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Types of Organizational Change at

Three Major Organizational Changes:

(1) Technological
(2) Strategic
(3) Product
Technological Change
Decreased reliance on petrochemicals can affect the
production process of their sunglasses

Use of fewer petrochemicals will likely involve changes to the

techniques or methods for making the products

Need to train employees on the new manufacturing processes

Strategic Change

1. Customer demand - plan to use green stamp certification

2. More sustainable or green manufacturing process

Product Change
1. Use less petrochemicals could be considered a new
product line
2. New products or services are normally meant to increase
market share or develop new markets or customers
3. Increase market share.
4. Customer demand the target market is roughly the same
but the target has moved with the customer demand for
greener products
Organizational Size
(1) The ratio of managers to employees allowed for
centralized decision-making

(2) Vertical structure required top-down buy-in

(3) Influence among employees Interdependence: culture, and

goals and strategies
Goals & Strategy
1. Goal: to develop a line of sunglasses with sustainable
materials and to retain the 30% share of business from

2. Strategy: use of a cross-functional task force; input from

across managers Interdependence: culture, and
1. Ability of competitors to adapt
2. Ability of Spectrum to develop new supplier relationships
for the acquisition of raw materials
3. Adoption of new technology for production changes
Interdependence: goals and strategies, technology, and
1. Implementation of new production processes
2. Adoption of quality control and quality assurance
renewed Six Sigma certification
3. Training of employees Interdependence: goals and
strategies, environment, and culture
1. Required adoption of shift in culture
2. Influence the mindset of resisters to change
3. Build new alliances through spheres of influence
Interdependence: goals and strategies, and environment

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