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Hardware ===kernel=== OS

OS ===Shell=== User

•Kernel is a set of device drivers.

•Kernel plus additional software's will form an OS.
•Shell is a place where user executes a command.
Unix Architecture
UNIX History
• UNIX Was originally developed for internal use at At&T by ken Thompson
and Dennis Ritchie in 1969

• At&T licensed the source code widely allowing many companies to modify
and produce UNIX like OS.
• AIX from IBM
• Solaris from SUN
• HP/UX from HP

• GNU/ free software foundation :

• The goal of this project is to create free UNIX clone

• GPL (general public licensing)

• Primary license for open source software
Linux versions

Linux Kernel combined with GNU applications formed free UNIX like OS

Red hat Linux has 3 types of version of Linux for different level of users

• RH AS Advanced Server
• RH ES Entry Level Server
• RH WS Work Station

• Hardware Requirements:
• RHEL AS for very large servers - more than 2 cpu , more than 8 gb ram
• RHEL ES servers with limited requirements- upto 2 cpu & 8gb ram
• RHEL WS-desktop, 1 cpu , 256 MB RAM
Linux consoles and prompt
• Linux has text and GUI based consoles for multi logging and multi

• Alt+Ctrl+F1-Alt+Ctrl+F6 text based console

• Alt+Ctrl+F7 GUI based console

• Linux has two prompts # and $ prompts

• [root@server ~]# roots shell prompt

• [aravind@server ~]$ users shell prompt
Running commands and getting help

• Running commands

• --help
• Whatis
• Man
• Info
• /usr/share/doc

• Commands have the following syntax:

• Command [options] [arguments]
Browsing the File system

• date shows date and time

• cal shows the calendar
• pwd shows the current working directory
• cd changes the current working directory
• ls list the contents in the directory
• cp copy files
• mv move files
• rm remove files
• mkdir makes directory
• rmdir removes directory
• touch creates empty files
• cat show the contents of a file
• history shows previously executed commands
Vi Editor
• Vi modes
• 1. command mode
• 2. insert mode -- i
• 3. exit mode

• Insert mode
• a appends after the cursor
• A appends to the end of line
• i insert before the cursor
• o opens a line below
• O opens a line above

• Exit mode
• w write
• q quit
• wq write and quit
Vi Editor continued
Command mode
Copy/yank lines yy
Paste lines p
Delete lines dd
Undo the changes u
Redo ctrl+r

File Repositioning
G goes to the last line in a file
nG goes to the nth line in a file

Setting line numbers

:set nu sets the line numbers in a file
:set nonu removes the line numbers in a file
Vi search and replace
• Search a pattern in a file
• /searchpattern
• n goes to the next search
• N goes to the previous search

• Search and replace

• :%s/old/new/g
• 1,16s/old/new/g

• r newfile inserts newfile contents

• r !date inserts output of date command in the file
• 1,20w file1 writes 1-20 lines to file1
• 1,20w >> file2 appends 1-20 lines to file2
• n file3 opens another file
• n# toggle between two files
Standard I/O and Pipes

• Linux provides three i/o channels

• Standard input keyboard

• Standard output terminal window
• Standard error terminal window

• > direct standard output of a command to a file.

• >> appends standard output of a command to a file.
• < command receives its input from a file.
• 2> error messages from the command are redirected to a file.
• 2>> error messages from the command are appended to a file.
• 2>&1 redirects both error and output to a file.
Introduction to string processing

• head
• Displays first few lines (default: 10 lines) of text in a file
#head output.txt
• Use –n parameter to change number of lines displayed.
#head –n 20 output.txt

• tail
• Displays last few lines (default: 10 lines) of text in a file
#tail output.txt
• Use –n parameter to change number of lines displayed.
#tail –n 20 output.txt

• Use –f to follow the end of a text file as it changes

• tail –f /var/log/messages (Used to watch log files.)
Introduction to string processing continued
• sort: sorts text to stdout.
• -r does a reverse sort
• -u removes duplicated lines

• uniq: removes duplicated lines in a file

• -c to count number of occurrences of duplicated data

• cut: displays specific columns of file data

• $ cut –f4 –d: /etc/passwd

• Where -f defines the filed and -d defines the delimiter used in the
• -c cuts by characters
• $ cut –c2-5 /result.txt
Introduction to string processing continued

• tr: character translator

• $ tr ‘a-z’ ‘A-Z’ result.txt

• diff: compares two files for differences

• $ diff file1 file2

• aspell: interactive spell checker.

• $ aspell check result.txt

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