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The Socio-cultural Segment

Workforce Composition: The labor force participation rate of males is higher than those of females for
every age group.
Values, Norms and Beliefs: There are many aspects that build the foundation of the Indonesian beliefs and
values. Most of them are affected by traditional culture passed down from generation to generation. However,
most of all, they are affected by the state ideology of Pancasila.
1. Pluralism and Inclusiveness- Indonesia consists diverse religions, cultures and ethnicity from all kinds
of regions. Pluralism is the concept of accepting this diversity. Indonesia highly upholds the national
motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. It means unity in diversity.
2. Freedom of Beliefs- There are six officiated religion in Indonesia including Islam, Protestantism,
Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. People are free to express their beliefs in a way that they do
not harm any other people.
3. Being Respectful to Live in Harmony- Indonesians highly believe that respect is
an important value to maintain harmony and peace.
4. Communal Work- Communal means gotong royong in Bahasa Indonesia. It is one
of the values that Indonesian believe is important to always remain within society. It
works when a group of people are working together to reach a certain goal. Other than
that, it can also serve the purpose of helping one another.
5.Discussion and Consensus- In Indonesia, discussion and consensus are called
musyawarah and mufakat. The purpose is to come up with a solution for a specific
problem by discussing. Once the people speak out their minds, they can reach a
6. Loyalty to Parents- Family is an important aspect in Indonesia. The people believe
that one should understand how to respect parents from an early age
7. Respecting Elders- Indonesians believe in the concept of respecting the elders. The
elders are seen as wiser and experienced. Thus, the young ones must not display
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity:
Group % of total Population
Javanese 42.65
Sundanese 15.41
Malay 3.45
Madurese 3.37
Batak 3.02
Minangkabau 2.72
Betawi 2.51
Bugis 2.49
Bantenese 2.05
Banjarese 1.74
Shifts in work and career preferences: Indonesian millennials much like
the global millennial cohort select work-life balance as their most desired career
The Technological Segment
Transport system: Indonesia has effective and highly developed transport system
with 139 airports, railways with 8529 km and water ways covering 21579 km.
Communication system: It has interisland microwave system, HF radio police
net and domestic satellite communications system coverage which makes its
communication system better.
Broadcasting technology: If we talk about media sources it has 678AM and 43
FM channels. Similarly it has 54 local TV stations (11 national TV networks; each
with its group of local transmitters)
Infrastructure issues: Indonesias investment climate rank poorly in international
comparisons. The World Banks Doing Business 2007 report ranked Indonesia
135th out of 175 economies on ease of doing business, and IMDs World
Competitiveness Yearbook ranked Indonesia 54th out of 55 countries
The Global Segment
Emerging Global Markets: By 2025, Indonesia will be among six major
emerging economies to account for more than half of all global growth, says a new
World Bank report.

Access to Resources:
Increasing broadband access.
Helping all SMEs to be digital businesses.
Expanding e-payments.
Expanding access to finance.
Expanding e-government services.

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