FALLSEM2017-18 HUM101 TH SJT307 VL2017181007661 Reference Material I Culture & Cultural Diversity

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Culture & Cultural

Meaning of Culture
Culture is a unique
possession of man.

Human being regarded as

a representative of his

Culture includes all that

man has acquired in his
individual and social life.

Culture is that complex whole

which includes knowledge, belief,
art, morals, law, customs, and any
other capabilities acquired by man
as a member of society Tylor

Culture consists in the

instruments constituted by man to
assist him in satisfying his wants
Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learnt
Culture is social
Culture is shared
Culture is transmissive
Culture is continuous
Culture is consistent and integrated
Culture is dynamic and adaptive
Culture is gratifying
Culture varies from society to society
Structure of Culture
Cultural traits
The single element or smallest unit of
Cultural complex
Cultural complex nothing but larger
cluster of traits.
Cultural pattern
Culture pattern formed when traits and
complexes become related to each
other in functional roles.
Functions of Culture
For individual
Culture makes man a human being
Culture provides solutions for
complicated situations
Culture provides traditional
interpretations to certain situations.
For the group
Culture keeps social relationships intact
Culture broadens the vision of the
Culture creates new needs
Diversity of Culture
Historical Accidents
Geographical Environment
Mobility of human organism
Inventions and Discoveries
Individual peculiarities
Change in modes of production
Dominant cultural themes
Social Structure
Social Structure
Structure refers to a
definable articulation, an
ordered arrangement of parts.

Social structure is concerned

with the principle forms of
social organization i.e., types
of groups, associations and
institutions and the complex
of those which constitute
societies Ginsberg.
Elements of Social Structure

Normative system
Position system
Sanction system
A system of anticipated
Action system.
Cybernetics in improving work efficiency
and relationship

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