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Applied Physics (PHN-004)


Arup Samanta
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, IIT Roorkee,
Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Phone: 91-01332-286678
Problems (Recap)

Drinking Water
Medical Science
Control of Pollution
Waste Management
High Speed Computer
Precise Standardization of Measurement Unit
S. No. Particulars Contact Hours
1 Atomic Physics and Spectra
Types of Spectra, sources and detection. Spectra of one and two electron systems,
Electron Angular Momentum, Space Quantization, Electron Spin and Spin Angular 8
Momentum, Larmors Theorem, Spin Magnetic Moment. Stern-Gerlach Experiment.
spin-orbit interaction energy, Electron Magnetic Moment and Magnetic Energy,
Zeeman and Stark Effect.

2 Photovoltaic Cell: Solar Energy Spectrum, Photovoltaic Device Principle, p-n 7

junction photovoltaic I-V characteristics, Series resistance and equivalent circuit,
Temperature effects, Solar Cell Materials, devices and efficiencies.

3 Light Emitting Diode: Semiconductor concepts and energy bands, Direct and
indirect bandgap semiconductors, E-k diagram, p-n junction principle, p-n junction
band diagram, LED: Principles and device structures, LED materials, Heterojunction 7
high intensity LEDs, LED characteristics.

4 Superconductors: Characteristic properties of superconducting materials: Zero

resistance, Meissner effect, critical magnetic field, critical current density, London
equation, Type-I and Type-II superconductors, isotope effect, flux quantization, Heat 10
capacity, Thermal conductivity, Concept of energy gap, penetration depth, coherence
length and Cooper pairs; Current carrying property of type-II superconductors. Large
scale and high current applications of superconductors

5 Nanomaterials: Classification of functional nanomaterials, Historical development.

Size & Scale, units, Scaling Laws, Nanoscale Phenomena; Size dependence of
properties, Phenomena and Properties at nanoscale, Mechanical, Optical, Electrical 10
Transport, Magnetic properties.
Fabrication techniques: Sol-Gels. Langmuir-Blodgett thin films, Nanolithography,
Fullerenes Carbon Nanotubes, Nano-composites, Applications of Nanomaterials,
Energy Storage and fuel cells.
Origin Quantum Theory
Blackbody Radiation?

Stefans Law (1879)

R= 4

e 1

= 5.67 10-8 Wm-2K-4
For Blackbody Boltzmann proof that e=1

Stefan-Boltzmann Law (1884)
Origin Quantum Theory (Wiens Displacement law)

Total power emitted per unit area from the Blackbody

Where R()d is the power emitted per unit area at the wavelengths between and +d

Wiens Displacement law (1893)

If ()d is the energy density per unit area at the wavelengths between and +d

From General thermodynamical argument, Wiens showed that (1893)

Wiens law (1893)

Origin Quantum Theory (Rayleigh-Jeans Formula)
Rayleigh and Jeans derived a () (hence f(T)), in the following way:

Number of standing EM waves (Modes) per unit volume within a cavity, with
wavelength interval to + = 8d/ 4

Energy density = Where = average energy in the

mode with wavelength


can be estimated form Boltzmann distribution function as


= Boltzmann constant
Origin Quantum Theory (Rayleigh-Jeans Formula)

Total energy per unit volume is

Origin Quantum Theory (Plank Formula)

No Solution form Classical Physics

In December 1900, Max Plank came with a revolutionary hypothesis

Frequency () of a Oscillator can not be take as arbitrary values between zero
and infinity

Rather, it should be discrete values n0 , where n= positive integer

50 5
40 4
30 3
20 2
0 1
0 0
Origin Quantum Theory (Planks Law)

Energy density =

To satisfy Wiens law, 0 must be proportional to

where, h a fundamental physical constant, called Plancks Constant


Origin Quantum Theory (Planks Law)


Origin Quantum Theory (Planks Law)
Wiens Displacement law from Planks Law

Denominator Z= 5 (exp(hc/T)-1)

at = m , Z should be minimum

= =

= =

Origin Quantum Theory (Planks Law)
Wiens Displacement law from Planks Law

= , =

Transcendental equation: cannot be solved analytically

Can be solved by graphical method

y= y=

= .

= = . =b

Origin Quantum Theory (Planks Law)
Stefan-Boltzmann law from Planks Law

=0 = 0

, =

= 0

= { + + + . . }
0 0

= 0 =

! !
Since 0 = +
and =

= = =

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