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Organic Farming +

Tamara Davidson
History of Organic Farming
Sir Albert Howard-Wrote An Agricultural Testament & The Soil + Health: A Study of Organic
Rudolf Steiner-Biodynamics
J.I. Rodale-Wrote How to Grow Vegetables + Fruits by the Organic Method
Rachel Carson- Wrote Silent Spring
brought awareness to pesticides & their damage to the environment

Alan Chadwick-Student Garden Project

Transformed hundreds into organic farmers.

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New York, New York: Oxford University Press;
Organic Certification Process
1. Organic practices adopted by farm, USDA accredited certifying agent selected, fees
+ application submitted to certifying agent

2. Application reviewed by certifying agent

3. On-site inspection by an inspector

4. Application + inspectors report reviewed

5. Organic certificate issued by certifying agent
Organic Labeling

Produced without genetic

Supervised by USDA National
engineering, ionizing radiation, Produced using only allowed
Organic Program authorized
sewage sludge, or other substances
certifying agent
excluded methods
Positive Aspects of Organic Farming

Organic Food Soil Enrichment

Improves quality + taste Cover crops
Higher level of antioxidants + Compost
other nutrients Nitrogen, phosphorus, + potassium
Keeps longer Reduce soil erosion
Suppress soil borne diseases

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New
York, New York: Oxford University Press; 2008
Positive Aspects Organic Farming

Cleaner Environment Organic Pest Control

Fewer synthetic pesticides + Crop diversity
Beneficial insects, birds, +
Less land + water contamination mammal predators
Farm workers health benefits Plant borders with flowering
Owl boxes

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New York, New York:
Oxford University Press; 2008
Positive Aspects of
Organic Farming
Direct Market to Consumers
Farmers Market
Farm Stands
Low cost to consumer

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New York, New York:
Oxford University Press; 2008
Negative aspects to Organic Farming

Less productivity
Not as resistant to heat and lack of water
Weed and pest control
Time consuming
Higher cost in supermarkets

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New
York, New York: Oxford University Press; 2008
Mainstream Organic Farming
Expand organic farm
Reduce soil erosion and pesticide use
Spare wildlife
Dilute meaning of organic farming

Ronald P, Adamchak R. Tomorrows Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food. New York, New York: Oxford
University Press; 2008
1. Are there any farmers markets, food stands, or
CSAs in your community? If so what days, times,
and products do they have available? Any organic

1. Are all organic products pesticide free?

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