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Lakua, Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Elos Basque Country team

26th October 2017
What does the European Union mean for
What type of decisions are made in the
European institutions? Who are making
those decisions? Can you think about any
specific examples?
Have those decisions any influence on
your everyday life?
TABLE 1 What does the European Union mean for you?

It is a group of 27 countries
dealing with social economic
problems that is supposed to The European
work together to help each other. Union does not
The European Union also works really try to solve
like a big Company with the problems but to
purpose of making money and make money
business. They exploit other
countries trying to get easy
TABLE 1 What type of decisions are made in the European institutions?

Political, environmental,
economic, cultural, social and
educational issues
They make
decisions regarding
different aspects
TABLE 1 Who are making those decisions?

There is a parliament with a

general secretary that is chosen
by voting every four years. Each
time the secretary comes from a Decisions are taken
different country. by deputies who
There are also deputies represent the
representing different countries different countries
that gather and discuss to get to
an agreement.
TABLE 1 Can you think of any specific examples?

Greece is a good example. They They are not doing anything

also organise the Erasmus about the crisis of refugees even
Project and economic support is though they seem to have an
given. agreement.
The Catalonia theme has also
been discussed because domestic
politics isnt something they deal Greece, Catalonia,
refugees are topics that
have been recently
TABLE 1 Have those decisions any influence on your everyday life?

The point is that we dont really

know whether they are doing a
lot of things or not because we
are not given too much
information in the media, so as
individuals, we dont really know
how it works.
Do you feel European? What can we do to
work in this aspect? What type of YOUR LIFE
activities related to Europe are organized
in your school? Do you take part in those
Do you know the customs of any other
(European) country? Do those customs
influence your everyday life? How did
you get to know them? What do you think
about them?
Do you speak any other (European)
language outside school? When? Where?
Why? With Whom? Do you participate in
any social network?
TABLE 2: How is Europe present in your life? Do you feel European?
Europe as such is not in our everyday There is not only one Europe, there
life. is more than one.
We don't feel European in a special At times we feel very negative and
or enthusiastic way. We know we are sceptic about Europe. But our future
European. Its not a feeling, its a is somehow linked to Europe.
European governments and politics
Perhaps we are more aware of our
go one way (critical point of view)
sense of belonging to Europe outside
and our real life takes a different
Europe, in the States... We criticize
path within Europe.
our country in our own place but
when we are away we are proud of it.
Distance helps to be aware of your
TABLE 2: Do you know the customs of any other European country?
All in all, our
US country THEM
doesnt They have dinner very
We have late dinners. define us. early.
We are loud and noisy. We are all
They are polite and
We enjoy the night. the same.
When we calm.
We socialize in the
join others, They eat boring and
we adapt and greasy food.
We are more active.
far from They are more homely
criticism, we and familiar.
are proud of
our identity.
TABLE 2: Do you speak any other European languages outside school?
Most students study English as a
second language. They feel its
Do you participate in any social
clearly the lingua franca
nowadays. Some also do French network?
and even German. .
There is only one student who
speaks Arabic at home as a
eTwinning is a tool to relate
native speaker but its a widely
with other schools
known fact that we do have
In Facebook, Twitter,
many other languages apart
Instagram, we use English when
from Basque and Spanish as
needed but its not relevant.
mother languages in all our
Some students mention series in
original version on the web.
We practise English with our
exchange partners and on
TABLE 2: Do you know any schools in Europe?
Very few students know other
schools because of projects or Different grading system.
exchanges. Some of them . More sensible schedules.
mention American schools. More variety in the optional
In Europe /USA lessons are subjects.This is considered
more practical. highly important in the
Schools look more peaceful. education system.
Here they look like hospitals in No homework in some other
the outside and jails inside. countries !!!
Students can feel proud of their They focus on abilities, not on
schools and they have a sense of the students mistakes.
belonging. They are colourful !!
EUROPEAN DREAM Do you know the European motto?
United in diversity What does diversity
Are we all European? Are we all equal?
Think about different European countries
and come to conclusions.
Your opinion about refugees and the
answer of European countries to their
needs.How do you feel about it?
Differences between refugees and
immigrants. Have you experienced this in
your own family?
How do young people see Europe living in
any European country? How do people
from other parts of the world see Europe?
Can we really speak of a European
Unity in diversity What does diversity mean?

