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Helens siret villamil diaz

What are you going to do once you finish your studies at the university?

Once I finish my studies, Im going to work in a construction company called Colpatria

construction or Amarilo construction, also Im going to travel to Villavicencio 3 months
with my sister and my boyfriend, Im going to create a company with my boyfriend since
he is an Civil Engineer, We are going to create a partnership to build our own construction
and design company.

What is the porpoise of the plans you are making?

The purpose of the plans I have is to become a great architect, Im going to travel to other
countries to practice my profession, Im going to have a great family with my husband a
great home, Im going to create my own construction and everything for the purpose to
create living spaces for all kinds of people.

Do you think your plans contribute to help the world why?

I believe that my plans if they can contribute to help the world, because when building
with ethics and professionalism I will create comfortable living spaces that provide
quality to the users to whom the project is directed, I will also be able to contribute to
the world through the use of buildings. sustainable that allow new energy alternatives
for the improvement of the environment.

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