Histologi Kepala Leher THT

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Histology of Otorhinolaryngo,

Head and Neck

dr. Ira Cinta Lestari, M.Sc
Histology Dept.
Medical Faculty
Univesitas Islam Sumatera Utara
External Ear

stratified squamous epithelium

small hair follicles (F)
sebaceous glands (SG)
ceruminous glands (CG) modified apocrine sweat glands
cerumen (C) secretions from SG and CG
Tympanic membrane (eardrum)
External side epidermis
Inner surface simple cuboidal epithelium
Between the two epithelial fibrous
connective tissue layer collagen, elastic
fibers and fibroblasts.
Vibrations of the tympanic membrane
produced by sound waves transmit sound
wave energy to the middle and inner ear
Middle Ear

Tympanic cavity simple cuboidal

Auditory tube ciliated pseudostratified
columnar epithelium
The tympanic membrane is connected to
the oval window by auditory ossicles
(malleus, incus, stapes)
2 small skeletal muscles (tensor timpani,
Inner Ear
Hair cells and hair bundles
Ampullae and cristae of the semicircular ducts
Mechanotransduction in hair cells
Cochlea and spiral organ
Cochlea and spiral organ

basilar membrane (BM)

tectorial membrane (TM)
spiral limbus (SL)
inner hair cells (IHC)
outer hair cells (OHC)
inner phalangeal cells (IP)
outer phalangeal cells (OP)
inner pillar cells (IPC)
outer pillar cells (OPC)
inner tunnel (IT)
other supporting cells (SC)
outer tunnel (OT)
cochlear nerve (CN)
Cochlear duct and spiral ganglion

spiral organ (SO)

cochlear duct (CD)
stria vascularis (STV)
periosteum of the bone (B)
scala vestibuli (SV)
scala tympani (ST)
spiral ganglion (SG)
Sound waves and movements in the ear
External vestibule the epithelium loses its keratinized
Internal nasal cavities (nasal fossae)
Nasal septum
The middle and inferior conchae respiratory epithelium
the superior conchae olfactory epithelium
lamina propria of the conchae large venous plexuses (swell bodies)
Olfactory epithelium and olfactory receptors

The olfactory epithelium is located on the inferior surface of the cribriform plate and superior nasal conchae.
Olfactory Epithelium

Supporting cells and Olfactory

glands are innervated by
branches of the facial (VII) nerve
The olfactory epithelium consists of olfactory receptors, supporting cells, and basal cells.
Olfactory Epithelium

olfactory cilia (Ci), basal cell (BC), olfactory cell (OC), lamina propria (LP)
Sinuses & Nasopharynx
Paranasal sinuses :
thinner respiratory epithelium with fewer goblet cells
the lamina propria contains only a few small glands

obstruction of drainage orifices
immotile cilia syndrome defective ciliary action

the first part of the pharynx
it is lined with respiratory epithelium
contains the medial pharyngeal tonsil
contains bilateral openings of the auditory tubes to each middle ear
Larynx Short passageway for air between the pharynx and trachea.
Its wall contains skeletal muscles and pieces of cartilage for sound production.

Laryngeal vestibule (LV)

Seromucous glands (G)
Vestibular folds (VF)
lymphoid nodules (L)
Ventricle (V)
Vocal folds or cords (VC)
Striated vocalis muscle (VM)

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