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Dr. Yogi P. R.
Biochemistry Department
Medical Faculty
Swadaya Gunung Jati University
Cirebon 2009
Ilmu pengetahuan
perubahan energi
yang menyertai
reaksi biokimia
trifosfat yang ATP
adenin, ribosa dan
3 gugus fosfat
ATP merupakan
donor fosfat
berenergi tinggi
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siklus ATP/ADP menghubungkan proses-
proses yg menghasilkan ~ & proses-proses
yg menggunakan ~
ATP terus dikonsumsi & terus diproduksi

3 sumber utama ~ yg berperan dalam konservasi atau

penangkapan energi.
1. Fosforilasi oksidatif
2. Glikolisis
3. Siklus asam sitrat
Rantai Respirasi

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a. Occurs in the cytosol
b. Glycolysis has 10 steps, each step is
catalyzed by a different enzyme
c. glucose (6 carbons) is broken down into two
pyruvate molecules (3 carbons each)
d. ATP consuming phase - 2 ATP are consumed
e. ATP producing phase - 4 ATP are produced
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Krebs Cycle (the CITRIC ACID CYCLE)
a. Occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria
b. The breakdown of glucose is completed and CO2 is produced
c. In the presence of O2, the two pyruvate molecules produced by
glycolysis travel to mitochondria
d. Krebs Cycle has 8 steps, each step is catalyzed by a different enzyme
e. Each turn of the Krebs cycle requires the input of one 2-carbon acetyl-
CoA and two carbons are released as C02
- One glucose molecule entering glycolysis results in the production
of 2 pyruvate molecules which are converted to 2 molecules of
- Each turn of the Krebs cycle uses only ONE acetyl-coA, so it
takes two complete turns of the Krebs cycle per glucose
f. The NADH and FADH2 created in the Krebs cycle are used by electron
transport system to create large amounts of ATP
- 3 ATP per NADH and 2 ATP per FADH2 that enter electron
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The Electron Transport Chain (oxidative
a. Produces the energy that drives the synthesis of ATP in oxidative
b. The initial electron acceptor in the chain is a flavoprotein (FMN) and it
accepts an electron from NADH. The electron is then passed down a series of
molecules to oxygen, which is the final electron acceptor. It is then combined
with a couple of hydrogen ions, H+, to form water. The process will not
function in the absence of oxygen.
e. FADH2 and NADH both donate electrons to the chain
f. The electron transport chain doesn't make any ATP itself, instead these
reactions are coupled to others to produce ATP, a process called
Hasil oksidasi glukosa menghasilkan :
Nikotinamida Adenin Dinukleotida (NAD+) dan
Flavin Adenin Dinukleotida (FAD)
Elektron berenergi tinggi dlm NADH & FADH
dipindahkan melalui transport elektron yg akan
diterima oksigen menghasilkan gradien proton
mengaktifkan sintesis ATP
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5 proses fosforilasi oksidatif
Nama Penyusun
NADH dehydrogenase (or)
Kompleks I NADH-coenzyme Q
Succinate dehydrogenase (or)
Kompleks II Succinate-coenzyme Q
Cytochrome C - coenzyme Q
Kompleks III
Kompleks IV Cytochrome oxidase
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Kompleks V ATP synthase
Kompleks 1
Pada tahap ini, masing-masing molekul
NADH memindahkan 2 elektron
berenergi tinggi ke FMN, kemudian ke
protein besi-sulfur dan terakhir ke
koenzim Q (ubiquinon)
Kompleks 2
FADH2 dihasilkan oleh suksinat
dehidrogenase dalam siklus asam sitrat,
memindahkan elektron ke CoQ melalui
kompleks II.
Kompleks 3
CoQ memindahkan elektron ke
serangkaian sitokrom
Kompleks 4
Kompleks 5
Pada tahap ini, protein kompleks yg
mengkatalisis konversi ADP menjadi ATP,
diisikan oleh gradien kemiosmotik
Proton mengalir kembali ke matriks
mitokondria melalui kompleks ATP sintase &
energi berasal dari penurunan gradien pH
digunakan utk membentuk ATP
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Anaerobic Respiration
in the absence of oxygen (remember that oxygen is
the final electron acceptor) the cell goes through a
process called FERMENTATION
Fermentation takes place under anaerobic conditions
(no oxygen present). There are two types of
fermentation, alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid
Its far less efficient
Begins with glycolysis followed by fermentation
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Either Lactic Acid Fermentation
Converts pyruvic acid into lactic acid
Causes muscle fatigue/burning
Muscle cramps are caused by increased acidity
caused by the lactate build up
Or Alcoholic Fermentation
Converts pyruvic acid into alcohol

Can release energy even without oxygen present.

But it produces ATP for only 20 or 30 seconds,
and lactic acid causes painful side effects
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Oksidasi Biologi
Oksidasi adalah pengeluaran
elektron dan reduksi adalah
pemerolehan elektron
e- (elektron)

Fe2+ Fe3+
Enzim-enzim penting dalam oksidasi biologi
Mengkatalisis pengeluaran hidrogen dari substrat
dgn menggunakan oksigen sbg akseptor hidrogen.
Enzim-enzim tersebut membentuk air atau hidrogen
2. Dehidrogenase
Dehidrogenase tdk dpt menggunakan oksigen sbg
akseptor hidrogen. Enzim-enzim ini memiliki 2
fungsi utama yaitu:
1. berperan dlm pemindahan hidrogen dari substrat yg
satu ke substrat yg lain dlm reaksi reduksi-oksidasi
2. sbg komponen dlm rantai respirasi pengangkutan
elektron dari substrat ke oksigen.
3. Hidroperoksidase
Menggunakan hidrogen peroksida atau peroksida
organik sbg substrat. Ada 2 tipe enzim yang masuk
ke dalam kategori ini yaitu peroksidase dan katalase
4. Oksigenase
Mengkatalisis pemindahan langsung & inkorporasi
oksigen ke dalam molekul substrat. Enzim ini
dikelompokkan menjadi 2 yaitu monooksigenase
dan dioksigenase.

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