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Verb Be Modal
The Past Tense

The Present Tense is used to express something happens in the past.

a. We went to campus yesterday.
b. She had three books.
c. We were there.
d. The lecturer was sharing.
e. A doctor could ask a patient to take a therapy.
Types of Past Tense Construction

Using verbs
Using BE
Using Modal
Using Verbs (Positive)
Subject Verb 2 Object/Complement
I Studied English
You Slept Well
We went To ULM
They Ate Fried rice
Jack and Ben Walked Together
Jack, Ben and I Had Lunch at the cafeteria
He Bought A snack
She Saw A ghost
Marry Borrowed My books
Bob Spoke Fluently
It Ran Quickly
Cat Caught Mouse
mouse Escaped From cat
Using Verbs (Negative)
Subject Did not + V1 Object/Complement
I Did not Study English
You Did not Sleep Well
We Did not Go To ULM
They Did not Eat Fried rice
Jack and Ben Did not Walk Together
Jack, Ben and I Did not Have Lunch at the cafeteria
He Did not Buy A snack
She Did not See A ghost
Marry Did not Borrow My books
Bob Did not Speak Fluently
It Did not Run Quickly
Cat Did not Catch Mouse
mouse Did not escape From cat
Translate into English!

1. Kami tidak mempelajari jenis-jenis kepribadian tadi pagi.

2. Saya membeli sebuah pulpen baru tadi malam.
3. Ahmad hadir di kelas Bahasa inggris minggu lalu.
4. Mereka tidak membaca pengumuman kemaren.
5. Anita menulis artikel tentang cara mengatasi insomnia.
Using BE without VERB(Positive)
Subject BE Complement
I Was A student
You Were Smart
We Were At campus
They Were Behind the scene
Jack and Ben Were Clever and diligent
Jack, Ben and I Were On the fourth floor
He Was A president candidate
She Was The chair person of this class
Marry Was Furious
Bob Was Calm
It Was Scary
Cat Was An animal
mouse Was disgusting
Using BE without VERB(Negative)
Subject BE Complement
I Was not A student
You Were not Smart
We Were not At campus
They Were not Behind the scene
Jack and Ben Were not Clever and diligent
Jack, Ben and I Were not On the fourth floor
He Was not A president candidate
She Was not The chair person of this class
Marry Was not Furious
Bob Was not Calm
It Was not Scary
Cat Was not An animal
mouse Was not disgusting
Translate into English!

1. John berada di Amuntai tadi malam.

2. Tempat ini dulunya bukan rumah sakit.
3. Pada awalnya, dia adalah seorang dokter yang pemarah.
4. Dua tahun lalu, bangunan ini tidak seperti ini.
5. Tadi malam dia sangat sedih.
Using BE with VERB(Positive)
Subject BE + V ing Complement
I was studying Human anatomy
You were reading Rontgen result
We were writing Final paper
They were singing Happily
Jack and Ben were waiting For the patient
Jack, Ben and I were consulting To the doctor
He was checking His blood pressure
She Was drawing A beautiful scenery
Marry was translating Her own abstract
Bob was walking On the corridor
It was eating Meat
Cat was running Fast
mouse was biting The sandals
Using BE with VERB(Negative)
Subject BE + V ing Complement
I was not studying Human speech organ
You were not reading Rontgen result
We were not writing Final paper
They were not singing Happily
Jack and Ben were not waiting For the patient
Jack, Ben and I were not consulting To the doctor
He was not checking His blood pressure
She Was not drawing A beautiful scenery
Marry was not translating Her own abstract
Bob was not walking On the corridor
It was not eating Meat
Cat was not running Fast
mouse was not biting The wall
Translate into English!

1. Dia sedang makan pada saat kami dating ke rumahnya tadi malam.
2. Mereka sedang belajar jam 08.00 tadi pagi.
3. Kami tidak sedang mengerjakan tugas saat dosen masuk ke dalam
ruang kelas kemaren siang.
4. Jack tidak sedang tidur pada saat Ben meneleponnya.
5. Saat saya mengunjungi Budi, dia sedang membuat proposal skripsi.
Using modal with VERB(Positive)
Subject Modal + V1 Complement
I Could swim Well
You Would graduate Soon
We Might go home After finishing the task
They Should leave Tomorrow
He Had finished His assignment
She Had conducted A research
It Could fly high
Using modal with VERB(negative)
Subject Modal + V Complement
I Couldnt swim Well
You Would not graduate Soon
We Might not go home After finishing the task
They Should not leave Tomorrow
He Hadnt finished His assignment
She Had not conducted A research
It Couldnt fly low
Translate into English!

1. Dulu saya tidak bisa membedakan kapan menggunakan past tense atau
present tense dengan tepat.
2. Saya sudah membuat abstrak untuk penelitian saya tadi malam.
3. Mungkin saja kemaren dia lupa membawa bukunya.
4. Kemaren dia bilang dia akan datang tepat waktu.
5. Dua tahun lalu kami tidak bisa bekerja sama dengan baik.
Museum Kebangkitan Nasional memang awalnya adalah gedung STOVIA (School Tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Arsten)
atau sekolah kedokteran untuk orang-orang bumiputera yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di seluruh Indonesia. Karena
itu, beberapa koleksi di museum tersebut adalah benda-benda peninggalan ilmu kedokteran pada masa kejayaan
Gedung ini dibangun tahun 1899 dan baru rampung pada tahun 1901. Namun, gedung ini baru resmi dipakai sebagai
STOVIA di tahun 1902. Walaupun sejak mula didirikan, gedung ini memang dimaksudkan untuk sekolah kedokteran.
Namun, sebelumnya adalah sekolah kedokteran khusus untuk orang Jawa. Sedangkan STOVIA sekolah kedokteran untuk
bumi putera dari berbagai daerah, tidak hanya orang Jawa. Sejarah pembangunan STOVIA tidak bisa lepas dari wabah
penyakit menular yang terjadi di Banyumas dan Purwokerto pada masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda.
"Saat wabah terjadi, pengobatan tradisional saat itu tidak mampu mengatasinya. Secara medis, dokter Belanda
terbatas. Karena itu muncul gagasan untuk membuat sekolah kedokteran. Semula kursus kedokteran dan berkembang
menjadi sekolah kedokteran Jawa. Lama-lama terbuka untuk seluruh bumiputera yaitu STOVIA," ungkap Kepala
Museum Kebangkitan Nasional, Edy Suwardi. Edy menceritakan saat itu, pemerintah kolonial mempertimbangkan tiga
lokasi untuk mendirikan sekolah kedokteran.
"Ada alternatif yaitu Semarang, Surabaya, dan Batavia. Tapi pilihan jatuh ke Batavia. Rumah sakit militer sekarang RSPAD
(Rumah Sakit Pusat Angkatan Darat), tadinya dekat situ letak sekolah dokter Jawa," katanya.
Gedung Ex-STOVIA tersebut adalah tempat lahirnya organisasi pergerakan nasional pertama yaitu Budi Utomo. Budi
Utomo berdiri pada 20 Mei 1908 di bawah pimpinan R. Soetomo.
Berdirinya Budi Utomo berdiri menjadi awal kemunculan organisasi-organisasi lain seperti Serekat Dagang Islam,
Indische Vereenignig, Indische Partij, dan Muhammadiyah. Budi Utomo dipandang sebagai tonggak timbulnya
kebangkitan nasional yang pertama di Indonesia. Kebangkitan yang diawali oleh pemuda-pemuda yang dipertemukan
oleh nasib yang sama, belajar ilmu kedokteran.

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