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Do it with

electrons !
TEM - transmission electron microscopy
Typical accel. volt. = 100-400 kV
(some instruments - 1-3 MV)

Spread broad probe across

specimen - form image from
transmitted electrons

Diffraction data can be obtained

from image area

Many image types possible (BF, DF,

HR, ...) - use aperture to select
signal sources

Main limitation on resolution -

aberrations in main imaging lens

Basis for magnification - strength

of post- specimen lenses
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Instrument components

Electron gun (described previously)

Condenser system (lenses &

apertures for controlling
illumination on specimen)

Specimen chamber assembly

Objective lens system (image-

forming lens - limits resolution;
aperture - controls imaging

Projector lens system (magnifies

image or diffraction pattern onto
final screen)
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Instrument components

Electron gun (described previously)

Condenser system (lenses &

apertures for controlling
illumination on specimen)

Specimen chamber assembly

Objective lens system (image-

forming lens - limits resolution;
aperture - controls imaging

Projector lens system (magnifies

image or diffraction pattern onto
final screen)
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Matrix - '-Ni2AlTi
Precipitates - twinned L12 type '-Ni3Al
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Precipitation in an
Al-Cu alloy
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


dislocations SiO2 precipitate

in superalloy particle in Si
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


lamellar Cr2N
precipitates in
stainless steel

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Specimen preparation

films as is, if thin enough
slices ultramicrotomy
powders, fragments crush and/or disperse on carbon film

3 mm diam. disk
very thin (<0.1 - 1 micron - depends on material, voltage)
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Specimen preparation

3 mm diam. disk
very thin (<0.1 - 1 micron - depends on material, voltage)

mechanical thinning (grind)

chemical thinning (etch)
ion milling (sputter)

examine region
around perforation
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Use Bragg's law - = 2d sin

But much smaller

(0.0251 at 200kV)

if d = 2.5, = 0.288
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


2 sin 2 = R/L
= 2d sin d (2)

R/L = /d

Rd = L

image plane
L is "camera length"

L is "camera constant"
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Get pattern of spots around transmitted beam from one grain (crystal)
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Symmetry of diffraction pattern reflects

symmetry of crystal around beam direction

6-fold in hexagonal, 3-fold in cubic

[111] in cubic [001] in hexagonal

Why does 3-fold diffraction pattern look hexagonal?

TEM - transmission electron microscopy
P cubic reciprocal lattice
layers along [111] direction
Note: all diffraction
patterns are
even if crystal structure l = +1 level
is not centrosymmetric
(Friedel's law)

Some 0-level patterns 0-level

thus exhibit higher
rotational symmetry than
structure has

l = -1 level
TEM - transmission electron microscopy


Cr23C6 - F cubic Ni2AlTi - P cubic

a = 10.659 a = 2.92
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Diffraction - Ewald construction

Remember crystallite size?

when size is small, x-ray reflection is broad

To show this using Ewald construction, reciprocal lattice points

must have a size
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Diffraction - Ewald construction

Many TEM specimens are thin in one direction - thus, reciprocal

lattice points elongated in one direction to rods - "relrods"

Also, very small, 1/ very large

Only zero level in

position to reflect
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns

Measure R-values for at least 3 reflections

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns

Index other reflections by vector sums, differences

Next find zone axis from cross product of any two (hkl)s

(202) x (220) > [444] > [111]

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns

Find crystal system, lattice parameters, index pattern, find zone axis

ACTF!!! Note symmetry - if cubic, what

direction has this symmetry (mm2)?

Reciprocal lattice unit cell

for cubic lattice is a cube
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Why index?

Detect epitaxy
Orientation relationships at grain boundaries
Orientation relationships between matrix & precipitates
Determine directions of rapid growth
Other reasons
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Polycrystalline regions

polycrystalline BaTiO3
spotty Debye rings
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns - polycrystalline regions

Same as X-rays smallest ring - lowest - largest d

Hafnium ()
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Indexing electron diffraction patterns - comments

Helps to have some idea what phases present

d-values not as precise as those from X-ray data

Systematic absences for lattice centering and

other translational symmetry same as for X-rays

Intensity information difficult to interpret

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Sources of contrast

Diffraction contrast - some grains diffract more strongly than

others; defects may affect diffraction

Mass-thickness contrast - absorption/

scattering. Thicker areas or mat'ls w/
higher Z are dark
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Bright field imaging

Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks

diffracted beams

Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the

main beam by diffraction
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Bright field imaging

Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks

diffracted beams

Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the

main beam by diffraction
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Bright field imaging

Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks

diffracted beams

Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the

main beam by diffraction
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Bright field imaging

Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks

diffracted beams

Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the

main beam by diffraction
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

What else is in the image?

Many artifacts

surface films
local contamination
differential thinning

Also get changes in image because of

annealing due to heating by beam
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Dark field imaging

Instead of main
beam, use a
diffracted beam

Move aperture to
diffracted beam
or tilt incident
TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Dark field imaging

Instead of main beam, use a diffracted beam

Move aperture to diffracted beam or tilt incident beam

strain field contrast

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Dark field imaging

Instead of main beam, use a diffracted beam

Move aperture to diffracted beam or tilt incident beam

TEM - transmission electron microscopy

Lattice imaging

Use many diffracted beams

Slightly off-focus

Need very thin specimen region

Need precise specimen alignment

See channels through foil

Channels may be light or dark in image

Usually do image simulation to

determine features of structure

TEM - transmission electron microscopy


M23X6 (figure at top


L21 type '-Ni2AlTi

(figure at top center).

L12 type twinned '-

Ni3Al (figure at bottom

L10 type twinned NiAl

martensite (figure at
bottom right).

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