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Colloquial or

Informal Language
It refers to the level of language used in
everyday speech. This presents a
neutral tone, not so much informal or
formal. This is the level used in
ordinary conversations. This is the
level in speaking with classmates,
teachers, visitors, etc.
It is a level of language that reflects the
close relationship of the people speaking.
This intimacy is observed in the use of
details and personal references in
speech. The authority that a speaker
may have on others may also be
observed in familiar language. This is a
level used when speaking with people
who are closed to us.
Formal Informal or Colloquial
apologize say sorry
increase go up
decrease go down
examine look at
discover Find out
Postpone/ delay Put off
represent Stand for
indicate Point out
contact Get in touch with
Formal Informal or Colloquial
required Need to
consider Think about
handle Deal with
demonstrate Show
release Free
permit let
substitute Fill in
nevertheless anyways
however but
Formal Informal or Colloquial
Therefore/ Thus So
As soon as possible ASAP
acceptable Okay/ OK/ all right
definitely Really/very
television T.V.
photograph Photo
children Kids
negative Bad
positive good
Formal Informal or Colloquial
correct right
incorrect Wrong
intelligent smart
inexpensive Cheap
rich loaded
inform Tell
Numerous/ many A lot of
receive get
select choose

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