Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Rizals Second Sojourn and the Universal

Exposition of 1889
Difficulty of finding a quarter
Universal Exposition of 1889
-the cost of living spiraled high.
No.45 Rue Maubeuge Venturas residence
Transferred residence several times, moving
from one hotel to another, from one boarding
house to another
Finally lived in a little room together with two
other Filipinos Justo Trinidad and Jose Albert
Life in Paris (Letters in May 16, 1889)
-Spent most of his time in the reading
room of the Bibliotique National checking
up his historical annotations on Morgas
- Writing letters to his family and friends
- In the gymnasium for his daily physical
- Visiting his friends, dining at the homes
of his friends, such as the Taveras,
Venturas, Bousteds and Luna
Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
-physician by vocation philologist by avocation
Dr. Felix Pardo de Tavera
- physician by vocation and an artist and
sculpture by avocation
Paz Pardo de Tavera wife of Juan Luna
- June 24,1889 when Andres(Luling), the second
child was born and JPR the godfather chose her
Maria dela Paz Blanca Laureana Herminigilda
Juana Luna y Pardo de Tavera
Rizal and the Paris Exposition of 1889
-Eiffel Tower, 984 ft high, built by Alexander
Eiffel - greatest attraction
-Pres. Sadi Carnot (3rd French Republic)
-200,000 persons or more crowd the daily
- International Art Competition
Felix R. Hidalgos painting won the 2nd prize,
Juan Luna and F. Pardo de Tavera won the 3rd
prize, while JPRs entry got no prize.
Three Clubs/Societies
Kidlat Club a social society of a temporary
To bring together the young Filipinos in the French
capital so that they could enjoy their sojourn in the city
during the duration of the Exposition
Antonio & Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando
Canon, Lauro Dimayuga, Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu
& Baldomero Roxas
Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)
American Indians who were not ashamed of their names
Its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical
prowess in order to win the admiration of the foreigners
particularly the Spaniards. They practiced the use of
sword and pistol. JPR taught them judo.
Same members
RDLM (Redencion de los Malayos)
The propagation of all the useful knowledge-
scientific, artistic, literary, etc..- in the Philippines.
REDEMPTION of the Malay Race (another aim)
Borneo Colonization project:
Not merely to have a place where Filipinos could live and work
with more liberty as well as free themselves from the oppressive
conditions of the Philippines for something else important ,
which is freedom of action to attain the aim of the RDLM.. Which
means the redemption of the Malay race (Dr. Leoncio Lopez-
-Max Havelaar book (1860) by Multatuli (E.D. Dekker,
Dutch Author)
Annotated Edition of Morga Published
Outstanding achievement of Rizal in Paris the
publication of his annotation of Morgas book, written in
British Museum, printed by Garnier Freres
Prologue written by Prof. Blumentritt
Rizals errors in his annotation:
1. Commits the error in appraising the history of
the past in the light of the present standard
2. Rizals attacks of the church were unfair and
unjustified because the abuses should not be
construed to mean the Catholic is bad.
Dedication: To The Filipinos
In this historical book JPR proved that Filipinos were
already civilized before the advent of Spain.JPR
disproved the historical heresies of the Spanish writers
who claimed that the early Filipinos were savages and
were of low mentality
Comment on Morgas Publication Date:
Paris, Libreria de Garnier Hermanos, 1890
I have just received your magnificent edition of Morga. This edition
with your erudite notes will glorify your name
(Blumentritt to Rizal, October 12, 1889)
Today I sent to Lipa four copies of Morga. Later I will send some
more (Rizal to Dr. Baldomero Roxas December 28, 1889)

I received the book Sucesos, Truly excellent. Please send me

immediately about ten copies that I can send to the Philippines by
the first mail that is going there (Mariano Ponce to Rizal,
December 31, 1889)
- First Voyage Around the World (Italian) Antonio Pigafetta
- Historical works of Marsden, Raffles, Lord Stanley, and
Wallace in English
- Writings of Blumetritt, Jagor, Virchow in German
- Books of M. Jacquet, J. Mallat, & A. Marche in French
- Works of TH Pardo de Tavera, Pedro Paterno, Miguel Morayta,
Pi y Margall in Spanish
Other works of Rizal which qualify him to be a
real historian:
1. Ma- yi (London, Deccember 6.1888)
2. Tawalisi of Ibn Batuta (January 7, 1889)
3. Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos (published in La
Solidaridad in five issues1890)
4. La Politica Colonial on Filipinas ( no date;Manila en
el mes de Diciembre, 1872)
5. Historia de la Familia Rizal de Calamba (no
6. Los Pueblos del Archipelago Indico (no date)
The Philippines Within a Century
In this article JPR expressed his views on the Spanish
colonization and predicted with amazing accuracy the
tragic end of Spains sovereignty in Asia
The Indolence of the Filipinos
This is an able defense of the alleged indolence of the
Filipinos. Such decline in the economic life was due to
certain reasons:
1. The native revolts and the other internal disordes
which followed the establishment of American rule
2. The wars whioch the Filipinos fought for Spain against
the Dutch, Portuguese, English and other enemies
3. The frightful raids of the by the Muslim pirates
4.The forced labor, resulting in the abandonment of
industry, commerce and agriculture
5. Lack of stimulus to work harder because the people
could not enjoy the fruits of their labor
6. Government neglect and indifference to agriculture,
commerce and industry
7. The bad example shown by the Spaniards on
despising manual labor
8. The teaching of the Spanish missionaries
9. Encouragement and propagation of gambling by the
Spanish authorities
10. System of Spanish education did not promote the
economic enterprise and activity
International Association of Filipinologists
Aim: To study the Philippines from the scientific and
historical point of view.
The officers:
President: Ferdinand Blumentritt (Austrian)
Vice Pres: Edward Plauchut (French)
Counsellor: Dr. Reinhold Rost (Anglo-German)
Counsellor: Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor (Filipino-Spanish)
Secretary: Dr. Jose Rizal (Filipino)
The holding of Inaugural convention did not materialize
because the French government discourage the holding
of conferences by private organization for the period of
international exposition.
Project for Filipino College in Hong Kong
Aims: To train and educate men of good family and
financial means in accordance to the demands of
modern times and circumstances
Mariano Cunanan promised to raise P40,000 as initial
payment of the college
Ethics- Study of Religion Natural Law Civil law Deportment
Mathematics Physics and Chemistry Natural History
Geography Political Economy
Universal History Philippine History Logic Rhetoric Poetics
Spanish English French German Chinese Tagalog
Gymnastics Equitation Fencing Swimming Music Drawing -
Por Telefono Dimas Alang (Barcelona 1889)
Fall of 1889 wrote another satirical work as a replay to
the slanderous attacked of Fr. Font who masterminded
the banning of Noli.

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