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Prepared by:
Merry Jane P. Mirafuentes
Progressive philosophy was based on an
optimistic view of human nature.
Progressive schools avoided the
regimentation that characterized most
schools of the era.
Francis Parker and John Dewey
Purpose of Education

The curriculum of progressivism is

known to integrate several subjects but
not reflect universal truths, a
particular body of knowledge, or a set of
prescribed core courses.

( Ivy Vinson)
The purpose of
education is to enhance
individual effectiveness in
society and give learners
practical knowledge and
problem-solving skills
Training Guidelines,FITT Principles
demonstrates understanding of guidelines and
principles in exercise program design to achieve
personal fitness
designs an individualized exercise program to
achieve personal fitness
undertakes physical activity and physical fitness
A. The main principle is that humans are
social animals who learn best in real-time
It gives direction to what we do.
Represents learners never-ending struggle
to see and understand the universe in
some coherent, systematic and meaningful
way. And they can be able to perform the
particular activity in school and community.
B. Strong emphasis on problem-
based learning to develop solving
and analysis skills
Since the Philosophy represents the
ultimate principles, inferences, and
presuppositions that determine our
thinking and action, we should continually
re-examine the bases for what we believe
and do in this Activity.
C. Instructors should focus on
providing students with the
necessary skills and knowledge to
survive and to succeed in our
competitive society
Since our philosophy of physical
education is eclectic or selective, we try to
choose what is best for our guidance from
many sources. And will enhance
individual effectiveness in society.

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