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Pronunciation Listening

Vocabulary Daily
memory game Riddles

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400


a summary of a person's
work and education

things that must be done

a secret, something you
don't know. In movies we
have to wait to see the
ending to know how
something happened

How other people feel

about something, the
opinion of other people

niece knees

Kass cash catch


cleaned watched -
I didnt say she took
my money.

Read aloud the sentence

with the meaning I am
not the one who said
- Say 3 ways of general
greetings (informal)
Whats up?
Hows it going?
Hows life been treating you?
List 3 expressions to ask
for permission using a
Would you mind if I used your phone?
Can I use your phone?
I wonder if I could use your phone

List some ways to

interrupt someone
Im sorry, but
May I interrupt here?
Do you mind if I say something?
Excuse me
What are some
hesitation strategies ?
Pretend you havent heard (ex:
sorry? pardon?)
Repeat the question
Use delaying noises (Ex: uhm, well,
Use it depends
How much is a family ticket?

What present is Helen
going to buy for her

A beautiful mirror

What time will the

coaches go from the club
car park?


Which class is Sylvia

interested in?

Singing and dance

Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have
six daughters and each
daughter has one brother.
How many people are in
the Mustard family?
What comes once in a
minute, Twice in a moment,
But never in a thousand

The letter "m".

There was a green house. Inside the
green house there was a white house
Inside the white house there was a
red house. Inside the red house there
were lots of babies. What am I?

What 8 - letter word can have a letter
taken away and it still makes a
word. Take another letter away and it still
makes a word. Keep on doing that until
you have one letter left. What is the

The word is starting! starting, staring,

string, sting, sing, sin, in, i.

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