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Cellular Biology

Stephen P. Wood, ACNP, MS
Northeastern University
School of Nursing
Explore and understand the make-up,
structure and function of the cell
Explore and understand a variety of cellular
Explore and understand some of the
alterations in cell function
The Cell
Basic structural and functional unit of living
Activity of any organism depends on both the
individual and collective activities of its cells
Complementarity: Biochemical activity of all
cells is dictated by specific subcellular
Continuity of life has a cellular basis
The Cell back in the day..
The Cell
What does the cell do?
Fibroblasts (Stem cells) collagen & elastin (for wound changes), it
can migrate to areas of injuries.
Myocytes (muscle cells)
Conductivity (action potential) Neurons
Allows brain to interact with myocytes for muscle contraction
Metabolic absorption allow cells to bring in substrate, nutrient.
small intestine large absorption capacity with digestive nutrient.
Secretion- exocytosis of Norepinephrine (neurotransmitter)
Excretion Lysosomes release acid hydroxylases to break down
dead cells or bacteria.
Respiration ATP formation of energy, substrate proteins/glucose.
Reproduction - replicating, build new ones or replicate
Communication -
Cell Structure
Cell Structure
Plasma Membrane
The outer boundary of the cell. Separates the
external environment from the internal
environment. Protection & movement
Components: Phospholipid bilayer,
cholesterol, & proteins.
% of each component depends on cell function or
cellular exposure
Fluid Mosaic model (integration of the three)
Selective membrane (endo or exocytosis,
up&down regulation of proteins)
Cell Membrane
Biological membrane that separates inside form the
Selectively permeable: controls movement of
substances in/out of the cell
Lipid bilayer: phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol
Asymetry (ex- & internal parts are different):
Regulated by proteins: Flipases, floppases, scramblases to
identify the cell and signal cell death/injury
Proteins: Integral or peripheral
Carbohydrates on the surface to act as singnalling.
Fluid Mosaic Model
2 dimensional liquid
Allows for fluidity and flexibility
Proteins: some float, some are rigidly
Selective Permeability
Endo-, exocytosis
Up and down-regulation of proteins
Phospholipids (major constituent of cell membrane)
Polar heads: Phosphate (hydrophilic - interact with
Non-polar tails: Hydrocarbon tails
Heads oriented out with exposure to external
environment and cytosol - Hydrophilic
Tails form selective interior - Hydrophobic
What is Polar and Non-polar?
What is Polar and Non-polar?
Electronegativity (atom/fx group ability to attract electron)
Higher electronegativity, the higher pull on neighboring e-
Dipole-Dipoles occur - unequal sharing of e-
Can participate in H- bonding / H2O soluble
Polar molecule has a small charge that can pull or distract e- in
other molecules.
Equal sharing of electrons
No net charge, No dipole-dipole interaction
Water insoluble
Phospholipids: Function
Biologic containment (keeping inside in, outside out.
Transport - supports proteins
- Diffusion
- ion pumps ion movements
- channels
- endo- exocytosis
Identification of self or nonself: i.e CD59 (regulating protein that
identifying the cell as itself and preventing from self-injury via
immune system) HIV has CD59
- integral proteins
- vesicles
- Phagocytosis (phosphtatidylserine) --> apoptosis
Cholesterol: Function
Steroid-ring: structure/function
Determines fluidity, large mount will decrease
fluidity, smaller amount will increase it.
Strengthens the bilayer (more rigid)
Decreases permeability
Stabilizes and regulates integral proteins
Proteins: function
Integral proteins permanently attached to the
cell membrane
Polytopic span the entire membrane
Monotopic Associated with one side
Cell adhesion
The Cytosol and Cytoskeleton
Cytosol - The liquid within the cell
Water 70%
Macromolecules: Proteins
- cell shape
- signal transduction macro comes in, and
- metabolite transport glucose, aa, for
cellular fx
The Cytosol and Cytoskeleton
Scaffolding: micro-, macro-, intermediate
Actin, Keratin, Vimentin, Tubulin
- Maintenance of cell shape
- Anchoring organelles
- Cellular macromolecules transport
Organelles: A Review
Control center of the cell
Contains the genetic material
Nuclear envelope: double membrane,
encloses nuclear contents
Nuclear pores: regulate what comes in and out via
proteins: importins / exportins
Nucleolus: rRNA synthesis
Organelles: A Review
Cell division
Control of genetic material
Replication and Repair of DNA
Direction of cellular activities: intepretation RNA
Organelles: A Review
Ribosomes (RNA + Proteins)
- Formed in nucleolus
- Membrane bound to ER or free in cytosol
- Catalyze protein translation using mRNAas template and
tRNA to link amino acid to form protein.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Interconnected Tubular channels held together by the
- Rough: protein synthesis (binding site of ribosomes, bound
and released by riboforins) proteins: COP 1 and COP 2
to help their target destinations between Golgi apparatus
- Smooth: lipid, streoid synthesis
drug metabolism (CYP 450)
Calcium regulation (SR)
Organelles: A Review
Golgi Complex
Packages proteins for transport.
Stacked membrane (Cysternea) has enzymes that modified
proteins as it passes through. It received vesicles from the
ER with raw proteins, and as it traveled through each layer,
itll be modified by the enzymes (packaged and folded)
then ship to the final des. (uses ATP to carry out this fx)
Mitochondria (gives energy to golgi)
Inner membrane oxidative phosphoridaton energy
released by oxidation of nutrients to produce ATP
(molecule for energy).
Apoptosis (golgi preventing apoptosis)
Cellular Metabolism
1. Carbohydrate metabolism
Glycolysis glucose (6C sugar) interacts with enzymes to move e-
around to be broken down to 3C glucose (pyruvate) --> 9 steps process
with energy input, but in the end produces pyruvate, easier to
synthesize into energy.
2. Citric Acid Cycle (KREB cycle)
Pyruvate transfering e- to molecules will be later used for ATP
3. Oxidative Phosphorylation (in Mitochrondria)
Taking all the e- from the KREB cycle and to be utilizing them in this
step. Transferring e- form donor to e- acceptor, which caused a
chemical and electrical gradient across the mitochrondria membrane.
This energy can be trapped and later use for formation of ATP>

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