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Personality Matrix

A CAD package named PLEASURE has been

developed at based on graph theoretic
algorithm whose aim is to produce optimal
It may not therefore produce a maximum
folding .
Maximum folding is obtained by the
COMPACT algorithm
Consider the 10 coloumn (A,B,.J) and
16 row(1,216) PLA P1 shown in fig
SSR:Set of subsuming Rows
Two columns of a PLA are said to be
compatible if their SSRs are disjoint.

Two columns of a PLA are said to be

incompatible if their SSRs are joint
Set of compatible columns of PLA
Set of compatible columns of PLA column
Ci.SCC(Ci) is the set of columns of a PLA that
are compatible with the column Ci.
For this PLA
SCC(B)={A E G I J}
SCC(C) ={A,F,G}
SCC(D) ={A,J}
SCC(F)={A,C ,G,I ,J}
SCC(G) ={A,B,C,F,J}
SCC(H) ={I,J}
SCC(J)={A B D F G H}
The number of members in SCC(Ci) will be
called the cardinality of SCC(Ci).
Thus SCC(A)=8
Compatibility Matrix
A square matrix that depicts the compatibility
relation among al pairs of the columns of a
PLA will be called a compatibility matrix(CM)
of a given PLA
In the compatibility matrix every coloumn of a
PLA appears as both a coloumn and a row.
A 1 will be entered into the (i,j) th cell of
the CM if the coloumn Ci and Cj of the PLA are
A 0 will be entered into the (i,j) th cell of
the CM if the coloumn Ci and Cj of the PLA are
CM of the example PLA shown in fig.
For the sake of visual clarity ,0s have not been
Hence a blank cell implies a 0 in it.
Compatibility Matrix
Companion Pair
A column Ci and Raw Rj of the compatibility matrix that satisfy
the following 3 relations will be called a companion pair(CP)of
order m.
W(Ci)m and W(Rj)m.
Ci and Rj are compatible
SSC(Ci)USCC(Rj)2m,Where m is the order of FCM.
These three relations will be referred to as the qualifying
relations for a companion pair.
m3 are B,F,G,I
B and G compatible
Band I compatible
Choose B,I
FCM (Foldable compatibility Matrix)
A reduced compatibility matrix is called a foldable compatible matrix.
It exhibits the following properties.
1. its columns and rows are two disjoint subsets of the set of columns of the
2. it is an m x m matrix where 2m<= n, n being the total number of columns
of the PLA .The FCM is said to have order m.
3. It has the all 1 lower triangle about the leading diagonal
4. The columns of the FCM are the top columns of the folded PLA,
5. The rows of the FCM are the bottom columns of the folded PLA
6. The PLA column denoted by column Ci of the FCM folds with the PLA
column denoted by Row Ri of the FCM .
Foldable Compatibility Matrix
The folding theorom
The 2m columns of an n-column PLA can be
folded (2m n) if and only if an m x m foldable
compatibility matrix can be derived from the
n x n compatibility matrix of the PLA
The ordering of the rows in the folded PLA is
determined by the SSR of the top columns
T1.Tm arranged in that order.

The ordered foldable pairs as given by FCM

are (A,C),(B,E),(F,G),(H,I) and (D,J).
The reordering of rows are as follows
(14)/(1,3)/(2,15)/(5,6)/(10,11)/(remainder of
the rows)
Folded PLA

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