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The limbic system is a part of the brain that regulates emotional

behavior and motivational impulse. The limbic system consists of nuclei
with the hypothalamus as its center. The limbic system is well
coordinated from input to emotional response as output and in the
process involves the central nervous system, neurohormonal,
autonomic nervous system, and involves memory or memory to store
and consolidate responses to be triggered
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Jakarta: EGC.
Saladin, K. S., 2003. Anatomy and Physiology (The Unity of Form and
Function) 3rd Edition. San Fransisco: Mc Graw-Hill Education
Paulsen & Wascke. 2010. Sobotta Atlas Anatomi Manusia Jilid 1:
Anatomi Umum dan Muskuloskeletal. Jakarta: EGC.
Snell, R. S. 2006. Neuroanatomi Klinik untuk Mahasiswa Kedokteran.
Jakarta: EGC.

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