Case Study CVAS Outdoor Clinic (Surgery) : Hernia

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Case Study

CVAS Outdoor Clinic (surgery)

Submitted to: Madam Farha
Submitted by: Mazhar Abbas
DVM (Evening)
It is the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an opening
(caused by a tear in the abdominal wall or diaphragm or may in
natural opening like inguinal or femoral canal )
A case of buff calf with the age of about 3-4 months was
brought at CVAS outdoor clinic.
With the suspect of umblical hernia.
Predisposing causes
(1) imperfect closure of an embryonic defect (umbilical hernia &
diaphragmatic hernia )
( 2) weakness of abdominal wall
Exciting causes
1 increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to straining of
constipation , diarrhea parturition , violent coughing , gastric or
intestinal tympany ,direct violence due to falling on blunt object
Parts of Hernia
Hernial ring : through which the contents have migrated
Hernial sac : it enclose the hernial contents
it has 3 parts
1 - neck ( close to the hernial ring )
2 - body
3 - fundus (lowest part of sac )
Hernial contents
It may includes abdominal organs like .
uterus etc
External : ( protrude through abdominal and come close to the
skin )
Internal : ( move from one body cavity to other body cavity )
interstitial : contents situated between abdominal muscles
Classification (location )
Umbilical hernia
inguinal hernia
scrotal diaphragmatic hernia
perineal hernia
ventral hernia
femoral hernia etc
It is reduce able by palpating
in umbilical easily reduce if animal in dorsal recombancy and
by nature of its contents , Auscultation will reveal gurgling or
bubonic sound in an enterocele
contents feel doughy in epiplocele while elastic consistency on
Umbilical hernia
A case was brought in our clinic
calf age of 1 year
history : anorexia from 2 days ,reduceable swelling on
umbilical region ,
Shaving & scrubbing
Local anesthesia (lignocane )
Underminig & cutting
Neem oil
Tr. Iodine
inj. Encure daily I/M
Inj Diclostar Daily IM

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