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Yrah Damiene M. Fernandez
Clinical Clerk
Batch 2016
Arterial Blood Gas

Can be used to assess gas exchange and acid base status

Provide immediate information about electrolytes
Aids in establishing a diagnosis
Helps guide treatment plan
Aids in ventilator management
Normal values:
pH - 7.35 - 7.45
PaCO2 - 35-45 mmHg
PaO2 - 80-100 mmHg
HCO3 - 21-27
O2sat - 95-100%
Base Excess - +/-2 mEq/L
Of the ABG

Logarithmic scale of the concentration of H ions in a solution

Bodys pH is between 7.35-7.45
Achieved through buffering and excretion of acids
Buffers: plasma proteins and bicarbonate (extracellular) and proteins,
phosphate and hemoglobin (intracellularl)
H ions are excreted via the kidney and CO2 via the lungs, H ions is
regulated by changes in ventilation which is controlled by
concentration of CO2
Partial Pressures

Way of assessing the number of molecules of a particular gas in a

mixture of gases
Henrys law: when a gas is dissolved in a liquid the partial pressures
within the liquid is the same as in the gas in contact with the liquid
PaO2- measures pressure of O2 dissolved in the blood and how well
O2 is move from the airspace of the lungs into the blood
PaCO2- pressure of CO2 dissolved in the blood and how well CO2 is
able to move out of the body

Produced by the kidneys and acts as a buffer to maintain a

normal pH
if there are additional acids in the blood the level of HCO3
will fall as ions are used to buffer these acids.

pH is closely controlled in the human body

The body will never overcompensate as the drivers for compensation
cease as the pH returns to normal.
Respiratory Compensation

If a metabolic acidosis develops the change is sensed by

chemoreceptors centrally in the medulla oblongata and peripherally in
the carotid bodies
Body responds by increasing the depth and rate of respiration
therefore increasing the excretion of CO2
Metabolic Compensation

In response to respiratory acidosis, the kidneys will start to

retain more HCO3 in order to correct the pH

When to order an arterial line --

Need for continuous BP monitoring
Need for multiple ABGs
Where to place -- the options
Dorsalis Pedis
Acid Base Balance

The body produces acids daily

15,000 mmol CO2
50-100 mEq Nonvolatile acids

The lungs and kidneys attempt to maintain balance

Acid Base Balance

Assessment of status via bicarbonate-carbon dioxide buffer system

CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3 <--> HCO3- + H+

ph = 6.10 + log ([HCO3] / [0.03 x PCO2])

The Terms

Acidemia Alkalemia
Acidosis Alkalosis
Respiratory Respiratory
Metabolic Metabolic
Respiratory Acidosis

ph, CO2, Ventilation

CNS depression
Pleural disease
Musculoskeletal disorders
Compensation for metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis

Acute vs Chronic
Acute - little kidney involvement. Buffering via titration via Hb for example
pH by 0.08 for 10mmHg in CO2
Chronic - Renal compensation via synthesis and retention of HCO3 (Cl to
balance charges hypochloremia)
pH by 0.03 for 10mmHg in CO2
Respiratory Alkalosis

pH, CO2, Ventilation

CO2 HCO3 (Cl to balance charges hyperchloremia)
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Salicylate and Progesterone drug usage
Anxiety lung compliance
Cirrhosis of the liver
Respiratory Alkalosis

Acute vs. Chronic

Acute - HCO3 by 2 mEq/L for every 10mmHg in PCO2
Chronic - Ratio increases to 4 mEq/L of HCO3 for every 10mmHg in PCO2

Decreased bicarb reabsorption and decreased ammonium excretion to

normalize pH
Metabolic Acidosis

pH, HCO3
12-24 hours for complete activation of respiratory compensation
PCO2 by 1.2mmHg for every 1 mEq/L HCO3
The degree of compensation is assessed via the Winters Formula
PCO2 = 1.5(HCO3) +8 2
The Causes

Metabolic Gap Acidosis Non Gap Metabolic Acidosis

M - Methanol Hyperalimentation
U - Uremia Acetazolamide
D - DKA RTA (Calculate urine anion
P - Paraldehyde gap)
I - INH Diarrhea
L - Lactic Acidosis Pancreatic Fistula
E - Ehylene Glycol
S - Salicylate
Metabolic Alkalosis

pH, HCO3
PCO2 by 0.7 for every 1mEq/L in HCO3
Chronic diarrhea
Renal Failure
Mixed Acid-Base Disorders

Patients may have two or more acid-base disorders at one time

Delta Gap
Delta HCO3 = HCO3 + Change in anion gap
>24 = metabolic alkalosis
The Steps

Start with the pH

Note the PCO2
Calculate anion gap
Determine compensation
Sample Problem #1

An ill-appearing alcoholic male presents with nausea and vomiting.

ABG - 7.4 / 41 / 85 / 22
Na- 137 / K- 3.8 / Cl- 90 / HCO3- 22
Sample Problem #1

Anion Gap = 137 - (90 + 22) = 25

anion gap metabolic acidosis
Winters Formula = 1.5(22) + 8 2
= 39 2
Delta Gap = 25 - 10 = 15
15 + 22 = 37
metabolic alkalosis
Sample Problem #2

22 year old female presents for attempted overdose. She has taken an unknown
amount of Midol containing aspirin, cinnamedrine, and caffeine. On exam she is
experiencing respiratory distress.
Sample Problem #2

ABG - 7.47 / 19 / 123 / 14

Na- 145 / K- 3.6 / Cl- 109 / HCO3- 17
ASA level - 38.2 mg/dL
Sample Problem #2

Anion Gap = 145 - (109 + 17) = 19

anion gap metabolic acidosis
Winters Formula = 1.5 (17) + 8 2
= 34 2
Delta Gap = 19 - 10 = 9
9 + 17 = 26
no metabolic alkalosis
Sample Problem #3

47 year old male experienced crush injury at construction site.

ABG - 7.3 / 32 / 96 / 15
Na- 135 / K-5 / Cl- 98 / HCO3- 15 / BUN- 38 / Cr- 1.7
CK- 42, 346
Sample Problem #3

Anion Gap = 135 - (98 + 15) = 22

anion gap metabolic acidosis
Winters Formula = 1.5 (15) + 8 2
= 30 2
Delta Gap = 22 - 10 = 12
12 + 15 = 27
mild metabolic alkalosis
Sample Problem #4

1 month old male presents with projectile emesis x 2 days.

ABG - 7.49 / 40 / 98 / 30
Na- 140 / K- 2.9 / Cl- 92 / HCO3- 32
Sample Problem #4

Metabolic Alkalosis, hypochloremic

Winters Formula = 1.5 (30) + 8 2
= 53 2

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