Diversity is what should make us different but also Diversity unfortunately is not always respected.
interesting and Europe richer and attractive. There are predominant cultures or, rather, citizens
in Europe who regard their language and heritage
However, we are not so sure there is such unity. The better than their neighbours. Minorities are
original goals of the founders of the initial European doomed.
Union were based on civil rights, democracy, a welfare
system and respect to the different. That may be true We cant give up our own culture in favour of
in some countries but not in others. absolute globalisation! We struggle to keep our
own identity but its a tough job. It would be boring
Its not acceptable to consider some problems as if all Europe was the same.
domestic issues when they jeopardize the
foundational principles of democracy, civil rights, a The only real unity is based on finance
welfare system and respect to the different. If there and selfish economic interests
were unity all citizens should enjoy the same rights. of the states or big corporations,
which sometimes you cant distinguish.
Are we all European? Are we all equal? Think about different European
countries and come to conclusions.
No, we are not equal. Its not only there are Many Europeans think that their European
economic differences but also cultural backgrounds neighbours dont deserve the same rights or welfare as
that make us quite different. they do.

Germany and France rule and everyone follow suit. There should be a strong socio-economic movements
The many Britons also thought they should be the all around Europe in order to preserve the labour and
rulers and as they couldnt share their only way, they civil rights won by our parents and grandparents after
preferred to quit. much struggle and now at great risk.

The EU is a big corporation of corporative interests. Greece was humiliated and roughly treated because
Business matters and its become the major reason of of their finances. However, other countries that fail to
its existence. respect human and civil rights always make away with
it. Often without even abiding by the sentences passed
North and South, East and West. Poor and rich, by the European Court of Justice: Spain, for example.
hardworking and idle Europeans. Tourists and
Your opinion about refugees and the answer of European countries to their
needs. How do you feel about it?
It seems that people from poorer countries or from However, it is not so clear that the Europeans are
those where there is war believe in the European inevitably bound to take up selfish unsympathetic
Dream, thats to say in a Europe that will welcome attitudes towards refugees or people who need our help.
and help them. But thats not the case. Many Europeans are willing to give a hand to refugees
or immigrants.
In the balance of security and civil rights or
solidarity many well-fed European citizens bet for But some governments absolutely refuse to take up
security and, therefore, exclusion of the alien makes any refuges and nothing happens to them. Hungary,
them feel safer. Poland, Slovakia said no and nothing happened to
them. Greeks were not handled like that when they
It seems easier for governments and politicians to couldnt pay their debts to the German banks.
satisfy those who want to close the doors of Europe
so as to win the next elections. The refugee issue is not on the headlines, so it no
longer exists. The media is not interested and the
government even less. Refugees were sold to Turkey and
nobody knows whats going with them.
Differences between refugees and immigrants. Have you experienced this in
your own family?
Refugees are forced to leave their country to save Some believe that immigrants should only be
their life. Immigrants decide to look for a better life welcome under certain conditions: they should be
abroad. Anyway, nobody likes leaving their own skilled, should learn the language within a certain
country and having the choice of success in their time, adapt and adopt the local culture etc.
own homeland.

Europe is guilty for many of the disasters and

poverty in the countries whose citizens are looking
for shelter or a better life in Europe.

