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Kalpa sthana

Madanakalpa adyaya no 1
Importance and Specialty of


Virechana/ Shodana

Mode of action of
vamana /virechana dravyas



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Vamana/ Virechana dravyas

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Yogas are innumerable
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Endowed qualities


Jangala desha laxana
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Anoopa desha laxana
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Sadarana desha laxana

Selection of drugs

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Branches, leaves in Mar Aug ( varsha- vasanta)
Roots in may- June ( Greshma )
Tender Leaves Jan- Feb ( Shisira )
Bark , Tuber Latex in Sep Oct ( Sharad )
Heartwood in Nov Dec ( Hemanta )
Flowers & fruits acc to season
How to collect

Method of Preservation

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Anupana acc to Dosha

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Srestata of Madanaphala
Of all the emetic drugs, madana fruits are
regarded as the best ones because they are
free from complications
Processing of Madanaphala

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The patient, the subject of emesis, having been
administered with unction and sudation for two
or three days, should be fed on meat soup of
domestic, marshy and aquatic animals, milk, curd,
black gram, sesamum, vegetable etc. in the
previous night to excite kapha.
Next day when the previous food is digested, in
the forenoon, after performing offering,
oblations, auspicious and expiatory rites, he
should take a dose of ghee along with gruel on
empty stomach which may not uncted too much.

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Imp of Madhu & Saindava

9 Prepartions

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8 Matra yogas


5 ksheera yoga
1. Madanaphala sidda Dugda in Adoga
2. Yavagu from Madanadugda and Hrut daha
3. Cream of the curd
4. Cream of milk
5. Butter boiled with madana , processed with
the paste and the decoction of madanaphala
Greya / Nasya yoga


Phanitha & Churna


Varti yogas

Avaleha yogas
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Utkarika & Modaka
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Shaskuli & Poopa

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Shaskuli & Poopa

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Raaga Shadava

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