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Proposed by:


Program Proposal Number: 1

Title: Tamang Paguhugas ng Kamay ay Gawain upang sakit ay

maiwasan natin
Goal: To promote health and prevent illnesses
Explain the importance of hand washing
To demonstrate how to perform proper hand washing
To make the students understand the transfers of different
illnesses (eg. Cough and colds, diarrhea, etc) are transmitted
thru a dirty hand.
To enable the students to make hand washing a daily habit
Program Proposal Number: 1 Tamang Paghuhugas ng
Kamay ay Gawain upang sakit ay maiwasan natin

Target date:
June of AY 2018-2019
Target Person:
Students, Teachers, Parents and School personnel.
A symposium or short seminar like program will be held wherein
the nurse will provide a health education campaign for the
target personnel. This will include video presentation, actual
demonstration by the nurse and teachers and return demo of
the students.
Program Proposal Number: 1 Pambubully ay agapan
upang bawat isa may maalagaan

Title: Pambubully ay agapan upang bawat isa ay Maagalaan.

An Anti-bullying Campanigh
To prevent cases of children being bullied
Stop development of a bully child
Conduct a symposium and teaching seminars for students,
parents and teachers about bullying. How does a certain child
become one, forms of bullying and its harmful effects.
Program Proposal Number: 1 Pambubully ay agapan
upang bawat isa may maalagaan

Provide learning opportunities on how to assess for different

signs of a bullied child
Conduct a one on one assessment or interview to a reported
child together with the teacher and parent.
Explain the important role of family, teachers and each and
everyone of us to prevent development of a bullied child.
Target date:
June of AY 2018-2019
Target Person:
Students, Teachers, Parents and School personnel.
Program Proposal Number: 2 Pambubully ay agapan
upang bawat isa may maalagaan

Make a school visit to different schools in the city and make an
initial assessment on reported bullying cases as per teachers
Provide a seminar event together with the parents and
teachers and students and provide learning opportunities to
For actual cases, provide a conseling session for a specific time
to address the concer.
Make appropriate referral
Program Proposal Number: 3 Shake your Body and
live Healthy

Title: Shake your body to make you healthy

Goal: To prevent and help in decreasing the number of
malnutrition in the form of obesity and overweight.
Explain the importance of proper and correct nutrition
Help decrease the cases of overweight and obesity in the school
in both students and teachers thru effective monitoring.
Program Proposal Number: 3 Shake your Body and
live Healthy

Target date:
June of AY 2018-2019
Target Person:
Students and teachers
Health advocacy and lecture on proper selection and
consumption of food for both students and teachers provided on
the first months of S.Y.
Zumbar Fitness exercise for interested teachers and parents if
any at the afternoon at the end of the class.
Program Proposal Number: 3 Shake your Body and
live Healthy

Monitoring of initial weight and weight after the program will be

Incentive or reward will be given to those who successfully loss
weight and returned back to the ideal body mass index or BMI.
Program will commence for minimum of 3 months to 6 mos.

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