The Marks of A Mature Person

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The Marks of a Mature Person

"Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of

many kinds, because you know the testing of your
faith develops perseverance and perseverance
must finish its work so that you may be mature
and complete not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

The number one cause

of problems in marriage
One of the number one
cause of problems in the

The number one cause

of problems in the body
of Christ
“Let us go on to maturity”
Heb 6.1
One of the Purposes of the Church



Maturity is NOT
• Necessary related to AGE
• Appearance
• Achievements
• Education level
In the Bible:

Maturity = ATTITUDE

It’s all related to your character

“Character is what you are in the dark”
Recognition is what people say about you.
Character is what God says about you
How do you measure it?

Not by comparing yourself with

other people, but measuring
yourself against the Word of God
The 5 Marks of Maturity in the
book of James
• "Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of
many kinds, because you know the testing of
your faith develops perseverance and
perseverance must finish its work so that you
may be mature and complete not lacking
anything." James 1:2-4

1 – A Mature Person is Positive

Under Pressure
“I’ve come that you might have life”

- To follow Jesus is not a religion, it’s a life

- Problems are part of life
- To solve problems with the right attitude is
what maturity means
• “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,
because when he has stood the test, he will
receive the crown of life that God has promised
to those who love him.”
James 1:12
"If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture,
`Love your neighbour as yourself' you are
doing right." James 2:8

2 – A Mature Person is
Sensitive to People
"We all stumble in many ways. If anyone
is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect
man, able to keep his whole body in check."
James 3:2

3 – A Mature Person has

Mastered his Mouth
"Do not let any negative talk come out
of your mouth but only what is helpful
for building up others according to their
Ephesians 4:29
"If anyone considers himself religious and
yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue,
he deceives himself and his religion is
James 1:26
"What causes fights and quarrels among you?
Don't they come from your desires that battle
within you?“
James 4:1

4 – A Mature Person is a Peacemaker

and not a Troublemaker
The Sources of Conflict

“You want something…you don’t get it…you

quarrel and fight …you ask it to God with
wrong motives, to spend what you get on
your pleasures.”
From James 4:2,3
The Sources of Conflict
“Pride leads to conflict”
Proverbs 13:10

I felt offended or
threatened and it
Pride guarantees
hurts my pride
All conflict is fed by conflict at home,
ego, pride work, school,
I’m wrong but I won’t church, etc.
admit it
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is
first of all pure; then peace-loving,
considerate, submissive, full of mercy and
good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a
harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:17
"Be patient then, brothers, until the Lord's
coming... As you know, we consider blessed
those who persevere.“ … "The prayer of a
righteous man is powerful and effective."
James 5:7,11, 16

5 – A Mature Person is a Patient and

to be able to prayerfully wait the right time.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for
1 Peter 5:7
A Mature Person is
Positive under
A Mature Person is
Sensitive to People
A Mature Person
has mastered his
A Mature Person is
a Peacemaker and
not a Troublemaker
A Mature Person is
a Patient and

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