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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a set of
symptoms and infections (or: syndromes) arising from the
destruction of the human immune system due to infection
with the HIV virus or the infection of other similar viruses
that attack other species (SIV, FIV , and others).
The virus it self called Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(or abbreviated HIV) is a virus that weakens the immunity
of the human body. People affected by this virus will be
susceptible to opportunistic infections or easily affected by
tumors. Although existing treatment can slow the rate of
progression of the virus, it is not completely curable.
Anatomi virus hiv aids


The important role of T cells in "lighting up,all the forces of
lymphocytes and macrophages, making helper T cells can be considered the
immune system's "main button". AIDS virus selectively invades helper T cells,
destroys or paralyzes cells that normally immune most immune responses. The
virus also attacks macrophages, which further paralyze the immune system, and
sometimes also enter brain cells, resulting in dementia (severe intellectual
capacity disorder) encountered in some AIDS patients.

In the body of PLWHA (People Living With HIV/AIDS), viral particles join
the patient's cell DNA, so that once a person is infected with HIV, he will remain
infected for the rest of his life. Of all people infected with HIV, some develop into
the stage of AIDS in the first 3 years, 50% develop into AIDS after 10 years, and
after 13 years almost all people infected with HIV show symptoms of AIDS, and
then die. Symptoms that occur are fever, swallowing pain, swollen lymph nodes,
rash, diarrhea, or cough. After acute infection, initiation of asymptomatic
(asymptomatic) HIV infection begins. This asymptomatic period generally lasts for
8-10 years.

At a time when people with HIV infection still feel
healthy, the clinic does not show symptoms, at that time
there is high HIV replication, 10 particles every day. Along
with HIV replication, high CD4 lymphocyte destruction
occurs, fortunately the body can still compensate by
producing about 10 daily CD4 lymphocytes
Symptoms of HIV infection
1. Early symptoms 2. The next symptoms

The symptoms are just like the

Prolonged fever.
flu and will heal a few days
Appetite lost.
Blood tests are still not able to
show the presence of HIV
infection (still negative). Diarrhea is continuous without
After 1 to 3 months before the
blood test becomes positive.
White spots on the tongue.
At this stage people still look
healthy. Weight drops drastically.

This healthy state can last 2-10

3. Typical signs of the patient

Inflammation of the
gastrointestinal tract
Skin cancer
Inflammation due to
mildew in the mouth and
Nervous disorders
Risk factors

1.Not wearing a protector when having sexual intercourse with more than one

2.No protective wear when having sex with HIV positive people

3.Have other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, herpes,

chlamydia, gonorrhea or bacterial vaginosis.

4.Take turns in using a syringe

5.Getting a blood transfusion infected with the HIV virus

6.Have few copies of the CCL3L1 gene that helps fight HIV infection

7.Mothers who have HIV.

Mode of transmission of

1. Sexual relationships with people living with HIV

HIV is present in blood, burrows, and in sperm with HIV and people with AIDS. At the time of
sexual intercourse is generally a small injury, so that HIV can enter the bloodstream through the
wound and then infect the partner.

2. Transfusions of blood containing HIV.

3. Using a puncture that contains HIV such as syringes, piercings, tattoos, and razors.

4. From a mother with HIV to her baby.

It can occur during pregnancy through placenta (placenta / tembuni) but may also occur
during labor through injury that occurs at the time of delivery.

5. Through breast milk (possibly small infected).

HIV / AIDS prevention

If you are HIV negative then the best action is:

1.Know what HIV is and how it is transmitted

2.Know the health status of your sexual partner

3.Use a condom every time you have sex

4.Consideration for male circumcision

5.Use a sterile syringe

6.Be wary of blood transfusions

7.Have regular health checks

If you are HIV positive then you should protect the people around
you by:

1.Make safe sex with condoms

2.Tell your partner that you have HIV

3.If your partner is pregnant, tell him you have HIV and take care to keep him and
his baby healthy

4.Tell the other person you feel is necessary to know that you have HIV

5.Do not share a syringe

6.Do not donate your blood and organs

7.Do not share a razor or a toothbrush

8.If you are pregnant, take medical care as soon as possible.

Medical management

Laboratory evaluation
Antiretroviral therapy
Nucleosid analog
Protease inhibitors
Prophylaxis for opportunistic infection
Clinical Manifesstation

After primary infection, 50 70 % poeple get sick
Fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache, extremities
rash, ulcer of the mount or genitalia, myalgia, anemia,
Dramatic decrease of CD4+ cell count
Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Nursing management

Goals: Assessment:
To collect baseline Preexisting level of
information for planning to knowledge
manage the client
throughout the course of The psychological burden:
illness fear, anxiety, defression
To provide healt teaching Social stressor: disclosure
to prevent complication of HIV status, stigmaa,
To provide accurate insecurity, loneliness and
information social isolation
Nursing diagnosis

Knowledge deficit
Risk for altered body temperature
Risk for fluid volume deficit
Altered nutrition: less than body requirement
Planning and

Healt teaching
A high protein, high calorie diet
Learning to control stress
Exercising regularly
Following food and water safety guideline
Provide support group


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