Self Discipline

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Getting to know our Shape

His ever expanding, peaceful

government will never end.
Isa 9:7
Self Control

"All athletes practice

strict self-control. They
do it to win a prize that
will fade away, but we
do it for an eternal
1 Corinthians 9:25 (NLT)
Self Control:

To choose what IS good,

and not just what FEELS good.
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
"A man without self-control is as
defenseless as a city with broken
down walls."
Prov. 25:28 (LB)
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
• My words
"He who guards his lips guards his
life, but he who speaks rashly will
come to ruin”
Prov. 13:3
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
• My words
• My reactions
"If you are sensible, you will control
your temper. When someone wrongs
you, it's a great virtue to ignore it."
Prov. 19:11 (GN)
"It's better to be patient than it is to
be powerful."
Prov. 16:32
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
• My words
• My reactions
• My schedule
"Live life with a due sense of
responsibility... make the best use of
your time..."
Eph 5:15-16 (Ph)
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
• My words
• My reactions
• My schedule
• My money
"The wise man saves for the future,
but the foolish man spends whatever
he gets."
Prov 21:20 (LB)
Areas of Self Control:
• My moods
• My words
• My reactions
• My schedule
• My money
• My health
"Each of you should learn to control
his own body, keeping it pure and
treating it with respect..."
1 Thes 4:4
"If you're given to gluttony, put a
knife to your throat."
Prov. 23:2 (NIV)
The Fact:

Anyone can have self-control

for some time
The Question:

How can self-control last?

"I do not understand what I do: for I
don't do what I would like to, but
instead I do what I hate! For even
though the desire to do good is in me,
I am not able to do it."
Rom. 7:15,18 (GN)
Self Discipline
• Is the result of a decision
"A wise man thinks ahead; a fool
Proverbs 13:16
“He will see what the suffering of His soul
brings, and will be pleased. By what He
knows, the One Who is right and good, My
Servant, will carry the punishment of many
and He will carry their sins.”
Isa 53:11 (NLV)
Self Discipline
• Is the result of a decision
• Is a work of partnership
“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous
right hand.”
Isa 41:10 (NLT)
"God has not given us the spirit of
fear, but the spirit of power and of
love and of self- discipline (self-
2 Timothy 1:7
"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13
Self Discipline
• Is the result of a decision
• Is a work of partnership
• Is sustained by relationships
"Two are better than one... because if
one falls down, the other can help
him up. Two can resist an attack that
would defeat one man alone."
Ecc. 4:9-10, 12 (GN)
“Do not be deceived: "Evil company
corrupts good habits.“”
1 Cor. 15:33 (NKJV)
“The end of all things is near.
Therefore be clear minded and self-
controlled so that you can pray.”
1 Peter 4:7 (NLT)

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