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Vital signs in Ophthalmology

Visual Acuity
Intra Ocular Pressure
Allignment & Ocular Movement
Visual Field
Visual Acuity

VA = Maximal distance in patient

Normal maximal distance

6/6 or 20/20
Visual normal value
Visual normal value

3. Finger Counting

Incorrect Correct
Visual normal value
2. Waving Hand

Visual normal value
1. Light Perception

Intraocular pressure

Measured by palpation
Varies throughout the day, normal is 10-22 (start to worry
when pressure is in the 30s and up)
Palpation may be useful if you suspect angle closure
glaucoma (never perform in trauma)
Digital IOP examination

Correct X Incorrect X
Pupilary exam
Pupillary exam

Relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) or Marcus Gunn

pupil (has nothing to do with size of pupils but the
comparitive reaction to light)
Detected with swinging flash light test
Indicates unilateral or asymmetric damage to anterior visual
pathways (optic nerve or extensive retinal damage)
Pupillary exam: RAPD
Ocular alignment & motility: corneal
light reflex

Normal or straight

Exotropia (out)

Esotropia (in)
Eye Motility
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