Urban Design

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Urban Design

Architectural design relates to single building design and insists on function of

one building , form, color, texture etc. The scale is limited

Urban planning organizes the physical components of the city , deals with functional
relationship between the elements of the city , streets, transportation, landscape. It
focuses on function and not on aesthetics .The scale is large

Urban Design deals with groups of buildings and urban spaces between these
buildings. It deals with open spaces, pedestrian pathways, gardens, squares etc.
It concerns with aesthetics of physical environment , landscape , street furniture etc.
It focuses on users of these spaces. The scale is intermediate
Significance of Urban Design
Urban Design is a key to making places that are

1.Good to live,
2.Attractive to visit,
3.Successful both socially and economically,
4.Creating a community identity,
5.Contributing to reduction in crime and social behavior.
What is Urban design ?
The art of making places,

The process of shaping the physical setting for life in cities

and villages,

The method by which man creates a built environment that

fulfills the aspirations and represents his values.
Urban design significantly influences the economic , environmental , social ,
cultural outcomes of a place.

Urban design can influence the economic composition of a locality -

whether it encourages local business and entrepreneurship;

whether it attracts the people to live there;

whether the costs of housing and travel are affordable ;

whether access to job opportunities , facilities and services is equitable.

Urban design can influence health and the social and cultural impacts of a

How people interact with each other ,

how they move around and
how they use a place.
Elements of Urban Design

Public space



Buildings are the most pronounced elements of urban design.
They shape and articulate space by forming the street walls of the city .
Well designed buildings and groups of buildings work together to create a
sense of place
Great public spaces are the living room of the city- the place where people come
together to enjoy the city and each other . Public spaces make high quality life in the
city possible, They range from grand central plazas and squares to small, local
neighborhood parks
Streets are the connection between spaces and places , as well as being spaces
themselves. They are defined by their physical dimension and character as well as
the size, scale, and character of the buildings that line them. Streets range from
grand avenues to small intimate pedestrian streets .The pattern of the street
network is part of what defines a city and makes each city unique
Transport systems connect the part of the cities and shape them, enable movement
throughout the city. They include road, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian networks, and
together form the total movement system of a city. The balance of these various
transport systems is what helps define the quality and character of cities, and makes
them either friendly or hostile to pedestrians.
Landscape is the green part of the city that weaves throughout- in the form of urban
Parks , street tress, plants, flowers and water in many forms. The landscape helps
define the character and beauty of a city and creates soft, contrasting spaces and
elements. Green spaces in cities range from grand parks to small intimate pocket parks


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