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Contrastive Analysis

vs. Error Analysis
Jingyu Yuan
Contrastive analysis
Contrastive analysis is the systematic study of a pair of
languages with a view to identifying their structural
differences and similarities. Historically it has been used to
establish language genealogies.
Error analysis
Error analysis is a method used to document the errors that
appear in learner language, determine whether those errors
are systematic, and (if possible) explain what caused them.
Inter-language and its effects on
second language learning
Inter-language preserves some features of their first
language (or L1), and can also overgeneralize some L2
writing and speaking rules.

When I was learning English, I made the mistake like using

Chinglish. I have this Chinese way of thinking so I may use
this in second language. For example, the Chinglish translate
for Be careful is Slip and fall down carefully.
Thus, inter-language would affect learning second language
by grammar and way of speaking.
What these concepts mean?
Some features in a learners language seem to stop

For learners whose exposure to the second language does

not include instruction or the kind of feedback that would help
them to recognize differences between their interlanguage
and the target language.
Developmental errors
Developmental errors are mistakes that children commonly
commit when first learning language.
L1 grammar would affect the learning of L2.

After they started learning second language, they would make

the mistakes based on what they learned in L1. For example,
in Chinese, we use me at first; but in English, we use you,
she, he at first.
Overgeneralization errors
Or use overgeneralization of the 3rd person singular s
present to the past.
Overgeneralization by adding -ly to an adjective.

I made this mistake a lot since the grammar and pronunciation

is different in Chinese.
Simplification errors
To simplify the sentence by missing verb phrase.
To simplify the sentence by missing tense or number

This is a really common errors that L2 learners make, they are

not familiar with the grammar so they would express
themselves by a simple way.
I made this errors a lot at the very beginning of learning
English. For example, I leave home around 9 this morning.
Transfer or interference errors
Occurs when speakers and writers transfer items and
structures that are not the same in both languages.
It can promote L2 development
L2 can influence L1 and the other way round.

L2 learners would mix first language and the second language

together, but L2 would influence L1 more.
For example, I use English a lot when Im speaking Chinese.
Using English did influence me using my first language.
Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, Interlanguage by
Lennon, P. URL:http://wwwhomes.uni-
Lightbown, Patsy M.; Spada, Nina. How Languages are
Learned 4th edition - Oxford Handbooks for Language
Teachers. Oxford University Press.

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