversity makes communication difficult as the mindset of people of
different cultures are different, the language, signs and symbols are also
Amity Business School

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