There is big disappointment feeling about the

official indifference of the EU towards the horror
suffered by refugees and the poverty and
environmental catastrophes caused by the policies
of European governments and corporations.
How do young people see Europe living in any European country? How do
people from other parts of the world see Europe? Can we really speak of a
European dream

There might be a European dream as there is an And yet, those worse-off believe in the European
American dream, but that is more based on personal Dream because even if we dont, for them not been
pursuits. For example, moving to another country killed, food, a roof, social care, health assistance
because scientific research chances are better, or you are luxuries they couldnt even dream of in their
can develop an artistic career or any other professional countries.
interests you might have.
The European Union will no longer exist in a few
The current European Union is a fraud to the original years time. It will fall apart unless a much more
dream of a union of Europeans who would enjoy progressive approach to European policies is taken
democracy, civil rights and welfare. over in the very near future. But it doesnt seem to be
the current trend. Disappointment seems to be
Issues that dont jeopardize business are justdomestic widespread and scepticism is growing rampant.
issues by the bureaucrats in Brussels. Civil rights and
democracy are not of much interest and the tend to
turn a blind eye.
What plans do you have for your future? Will you continue learning
other European languages? Will you start learning any other language?
Do you think you will participate in ERASMUS programme when you
go to University?
Have you ever considered living in another country? Do you see yourself
working in any European country in the future? What do you think can
help you to find a job in Europe? Would you ever consider having a
relationship with someone from another European country and living
together abroad?
Do you think it is positive for us to know about the European Union, to
learn its languages and to live different experiences abroad? Can it help
in spreading our culture, traditions and language?
What do you think will happen with the European Union in 25 years?
And the Basque Country? And what about yourself? (In 2035 you'll be
around 40 years old)
What plans do you have for your future? Will you continue learning other
European languages? Will you start learning any other language? Do you think
you will participate in ERASMUS programme when you go to University?

All students are ready for an Erasmus Not much information/interest in the
application. They also consider other non possibilities offered by the Euroregion
European countries such as Australia and Aquitaine- Euskadi- Navarre and the
USA. growing importance of French for
Erasmus seems to be the best way to business, administrative work, tourism,
afford a year abroad. education
Some students also consider to attend Studentspersonal experience: periods in
whole university degree abroad. USA, Ireland, England. English speaking
English is a must as a communication tool. background in some cases. Some of them
Students are also keen on learning other speak other languages at home: Arabic,
languages: German, French, Chinese, English.
Have you ever considered living in another country? Do you see yourself
working in any European country in the future? What do you think can help you
to find a job in Europe? Would you ever consider having a relationship with
someone from another European country and living together abroad?

Uncertainty about the future They all want to come back to the Basque
Open minded approach to living abroad, Country sooner or later!!
sometimes previous experience of No one is sure about what might happen
childhood in another country or periods in future.
abroad, relatives or friends in other
Ready to overcome fears.
Assertive about future plans like studying
arts and dance in an English speaking
Future prospects include marrying or
starting a family with a foreign partner.
Do you think it is positive for us to know about the European Union, to learn its
languages and to live different experiences abroad? Can it help in spreading our
culture, traditions and language?

Its important to share your culture,

expectations and way of life but its also
vital to learn from your friends abroad.
The experience of cultural diversity is very
positive: you learn from other countries
and show yours to the rest of Europe.
Travelling abroad can also help people
improve the languages.
Keeping in touch with Europe is
If you havent been abroad, you dont
appreciate your own country so much.
Do you think it is positive for us to know about the European Union, to learn its
languages and to live different experiences abroad? Can it help in spreading our
culture, traditions and language?
The European Union should defend our
The EU will have to change; now it is led
interests as citizens but it doesnt.
by Germany and France in their own
Belonging to the European Union in the past
interest rather than for the citizens
meant being stronger and welfare benefits.
everyday needs. A more democratic and
Things have changed. Some other countries
popular approach is essential.
might be leaving besides the UK (regions in
European solidarity is lost and some
France and Italy, for example)
citizens are bullied into poverty and
About the immigration policy, the refugee
utterly humiliated.
issue is leading to a dangerous populistic
Some countries like UK, Hungary have
atmosphere. Decisions made are not fulfilled
been selfish, ignorant and racist.
by the European Union.
Students would like to be optimistic but
Disagreement about positive or negative
they are pessimistic : We can help people
views for future: the situation might
next to us but we cant change global
improve but life long employment is gone
Elos Basque Country. October 2016

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