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Windows® Marketplace for Mobile

ISV/ Developer Registration Process Walk Through

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process
1. Go to the developer portal
2. From the home page click on MARKETPLACE to go to the Marketplace page
The developer portal contains helpful information

A. Ability to download the software development kit (SDK)

B. Access to resources to help you develop your application
C. Access to Marketplace resources:
a. Application submission guidelines - provides an overview of the
submission process and guidelines for submitting your application to
Windows Marketplace
b. Application policy guidelines – provides an overview of the types of
B applications that are accepted and prohibited
c. Content Policy Guidelines – provides an overview of the type of
content accepted and prohibited
D. Links to the Developer Programs
a. Microsoft Partner Program
b. Ramp Up
D c. BizSparkTM

3. From the Marketplace page click on to begin the registration process

REGISTER The Marketplace page contains the same general helpful information in
addition to:
A. Highlight of key Windows Marketplace features
B. Link to Windows Marketplace frequently asked questions (FAQs)

2 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process
4. Review what you’ll need to complete the registration process and click CREATE ACCOUNT t o begin creating your account

To Register you will need to:

• Get a Live ID if you don’t have one already
• Sign application provider agreement
• Create profile
• Provide company information (if applicable) – We will need your business
A information (tax ID number, etc.), to establish your vendor account. This
information should come from an authorized officer of the company.
Note: You can also sign up for Windows Marketplace as an individual
• Pay $99 USD annual Subscription fee (with credit card)
A. Terms of the program can be accessed here. These outline the terms for
providing applications.
B. Application submission guidelines are available from this page. These provide
an overview of the submission process and guidelines for submitting your
application to Windows Marketplace.

5. Sign in using your Windows Live ID or, if you don’t have a Windows Live ID click to get one
Sign up
Enter your Windows Live ID credentials

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Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process

6. Read the Application Provider Agreement, accept the terms and click NEXT to begin creating your account

Application Provider Agreement

Read through the agreement. There are links below to the printable
A. Link to the certification vendor agreement: Agreement for the
certification process.
B. Printable version of the Application Provider Agreement:
Contains terms of the relationship between you (the Application
Provider accepting the Agreement) and Microsoft relating to your
use of the Windows Marketplace and the Developer Website.

4 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process
7. Complete the Registration information and click NEXT

Enter the following information in the registration form:

A. Company Info
Enter Company or Individual information in this section
• MSSPID: If you are part of the Microsoft Partner Program, this is your
A Microsoft Partner Program ID.
B. Corporate Contact: This is needed for vetting and assigning the cert. It is
required that it be the corporate officer or someone of authority at the company
who can authorize the user who is getting the publisher certificate. We require
B the email address of this person be different than the registrant. If you are
signing up as an individual/ sole proprietor you will enter your name as the
corporate contact but the email still has to be different from the one with which
you registered.
C Note: The Corporate Contact will receive an email from GeoTrust (vendor
conducting the vetting process), asking him/her to validate that you, as the
registrant, are authorized to submit apps.
C. Company Address
D. US Taxpayer Identification Number
If you are a U.S. Person you need to provide one of the following U.S. Taxpayer
Identification Numbers :
• Social Security Number (SSN) or
Next Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN): 9 numbers in the format of
D 123-45-6789
Next • Employer Identification Number (EIN): 9 numbers in the format of 12-3456789
If you are a non-U.S.-based developer (one who, for federal tax purposes, is not
considered a U.S. person as per W-9 definition provided here:
), you will need to complete the following steps to get paid:
• Get a U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number
• Send the appropriate W-8 form (usually the W-88EN form ) to Microsoft
• Provide your Value-Added Tax (VAT) Identification Number to Microsoft
E. Enter your name exactly as it is written, in the box provided

5 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process

8. Enter your credit card information and click Next

Enter your credit card information here as well as your billing address.
A. Enter credit card information
B. Enter billing address


6 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process

9. Once you’ve entered your credit card information and completed the account creation process you will see a congratulations page

Before you can submit your applications you will need to do the following final two steps:
10. Validate your email address: This is done through an email that Microsoft will send you after you register.

11. Obtain approval from the corporate officer: As part of the vetting process, the Corporate Contact you entered will receive an
email from GeoTrust (vendor conducting the vetting process), asking him/her to validate that you, as the registrant, are
authorized to submit apps. If you are registering as an individual you will have to approve yourself.

12. Complete the vetting process: After the corporate contact has validated your application, you will receive another email from
GeoTrust asking for some documentation. Please follow the instructions in that email and forward GeoTrust the required
documentation. This is a required step to verify your identity and issue you a publisher ID and cert.”

