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Celiac Disease

Maya Najmeddine and Nour Assaf

.sometimes called
sprue or coeliac
.it is an immune
reaction to eating
What is it? gluten
Gluten is a protein
found in wheat,
barley and rye.
they can vary greatly and are different in children
and adults.
The most common signs for adults:
- Diarrhea
Signs of this - Fatigue
- Weight loss.
Also: bloating and gas, abdominal pain, nausea,
constipation, and vomiting.
How does it happen?
. from an interaction
between genes, eating
foods with gluten and
How does it other environmental
happen? factors
.but the exact cause
isn't known.
Infant feeding
Main Causes Gastrointestina
l infections
Gut bacteria
Nonresponsive celiac disease
This is a situation when the celiac disease does not respond
to the treatment
When these patients follow a gluten-free diet , the damage
Some patients persists to their gut and they get increased risk for
complications, such as lymphoma.
dont respond
This adds urgency to the search for alternative treatments
to treatment! for patients with nonresponsive celiac disease.
Celiac disease can affect anyone, but it is more common in people
who have:
A family member with celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis
Type 1 diabetes
Down syndrome or Turner syndrome
Risk Factors Autoimmune thyroid disease
Microscopic colitis (lymphocytic or collagenous colitis)
Addison's disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
A strict, lifelong gluten-free diet is the only way to manage celiac
disease. In addition to wheat, foods that contain gluten include:
Treatment Graham flour
Spelt (a form of wheat)
So stay away from them + take vitamins and follow up with your
The damage to your small intestine means it can't absorb
enough nutrients.
Malnutrition can lead to anemia and weight loss. In children:
slow growth and short stature.
Complications Loss of calcium and bone density:
if not treated Malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D may lead to a softening
of the bone in children and a loss of bone density (osteoporosis)
in adults.
Infertility and miscarriage:
Malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D can contribute to
reproductive issues.
Lactose intolerance:
Damage to your small intestine may cause you to experience abdominal pain
and diarrhea after eating lactose-containing dairy products, even though they
don't contain gluten.
Other A greater risk of developing several forms of cancer, including intestinal
lymphoma and small bowel cancer.
Complications Neurological problems.
if not treated such as seizures or peripheral neuropathy (disease of the nerves that lead to
the hands and feet).
In children, celiac disease can also lead to:
Failure to thrive
Delayed puberty
Weight loss
Especially in Irritability
children Dental enamel defects
Yes: if you have diarrhea or digestive discomfort that lasts for
more than two weeks.
Also: If you have a young brother / sister who is pale, irritable or
failing to grow
Remember: Celiac disease tends to run in families.

Should you If someone in your family has the condition, ask your doctor if
you should be tested.
see a doctor? Also ask your doctor about testing if you or someone in your
family has as type 1 diabetes: it is a risk factor.
Thank you!

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