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There are many factors that cause air pollution.

burning of rubbish can cause air pollution. Besides that,
gas fumes from cars and smoke from factory chimneys are
causing air pollution too.

Factories throw the rubbish and poisonous

chemicals on the land can cause land pollution. Besides
that, farmers use excessive pesticides and fertilizers is
another factor that causes land pollution.

Water pollution occurs when factories release toxic

waste into the rivers ad seas. Another factors that causes
water pollutions is that the people throw rubbish into the
rivers and seas.
Air pollution happens when factories and vehicles release
fumes into the air. Besides that, open burning of rubbish
also causes air pollution. We will find it difficult to breathe.
When we breathe in the polluted air we may fall sick.

Land pollution occurs when farmers use too much

pesticides and fertilizers on their crops. The rain water
carries the chemicals substance to the land. This may
cause the land to become infertile and the crops may not
grow well.

Water pollution happens when factories dump

chemicals and toxic waste into rivers and seas. Animals
that live in the polluted rivers will die. Many people pollute
the rivers and seas because they throw rubbish into them.
Many sea creatures such as fishes and turtle die after
eating the rubbish.

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