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Restoring Your Passion For

Making a Difference in
our World - part 3
“Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind and with all your
strength. [And] Love your neighbor
as yourself. There’s no greater
commandment than these.”
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
“You have forsaken your first love.
Remember the height from which
you’ve fallen! Repent and do the
things you did at first.”
Rev. 2:4,5 (NIV)
"For this reason a man will leave his
father and mother and be united to
his wife, and the two will become one
flesh.“ This is a profound mystery-but
I am talking about Christ and the
Eph. 5:31 (NIV)
7 Passion Killers

1 – An unclear purpose
“I have labored to no purpose; I
have spent my strength in vain
and for nothing”
Isa 49:4 (NIV)
Planning God’s Plans

Nehemiah 1 & 2
Planning God’s Plan
1. Nehemiah observed the needs around
2. He believed he was the one to fix it
3. He prayed for God’s favour
4. He took action!
5. When obstacles came,
he didn’t give up, but persevered
God’s Plans, My Plans or Our
• “I had not told anyone about the plans
God had put in my heart…” 2:12
• “For I had not yet said anything to
anyone about my plans.” 2:16
• But when …[they] heard of our plan…”
7 Passion Killers

2 – An unemployed talent
“Each one should live His life
with the gifts that the Lord has
given him…”
1 Cor. 7:17 (Ph)
7 Passion Killers

3 – An unbalanced schedule
“Take the time and the trouble to
keep yourself spiritually fit.”
1 Timothy 4:7 (Ph)
7 Passion Killers

4 – An unconfessed sin
“My guilt has overwhelmed me
like a burden too heavy to bear…
I am bowed down and brought
Psalm 38:4,6 (NIV)
7 Passion Killers

5 – An unresolved conflict
3 killing emotions:
• Resentment
• Jealousy
• Prolonged anger
“Resentment destroys the fool,
and jealousy kills the simple.”
Job 5:2 (NLT)

“You are only hurting yourself

with your anger.”
Job 18:4 (GN)
7 Passion Killers

6 – An unsupported lifestyle
“Two are better than one,
because… if one falls down, his
friend can help him up. But pity
the man who falls and has no one
to help him up!”
Eccl 4:9,10 (NIV)
7 Passion Killers

7 – An undernourished spirit
“Just as you trusted Christ to
save you, trust Him, too, for each
day’s problems; live in vital
union with Him. Let your roots
grow down into Him and draw up
nourishment from Him. See that
you go on growing in the Lord,
and become strong and
Col. 2:6,7 (LB)
“You must worship only the
Lord, for He is a God who is
passionate about His relationship
with you.”
EX. 34:14 (NLT)
You're not cold, you're not hot-
far better to be either cold or hot!
You're stale. You're stagnant.
You make me want to vomit.
Rev. 3:15 (Msg)

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