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Source : Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (6th Edition) by Douglas C. Montgomery

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Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a powerful collection of problem-solving tools
useful in achieving process stability and improving capability through the reduction
of variability.
Its seven major tools are :
1. Histogram or stem-and-leaf plot
2. Check sheet
3. Pareto chart
4. Cause-and-effect diagram
5. Defect concentration diagram
6. Scatter diagram
7. Control chart
These tools, often called the magnificent seven. The concept was evolved by Walter
A. Shewhart of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, in 1920.

State at Page 180

Definition of Control Chart

Of the seven tools, the Shewhart control chart is probably the most technically
sophisticated. Certainly is not new, but its use in modern-day business and
industry is of tremendous value.

It may not be possible to completely eliminate variability, but the control chart is
an effective tool in reducing variability as much as possible. The control chart is an
on-line process-monitoring technique widely used for this purpose.

State at Page 180-181

Control charts are among the most important management control tools;
they are as important as cost controls and material controls. Techniques
such as control charts can be used to monitor the process output and detect
when changes in the inputs are required to bring the process back to an in
control state.

Control charts also used in the control step of DMAIC (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, and Control); many process control plans involve control
charts on critical process metrics.

Modern computer technology has made it easy to implement control charts

in any type of process, as data collection and analysis can be performed on
a microcomputer or a local area network terminal in real-time, on-line at
the work center.

State at Page 15, 29, 54

Statistical Basis of The Control Chart

Figure 5.2 a typical control chart

The control chart is a graphical display of a quality characteristic that has been
measured or computed from a sample versus the sample number or time.
The chart contains a center line that represents the average value of the
quality characteristic corresponding to the in-control state (that is, only chance
causes are present). Two other horizontal lines, called the upper control limit
(UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL), are also shown on the chart.

State at Page 182

5 Reasons of Control Chart Popularity
1. Control charts are a proven technique for improving productivity.
A successful control chart program will reduce scrap and rework, which are
the primary productivity killers in any operation. If you reduce scrap and
rework, then productivity increases, cost decreases, and production capacity
(measured in the number of good parts per hour) increases.

2. Control charts are effective in defect prevention.

The control chart helps keep the process in control, which is consistent with the do
it right the first time philosophy. It is never cheaper to sort out good units from
bad units later on than it is to build it right initially.

3. Control charts prevent unnecessary process adjustment.

A control chart can distinguish between background noise and abnormal variation;
no other device including a human operator is as effective in making this
distinction. In other words, the control chart is consistent with the if it isnt
broken, dont fix it philosophy.
4. Control charts provide diagnostic information.
Frequently, the pattern of points on the control chart will contain information
of diagnostic value to an experienced operator or engineer. This information
allows the implementation of a change in the process that improves its

5. Control charts provide information about process capability.

The control chart provides information about the value of important process
parameters and their stability over time. This allows an estimate of process
capability to be made. This information is of tremendous use to product and
process designers.

State at Page 189


Control Chart :
1. Helps reduce variability
2. Monitors performance over time
3. Allows process corrections to prevent rejections
4. Trends and out-of-control conditions are immediately detected

State at Page 738

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