Lesson 3 What Are Emotions

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Lesson 3

What are emotions

What is emotion

Referred to as e motion energy in motion.

Referring to the shifting energy within the body. This shift
in energy is a signal to the brain.
Once the brain receives this cue, it is able to interpret the
emotion into feeling and start to prepare the body for
Emotions Defined

Emotions are..

A physiological experience which manifests itself in neuro-

muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, and hormonal changes
including modifications in thought and behavior
Emotions come from within and are the brains interpretation of the internal state
Feelings stem form your emotion and become real through your minds awareness
The degree of awareness of your feelings varies depending on how in tune you
are with your body.
Emotions have a physical component and affects our thoughts
Emotions are a major part of your personal experience.
Discuss the ones that you identify from Exhibit 1.1.
The Emotional System

It is a feeling state.
Since feelings are important sources of information, then
accurately identifying a feeling is calming.
Identification frees you from emotional reactivity.
What is an Emotion?

1. Theres a physiological and physical process.

Ex: flight - fight reaction

2. Emotions give you the impulse to act.

Primary Emotions

Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
Anger is red hot in the
present and signals danger
and an attempt to stop or
start something.
While anger tied to the past,
becomes resentment.
Anger tied to the future
becomes envy or jealousy.
Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
Fear is yellow and signals potential danger and the need for
caution in the present.
Traumatic memories from the past make you afraid in the
Fear in the future becomes worry, stress, or panic.
Temporal Theory
of Primary Emotions
Sadness is a blue, empty feeling and signals a physical or
psychological loss in the present.
Sadness tied to the past becomes regret, remorse, or guilt.
Sadness tied to the future becomes pessimism and
8 Basic Emotions

Joy Sadness
Acceptance Disgust
Fear Anger
Surprise Anticipation
Sadness Joy
Disgust Acceptance
Anger Fear
Anticipation Surprise


Emotional Intelligence is blending thinking and feeling to make

the best decisions. It allows you to:

be aware of your thoughts and emotions

have control over your thoughts and emotions

have control over your relationships with other people

EQ Outcomes

Someone who is emotionally intelligent will:

earn higher grades
make healthier choices / avoid risk behaviors
have stronger friendships
stay in school
have improved health, happiness and life success


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