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Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of

11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 1
Lecture 3
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Kamal Dyab
Prof. of medical Parasitology
Faculty of Medicine Assuit
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of
11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 2
Definition: This is the invasion of human tissues by
the larval stage of Taenia solium (Cysticercus

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of

11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 3
Mode of infection
Ingestion of raw vegetables or water
contaminated by infected faeces containing eggs
of Taenia solium.
Auto infection:
Internal autoinfection as a result of regurgitation
of eggs released by disintegration of gravid
segment into the stomach due to anti-peristalsis.
External autoinfection as a results of hand to
mouth way.
Infected food handlers may disseminate the eggs
to healthy persons food.
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11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 4
Pathogenesis and sings:
When man is infected with cysticerci, various
clinical signs may occur depending on the location
of the cysts in vital organs, muscles or
subcutaneous tissue.
Most seriously neurocysticercosis may develop
when the cysticerci localize in central nervous
system producing mental disturbances or clinical
signs of epilepsy or intracranial hypertension.
They may also develop in the eye with consequent
loss of vision.
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of
11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 5
Types of cysticercosis
*in muscles.

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11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 6
Pathogenesis and signs :
Cysticerci in the muscles:
Cysticerci in the muscles generally do not cause symptoms.
However, you may be able to feel lumps under your skin.
Cysticerci in the eyes:
Although rare, cysticerci may float in the eye and cause disturbed
vision. Infection in the eyes may cause swelling or detachment of
the retina.
Neurocysticercosis (cysticerci in the brain, spinal cord:)
Symptoms of neurocysticercosis depend upon where and how many
cysticerci (often called lesions) are found in the brain. Seizures and
headaches are the most common symptoms. However, confusion,
lack of attention to people and surroundings,.

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of

11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 7
Subcutaneous cysticercosis

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11/24/2017 Medicine Department of Parasitology 8
Ophthalmic cysticercosis

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Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of

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In musceles:

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of

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Usually post-operative.
X-ray and CAT (computerized axial tomography).
Serology (IHT, IFT. ELISA) by finding the antibody to
cysticerci in cerebrospinal fluid.

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Prof.Dr. Ahmed Dyab Assuit University Faculty of
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1-Surgical removal wherever possible.
2-In man praziquantel and albendazole are considered
to be of some value as possible alternatives to surgery.

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Proper treatment of patients infected with T. solium to
avoid vomiting.
Avoid using human manure as fertilizer.
Personal hygiene and periodic examination of food

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