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Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan

Universitas Veteran Republik Indonesia

Secara umum dapat dikelompokkan kedalam 4 (empat)
metode :

1) Open /open cut

2) Quarry
3) Strip Mine
4) Alluvial Mine
(Open Mine, Open Cut, atau Open Cast)

Open-Cut Mining in Australia

Mining in the Pilbara region of Western Australia is done by the open-cut method, in which large masses of ore-
bearing rock are broken up and then removed by power shovels and trucks. Mining is one of Australias most
important industries. The country has large deposits of bauxite, coal, diamonds, gold, iron ore, nickel, uranium, and
other minerals.
Penambangan endapan mineral pada setiap jenis
Letak dekat permukaaan tanah
Dimensi horisontalnya besar
Produksi tinggi, biaya rendah
Dilakukan secara berjenjang (benching)
Membentuk cekungan/pit
Mining in the Yukon
Mining has dominated the Yukon Territorys economy since gold was discovered there in 1896. With rich mineral
deposits located throughout this Canadian province, mining continues to be its principal economic activity. Here, lead
and zinc are extracted and loaded onto a truck at the Anvil open-pit mine in Faro, a town in the southeastern Yukon.
Sejenis dengan Open Pit
Untuk endapan bijih yang terdapat pada
Bentuk tambang melingkari
Open-Cut Copper Mine Utah
Metallic copper and copper ores, such as chalcopyrite and bornite, are mined in open-pit mines from
deposits near the earths surface. Further refining is necessary to separate the copper from impurities such
as sulfides, carbonates, iron, and silicates. Copper is used extensively in electrical components because of
its high conductivity. Shown here is one of North Americas largest open-pit copper mines, located in
Kennecott, Utah.
Sejenis Open Cut Mining
Bahan galian non logam, mis. andesit,
granit, batu kapur, marmer, serpih
(shale) dll.
Untuk endapan bahan galian yang luas
dan horisontal (bedded deposit)
Paling cocog untuk tambang batubara
Dilakukan blasting tergantung kondisi
Area Mining atau Contour Mining
Coal Auger in Strip Mine
After the surface of a hill is stripped, a giant auger drill bores
through the sides to get at the rich coal beds underneath the
topsoil. The drills may penetrate as far as 30 m (100 ft).
Menggunakan semprotan air untuk
memisahkan bahan tambang
Menggunakan alat semprot GIANT atau
Digunakan pada endapan alluvial, mis. pasir
besi, timah sekunder, emas.
Material hasil semprotan dialirkan/
dipompakan ke instalasi pemisah konsentrat.
Syarat utama tersedia cukup banyak air
KERUK 1. Waste material
2. Sluices
3. Alluvial deposit
4. Sluice channel
5. Pipe line
Menggunakan Kapal Keruk sebagai alat
Biasa digunakan untuk penambang-an
endapan alluvial (timah sekunder)
Bisa dilakukan di laut ataupun di darat,
tergantung dari jenis, bentuk dan ukuran
kapal keruk.
Pemisahan konsentrat dilakukan di
kapal keruk itu sendiri

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