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Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process

Below is the email that your corporate contact will receive from GeoTrust to authorize your request for an account.

Once your corporate contact receives this email, he/she will need to
go to the URL listed in the email to approve your request.

8 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process

Below is the email that you will receive from GeoTrust requesting additional documentation (see next page for documentation
requirements) to confirm your information

Dear Jay
Jay Hamlin,

GeoTrust, isis aa verification
verification and
and authentication
authentication agency
agency employed
employed byby Microsoft
Microsoft toto confirm
confirm the
the accuracy
accuracy of
of the
information youyou provided
provided toto Microsoft
Microsoft during
during your
your enrollment
enrollment for
for aa Microsoft
Microsoft Windows
Windows Marketplace
Marketplace for
Mobile Publisher
Publisher ID. ID. Microsoft
Microsoft requires
requires this
this independent
independent verification
verification in
in order
order to
to issue
issue you
you aa publisher
publisher ID.

In order
order for
for Geotrust
Geotrust to
to confirm
confirm your
your information
information in
in terms
terms of
of Microsoft's
Microsoft's requirements,
requirements, Geotrust
Geotrust must
must receive
the following
following documents
documents fromfrom you.
you. Please
Please fax
fax or
or e-mail
e-mail the
the following
following documents
documents toto the
the contact
contact information
listed below.

In order
order to
to verify
verify your
your identity
identity please
please print
print the
the Notary
Notary Letter
Letter below.
below. Follow
Follow the
the instructions
instructions provided
provided toto
complete the Notarized Confirmation and return the signed Confirmation back to Geotrust by fax
the Notarized Confirmation and return the signed Confirmation back to Geotrust by fax or
or e-mail.

On behalf
behalf of
of your
your Microsoft
Microsoft Windows
Windows Marketplace
Marketplace for
for Mobile
Mobile application,
application, your
your prompt
prompt attention
attention to
to this
this matter
isis greatly appreciated!
greatly appreciated!

IfIf you
you have
have any
any questions,
questions, please
please feel
feel free
free to
to contact
contact us
us via
via live
live chat
chat at

GeoTrust Customer
Customer Support
Fax: 1-650-237-8871

9 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

Windows® Marketplace for Mobile Developer/ ISV Registration Process
Print and complete the below section of the letter and fax or email the completed form to GeoTrust
--------------PLEASE PRINT BELOW-----------------------
A. Make a photocopy of your government
1. All fields in the letter must be filled in completely.
2. This letter must be signed with a handwritten signature by Jay Hamlin . issued ID and place it here (either Driver’s
3. This letter must include a photocopy of a government issued identification for Jay Hamlin.
4. This letter must be notarized by a licensed notary public or equivalent in your country.
License or Passport)
5. Digital signatures or stamped signatures are not acceptable.
6. If an embossed seal was used by the notary, please shade over the raised seal with a pencil before faxing or B. Fill out the ID information in this section
scanning the document.
7. Fax or e-mail the letter back to GeoTrust by Fax: 1-650-237-8871, or Email:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Sign and Date the letter (digital signatures or
stamped signatures are not acceptable)
Order number: 6074735
A D. Have the letter notarized by a licensed
Dear Sirs,
notary public or equivalent in your country
I understand that Geotrust, Inc. received a request to verify certain information for my application to Microsoft
for Jay Hamlin (Individual). Please note: Individuals are not required to
I am the contact listed in the request. This notarized letter serves to confirm my identity as submitted for have the letter notarized
inclusion in my Publisher ID.

******* Place Photocopy ID here *******

I confirm and warrant that this is an unaltered, exact copy of my Drivers License or Passport.

B Print Name: Jay Hamlin (your name will appear here)

ID # _____________________________
Exp. Date: _____________
State of Issuance: __________________
C Signed: __________________________
Date: _____________


D On ____________________ (date), __________________________ (Jay Hamlin ) personally appeared before me and

proved to me on the basis of the presentation of the original government issued identification (a copy of which appears
above), to be the person whose name is subscribed to the instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the
same, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person executed the instrument in my presence and took the
prescribed oath.

Witness my hand and official seal.

Notary Signature _________________________________________

Notary Name (print) _________________________________________
Notary Address _________________________________________
My Commission Expires on: ________________________________________ (when applicable)


NOTE: If the person witnessing this document is not a Notary he/she must be legally recognized in his/her country as
being able to confirm the identity and take oaths of signatories and comply with all the requirements of local law when
witnessing this document.

10 Note: Screenshots are not final; subject to change at anytime

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