Creative Creatures

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a ti v e

C re e s
a tu r
C re
Presented with combined efforts of


 Students in students scenario are undergoing

through stress due to many reasons
 These reasons sometimes force them to take
extremes steps like suicides
 When a suicide is commited by someone everyone
is affected.
 Family members, friends, teammates, neighbours,
and sometimes even those who didn't know the teen
well might experience feelings of grief, confusion,
guilt — and the sense that if only they had done
something differently, the suicide could have been
t iv e
e a
Cr ture’s
C re a
 Media
er ag e of
co v
 Presents d e n t
suic id e s
 Types of suicides-
 Ideas to cope with stress that causes
 Detailed study of Rouvanjit Rawal case
 Mumbai: Given that the pressure to perform starts before kindergarten
and dogs students all though their academic life, it may come as no
surprise that 11.45% of all student suicides in Maharashtra during
2006 were from Mumbai, according to the recently released National
Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics. In fact, the figures for
Mumbai match those for Pune, Nashik and Nagpur put together.
 in cities like Mumbai, academic pressure is far less in smaller cities
and rural areas, said experts.
 With crumbling support systems and the lack of a full-fledged
counselling centre in most schools—including some reputed
institutions—there are very few mechanisms at hand to spot a child
who may be in distress.
 Failed relationships, too, are a cause of student suicide. Especially in
the absence of an adult to confide in.
Cases of suicides due to academic stress
 Dec 31 2006:Srikant Mallapallu(IIT) was found hanging in his hostel room.
 Mini Poddar hangs herself in 2001 when she failed to get admission in college of
her choice
 Class VI student Neha was found hanging by a dupatta to a ceiling rod inside her Sai
Darshan Apartment house, Dombivli, in neighbouring Thane district on Saturday
 Shushant Patil hanged himself from the shower valve in the school's bathroom.
 Sat, Jun 19 12:16 PM:Depressed over failing in his exams, an Architecture student
allegedly committed suicide at Vedasthanam locality of Rishikesh
 Kanpur Nov 7 :In a bizarre incident a PhD student with the premier IIT (Indian

Institute of Technology) Kanpur committed suicide on Monday.

 A Class 8 student from a school in Andheri (West) allegedly committed suicide on
Friday evening after her mother scolded her for coming late from school.

Headline Courtesy:
TOI and HT
Ideas to cope with academic stress
 life skill education (where students learn how to manage time, cope with
failure, show empathy, resist drugs and other addictions and so on) which
helps children cope with everyday stress can be effective in preventing
 the syllabus for entrance tests also be incorporated in the regular college
syllabus so that students don’t require additional coaching
 Making board exams optional
 To reduce stress levels, some schools like have stopped mentioning the
highest marks in report cards to avoid comparison .
 Instead of a board examination, which causes panic among students, a
continuous system of evaluation across classes IX and X is often touted
as a better alternative.
 Changing assessment pattern:
Cases of suicides due to and ragging
o PADUR: Constant harassment by seniors forced Chinmoy Rana, an 18-
year-old automobile engineering student, to hang himself on Sunday, fellow
students said
o Dande Devender Kumar has died of it. It is suspected he committed
suicide by jumping onto the railway tracks.
o a girl, from the Government Engineering College at Baptala in Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh, consumed a pesticide after senior girl students in her
hostel forced her to dance naked in front of them.
o Nayan Adak, a 19 year-old first year student of Calcutta Institute of
Pharmaceutical and Allied Health Sciences in Uluberia committed suicide by
hanging on to the fan
o April 22 :Prashant Kumar, a student of the Indian Institute of Technology-
Kanpur, committed suicide
o Feb 2008 CHIPLUN: A Mumbai-based engineering student allegedly
committed suicide in his hostel room by hanging himself, police said on
Remedy for raging
 Implementation of the Raghvan committee
 Fresher's get extra protection with the help of
college and police
 students and their parents to sign an affidavit,
undertaking that they will not indulge in any form
of ragging, and will refrain themselves from being
party to the act.
 Formation of anti ragging squad
 Individualistic opposition to any act of ragging(no
cooperation to ragging)
Rouvanjit case study
Ro video
o An eight standard student, Rouvanjit had hanged
himself on February 12 this year
o In a recent case in Tamil Nadu a child was beaten up
for not wearing the uniform.
o On June 12, 2003, Ramu Abhinav, a 15-year-old in
one of the leading chain of schools in Chennai,
hanged himself from his mother's saree.
o * Arpit Kavadia was a class 12 student at the Alok
Sansthana School in Udaipur,India. He was severely
beaten up by Indra Samar, a Sanskrit teacher of the
school on 26th July, 2007 for having kept his legs on a
Spare the rod, or end up in jail.
o First violation of the ban will invite up to one year in jail, or a fine of Rs.
50,000 or both.
 Look for evidence to establish that the child really needs protection
Wait till you find evidence to act
 Ensure that the child is kept in a safe environment
Speak to the child
 Report the matter to the police/child line if there is need for legal protection
and legal redressal
 Right to equal opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner
and in conditions of freedom and dignity and guaranteed protection of
childhood and youth against exploitation (Article 39 (f)).
 Right to Protection includes freedom from all forms of
• Exploitation.
• Abuse.
• Inhuman or degrading treatment.
• Neglect.
• Special protection in special circumstances such as situations of
emergency and armed conflicts, in case of disability etc.

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