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Internal Sales Representative as of SAP


Dipanjana Kar
Internal sales representatives support and advise the sales team in all sales
areas. Quickly and easily, these sales representatives can gather all the
important information and process the relevant data from purchase order
processing to payment receipt (order-to-cash process).

The general intention of this role is to support sales representative who

works in close relationship with customers, logistical and financial
departments collaborating with sales. By providing a flexible user interface,
using POWLs (Personal Object Work Lists) and an easy method of
configuration, the Internal Sales Representative (ISR) role got even more
attention of companies of all sizes. It became a real alternative to core VA01
Create Sales Order for dedicated user groups.

The Role of the Internal Sales Representatives (ISR) originally became

available with SAP ERP 6.0 and has been extended massively with SAP

With SAP ERP EHP5 and SAP NWBC V3.0 , the ISR role offered some
additional and very valuable capabilities which lead to increased cost
savings, improved user- friendliness and User- access.

This role allows internal sales representatives to perform their tasks in SAP
NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC).
User friendly tools provided by the ISR

1. Developed as intuitive WebDynpro user-interface.

2. Pre-configured Powerlists (POWL)
3. Telephony integration with a link to the Telephone number.
4. SAP search engine / TREX to improve customer search
5. Customer Cockpit To provide users with a holistic view on a
single customer
6. Material search with Basket functionality
7. Additional selection criteria
8. Variant Configuration
9. Billing Plan and Sales Contracts.
10. Dynamic date variable
11. Default queries
12. Switch off of User-Interface (SAP GUI <> WEBDYNPRO)
What is Netweaver Business Client ?

Netweaver Business Client (NWBC) is a rich desktop UI client that offers a single
point of entry to SAP and non-SAP applications including WebDynpro and traditional
SAP GUI transactions
Comparison between traditional and modern SAP
Internal Sales Representative with SAP Portal

Running the ISR Role via SAP Portal Content directory means the possibility to
display the role via SAP Portal or with SAP NetWeaver Business Client.
Internal Sales Representative Via SAP ERP

Running the ISR Role via SAP ERP restricts the usage of SAP NetWeaver Business
Role Content is delivered with SAP ERP (Transaction code : PFCG)
With SAP ERP EHP5 and SAP NWBC V3.0 the IST role offered some
additional and very valuable capabilities which lead to increased cost savings,
improved user-friendliness and user-access

They are as follows

1. SAP Netweaver business client for HTML as additional deployment


2. Flexible customization in SAP ERP

3. Integration of custom-owned Z-Fields into sales UI


As compared to the choice the users had

with EHP4 between running the role out of
SAP portal or using the business client (as
part of SAP Netweaver), as part of best
practice, the complete role since then has
been re-createdin SAP ERP so that the ISR
could run also solely using the business
client meaning that the usage of SAP
portal was no longer required (which
reduces the cost of ownership)

With SAP Netweaver Business Client

(NWBC) version 3.0 HTML also the barrier
of high maintenance cost is reduced. Now it
is possible to set up the business client with
the proper settings once and then launch
transaction NWBC , store the URLS as a
favourite and easily call up the IST UI out of
the Internet Explorer.

the ISR role has been newly created in SAP

ERP. Execute transaction PFCG - ROLE
MAINTENANCE and go for the required

The role menu lists up the typical structure

folders (eg. SALES PROCESSING) with
related work centres (eg: Sales, customers,
order fulfillment etc) and corresponding
services such as Create quotation.

Folder Object based navigation at

the lower part of the screen contains all
invisible navigation targets to SAP ERP
needed by the different applications in
case of an implementation project you can
copy this role in order to set up proper
communication between the business client
and SAP ERP.
Using the role concept of SAP ERP adjustments in the sales UI is made much easier than using SAP Portal since it
requires absolutely no coding or deep knowledge of customizing. The following are the examples how one can adjust
the UI

arrange work centers and services up or down according to process flow using the arrow keys
add SAP GUI transactions (which are not yet been converted to WebDynpro)
add a complete different role (Copy Menus)
add additional work centers with related services and POWLs from other roles (e.g. transaction Create Purchase
Order from the buyers role if appropriate)
enhance role by custom-wise reports, Dashboards, Crystal reports etc.
extend the role by a web page

By clicking on button Insert Node a value list appears showing all available options and one can select the required
note and insert the proper details (ie name of report , taget system etc) automatically and new node gets inserted
into the hierarchy list. Saving the changes and refreshing the browser brings in the node in the hierarchy in the
business client.
Example :Integrate additional WebDynpro Applications from Role Buyer


1. In SAP ERP execute transaction PFCG

2. Select Role Internal Sales Representative
3. Select Copy Menus From Another Role
4. Select proper content
Example :Integrate additional WebDynpro Applications from Role Buyer
Steps (contd..)

