1 Woundhealing

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God heals, and the doctor
takes the fees

Benjamin Franklin(American Statesman, scientist, Philosopher)

Cutaneous Wound Healing

1. By Primary Intention

2. By Secondary Intention

3. By Tertiary Intention
Secondary Union differs from
Primary Union by:

Larger clot or scab rich in fibrin or fibronectin

More intense inflammation

Much larger amounts of granulation tissue formed

Involves wound contraction

Phases of Healing

Inflammatory (Reactive)
Haemostasis Inflammation

Proliferative (Regenerative/Reparative)
Epithelial migration proliferation Maturation

Maturational (Remodeling)
Contraction scarring Remodeling
Process of Healing

The phases of wound healing are:

Inflammatory phase

Proliferation phase

Maturation phase
Inflamatory Phase

1.Immediate to 2-5 days.

2.Bleeding stops(haemostasis)
Constriction of blood supply.
Platelets start to clot .
Formation of a scab.
Opening of the blood supply
Cleansing of wound.
It is at this stage that the characteristic signs of inflammation
can be seen; erythema, heat, oedema, pain and functional
Proliferative phase

1.5 days to 3 weeks

New collagen tissue is laid down.
New capillaries fills in defect.
Wound edges pull together.
Cells cross over the moist surface.
Cell travel about 3 cm from point of orgion.
Maturatin phase
1.Collagen forms which incrases
tensile strength to wound healing.
2.Scar tissue is only 80% as stong
original tissue.
3. 3 weeks to 2 years.
Factors affecting Wound Healing
Nutrition ( proteins, vit.C, vit.A, Zn, Fe)
Steroids(after 4-5 days)
Mechanical factors
(a) Increased pressure/torsion)
(b) Ischemia
Advanced age
Radiation (after 4-5 days).
Diabetes Mellitus
Growth Factors in Wound Healing

Increase size of cells

Increase number of cells

Inhibit apoptosis

Pleiotropic effects i.e initiate cell proliferation, migration,

differentiation, contractility, enhance synthesis of specialized
proteins eg. Collagen in fibroblasts

Natural dressing
Honey-impregnated dressing
Chronic unhealing wounds.
Impregnated into a compress of
EVA (ethylenevinylacetate) mesh
Honey cleans the wound without
disturbing it
Removing the dressing causes no
no known side effects

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