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Jomar Ray Olano

Nicole Hope Luza
Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially
serious infectious disease that
mainly affects your lungs. The
bacteria that cause tuberculosis
are spread from one person to
another through tiny droplets
released into the air via coughs
and sneezes.
Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of active TB include

Coughing that lasts three or more weeks;
Productive or non-productive
Coughing up blood
Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing
Unintentional weight loss
Intermittent High Fever
Night sweats
Loss of appetite
Tuberculosis can also affect other parts of
your body, including your kidneys, spine or
brain. When TB occurs outside your lungs,
signs and symptoms vary according to the
organs involved. For example, tuberculosis of
the spine may give you back pain, and
tuberculosis in your kidneys might cause
blood in your urine.
Hx of Present Illness
Patients condition started about 3 months prior to admission, as
onset of cough, non-productive and an intermittent fever usually in
the afternoon, moderate grade temperature which ranges from 38-
39 degrees Celsius. Three weeks prior to admission, the patient
experienced worsening of the condition. She had productive cough
non-bloody with whitish secretions. Patient also complained of
dyspnea. The patient couldnt eat properly because she had no
appetite for food. She also experienced stabbing pain on her chest
according to the assessment it was 6/10 and it radiated to his back.
The patient only took PCM PRN for her fever. On the day of
September 19, 2008, she was rushed to the hospital because of
difficulty of breathing. Previously, when she started experiencing
these conditions, she did not seek for any medical care from the
physician because according to her it was still tolerable.
Typhoid fever

Typhoid fever usually is caused by Salmonellae

typhi bacteria.
Typhoid fever is contracted by the ingestion of
contaminated food or water.
Diagnosis of typhoid fever is made when
the Salmonella bacteria is detected with a stoolculture.
Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics.
Approximately 3%-5% of patients become carriers of the
bacteria after the acute illness.
Signs and Symptoms

Typhoid fever symptoms are

poor appetite,
generalized aches and pains,
fever, and
On November 10, 2017, patient experienced
watery stools and had a poor appetite. One day
prior to admission, patient had a temperature of
38.9C and complained of severe headaches and
generalized pain. Few hours prior to admission,
patient still had a fever of 38.6C and rashes all
over her body and thus prompted to admission
(November 13, 20170.

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