5 Monitor result in NWBC

3. Integration of custom-owned Z-fields into sales UI

A lot of customers made investments in

classical SAP ERP VA01 Create Sales
Oder. New coding for internal checks,
additional BADIs for pricing etc. Even more
often customer specific fieds have been
coded and integrated on SAP GUI

With SAP ERP EHP4, it was possible to

integrate custom-fields into the UI.
However, It caused effort and some deep
knowledge was SAP ERP EHP5 the Easy
enhancement Workbench has been
developed to provide a guided (modification
free) procedure to add customer-specific
fields to the technical interface (LEAN order
API) and make them available for Sales UI
configuration. The only pre-requisite to
declare these customer specific fields in the
LEAN order API is that , you alreay define
the customer fields a the database level,
and enhace the backend logic for these
fields accordingly.

Look up table VBAP (VBUP or VBKD)

whether the z-field is available

In customizing launch the Enhancement

Workbench for the Lean Order API (IMG >
Sales and Distribution > Portal Role
Internal Sales Representative >
Simplified User Interface for Order
Processing > Start Enhancement

Execute the first step: Select the required

object type (e.g. Sales Document Item
or - Header) and push button Next

In the occurring screen you need to

maintain the field properties

Push button Create

Appendage for the required
new field and click on Next
to display the result

The customers-field then

has become one of the
available fields of the Lean
Order API and can be now
placed on the Sales UI. To do
so execute customizing step
Configure User Interface in
IMG > Sales and Distribution
> Portal Role Internal Sales
Representative > Simplified
User Interface for Order
Processing > Configure User

Select the correct

application (e.g.
open the Configuration
Editor and customize the z-
field on the UI
As of SAP enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0, EHP5
one can use additional functions for the Internal Sales
Representative role in the following areas:

I. Configure User Interface for Sales

II. Implement Business Logic

III. Enhance and Customize Personal Worklists

Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role
I. Configure User Interface for Sales

The configurable user interface (UI) for Sales has been enhanced
These functions are grouped under Configurable Sales UI (Web Dynpro application
Lean Order: Sales Document, LO_OIF_MAIN_APP) and allows optimal organization
of sales processes in the SAP Enterprise Portal.


1. Processing Contracts :Quantity and Value Contracts can be processed with the configurable
sales UI:

Quantity contracts
When the total quantity to be ordered within the contract duration has been defined. The contract
is considered fulfilled when an agreed quantity has been reached as a result of contract release

Value contracts
When total value of all contract release order should not exceed a certain amount, we choose
Value Contracts. The contract is considered fulfilled when an agreed value has been reached as a
result of contract release orders.
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role
I. Configure User Interface for Sales contd..

2. Repair Orders

If customers bring faulty goods to be repaired, repair orders are created (such as sales document
type RAS) to control the business processes for processing the faulty goods. This repair order
type enables us to include the repairs for a specific service product during order entry.

3. Billing Plan at Item Level and Header Level

We can enter a date plan with billing data for individual items in a sales document. Billing data that
is relevant for all items can be entered at header level. Billing process is defined in Customizing
for Sales and Distribution using the billing plan type (item category and order type).

o Periodic billing allows us to bill the total value to be billed for each date periodically.
o With Milestone billing we distribute the total value to be billed among the individual dates in the
billing plan.
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role
I. Configure User Interface for Sales contd..


1. Improved Variant Configuration :-

In the configurable sales UI, the items for Sales can be directly configured from the
Item Overview. The Variant Configuration function is accessed in the Other
Functions toolbar. This opens a separate dialog box in which we can carry out the
following activities:

o Display Configuration Structure

o Re-expand Configuration Structure
o Multilevel Valuation of Configuration Characteristics

If we choose this function for the variant configuration, we do not need to do the
configuration under the detailed data for an item (Variant Configuration tab page).

Since using both configuration options are not recommended at the same time, we
must in this case remove the Variant Configuration tab page from the configuration
Improved Variant Configuration

The variant Configuration for

materials on item level is
embedded and is completely
integrated into the business logic of
sales document processing.

Following features are supported

Read and change Characteristic

Object Dependencies
Pricing: Variant Conditions
Multilevel Configuration
BOM explosion on SD side
Reference Characteristics
Value Help
Display option
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role
I. Configure User Interface for Sales contd..

2. Enhanced Material Search

In the configurable sales UI, we can search for and copy additional materials in
the Item Overview. The Material Search function is accessed in the Other
Functions toolbar.

o The material search is based on the indexed material of the Search Engine
Services SES (SES business object BUS1001006).
o We can enter a search term and/or other specific search criteria (such as the
material number) in a separate dialog box. A fuzzy search may also be chosen,
exact search, or linguistic search are other search types.

The hit list contains the materials found with price data, and stock information for
ones own plants and any other selectable plants.
- We can either copy the required materials and quantities straight to the item
overview, or we can collect them in the clipboard first and copy them to the item
overview once the total search is fnished.
- We can use the BAdI Customize Results List for Material Search
(BADI_SLS_LO_OIF_SEARCH_MAT) to tailor the content of the hit list to the
sales process
Enhanced Material Search

Advanced Material Search

Quick Search for Material using Search engine
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role
I. Configure User Interface for Sales contd..

3. Follow-up activities for document item.

The infrastructure for defining follow-up activities can be seen. BADI_SLS_LO_OIF_FOLLOW_UP
Business Add-In (BAdI: Define Follow-Up Activities for Configurable Sales UI) are used to
additionally implement the standard follow-up activities Print Preview, Billing and Delivery.


We can activate the SAP Text Edit Control for processing formatted SAPscript texts at header
level and item level. You make this setting in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under
Activate Functions for Configurable User Interface


In addition to form type PDF (print program SD_SDOC_PRINT01), the print preview for sales
documents also supports the form types SAPscript and Smart Form (print programs RVADOR01
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role

II. Implement Business Logic

The following functions enables us to implement company-specific business logic at the configurable
sales UI level.
A. Layout configuration
IT administrators can tailor the user interface for Sales specifically to the sales processes in the
Configure User Interface activity.
Based on the enhanced Lean Order Framework (LO API), there are additional component
configurations may be used as preconfigured UI Building Blocks.
Building Blocks in the existing application configurations for the configurable sales UI may be used
and position them wherever they are need, such as the list with change documents.

B. Enhancement Workbench
System administrators can use this workbench to integrate customer-specific fields that have
already been implemented in the SD back-end logic in the sales process and declare them in the
Order Framework (LO API). These fields are available on the consuming user interfaces and
enterprise services that are based on LO API.+ Administrators can easily add these fields to the
configurable Sales UI.

C. Business Add-Ins
The BAdIs that can be used to influence how sales documents are processed are grouped in
enhancement spot ES_BADI_SLS_LO_OIF (Configurable Sales UI).
Additional functions for the Internal Sales Representative role

III. Enhance and Customize Personal Worklists

Using additional Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) influences the personal worklists for order processing as

We can enhance the methods of the feeder class, for example, by adding new activities or
selection criteria. It can further develop the methods of the feeder enhancement class. We can
also add dialog boxes, for example.
The enhancement options for the personal worklists are grouped in the enhancement

Effects on Existing Data :-There are no fundamental effects on the dataset.

Effects on Customizing :- We can make the Customizing settings for these functions in Customizing
for Sales and Distribution.

o Configure the layout for the user interface. Choose the following activity under the entry Portal Role
"Internal Sales Representative" -> Simplified User Interface for Order Processing:

- Configure User Interface

- Start Enhancement Workbench
- Activate Functions for Configurable User Interface

o Use of Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to integrate the company-specific business logic in the sales
processes. The activities under the entry Portal Role "Internal Sales Representative" -> Business
Add-Ins -> Simplified User Interface for Order Processing and Feeder Classes for Personal
Worklists (Order Processing) needs to be chosen for this purpose

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