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Instruction to MAPINFO

Overseas radio network planning department

Huawei Confidential
Targets of the Course

This course is intended to give a

brief introduction to MAPINFO
on the following aspects:
•To get a knowledge of basic functions of
MAPINFO and be familiar with normal
operations of MAPINFO
•To carry out network planning,
optimization and map maintenance with


Chapter 1 Introduction to Mapinfo

Chapter 2 Major Mapinfo Operations


• Mapinfo functions
• Mapinfo basic concepts
• Mapinfo toolbars
• Mapinfo table


Mapinfo is an electronic map processing

software developed by American Mapinfo. It pr
ovides MapBasic scripts for secondary develop
Mapinfo provides such functions as measur
ement analysis, buffer analysis, polygon anal
ysis, table combination and so on.

Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Mapinfo table
• Mapinfo workspace
• Raster image
• Map layer
• Map objects

Mapinfo Basic Concepts
• Mapinfo table
 A table in Mapinfo is different from a common one. It is a
logical table, but composes of multiple physical files. A table
in Mapinfo includes:
• Data table: It includes graphical information or not. It
composes of rows and columns, wherein, rows are for
different record and columns for the corresponding fields.
• Raster table: It is different from data table and has no
records, fields, index and so on. It is an image that can
only be displayed in the Mapinfo window.

Here, table in Mapinfo refers to pure data

table or table containing both data and
graphical information, but excluding raster
Mapinfo Basic Concepts
 Mapinfo table consists of the five types
of files listed
• xxx (file name).tab: used to describe data structu
• xxx (file name).map
can be either a pure data file or a data-graphica
l information joint file.
• xxx (file name).id
An index file created when using [Find] command.
• xxx (file name).ind
When a table contains graphical information, ID
file acts as the index of the graphical files to j
oint the data and the graphical information.
• xxx (file name).dat/xls/dbf
Database file as the data source of an Mapinfo t
Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Mapinfo workspace
Workspace is a set including multiple tables in a
map window. Here, a set is one that composes of
multiple paths to open the relative tables instead of
that containing multiple of tables physically.
The user can save the current workspace after
opening all necessary tables, and then open the
workspace directly if those tables are required again
next time.

Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Raster
 Raster is a kind of bitmap since it is composed of
numerous picture points. Activate the raster first
before creating a vector map. Mapinfo raster suppo
rts the following types of files: xx*.gif, xx*.jp
g, xx *.tif, xx *.pxc, xx *.bmf (windows bitmap),
xx *.tda, xx *.bll (spot satellite map).
 Use of raster
• As background of Mpinfo map
• As an independent map
• As a reference for creating a vector map

Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Map layer
 Generally, a map includes various kinds of information, but
only one kind of information is concerned during the analysis
for a specific target. Therefore, it is recommended to create
different layers for information of different kinds to make
convenience for the specific analysis.
 Generally, a layer corresponds to one Mapinfo table, but it can
also corresponds to multiple tables by seamless map layers
 Layers can be classified into cosmetic layers, seamless map
layers and standard layers.
 Layer control includes the following options (in the form of
checkboxes): Editable, Auto Label, Selectable, Visible.

Mapinfo Basic Concepts
• Map layers
 Layer control
• Right click in the [Map] window to select [Layer Control], then
make the corresponding settings in it:

Mapinfo Basic Concepts
• Map layers
 Layer Control
• “Remove“
Remove one or more layers from the map. In fact, the
act only removes the layer from the current windows
instead of the memory, and they can be restored by c
licking <Add> in the [Layer Control] dialog, unless
they have been removed by clicking [File/Close Tabl
• “Add”
Add one or more layers to the map window. Choose fro
m the listbox of opened tables.
• “Label”
Available only when the selected layer is not a Them
13 atic layer or Raster layer. Click to open the Label
Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Map layers
 Layer Control
• “Display”
Use this dialog box to specify display attribut
es for map layers.
• “Thematic”
Choose to display the [Modify Thematic Layer] d
ialog box. Use this dialog to modify the attrib
utes of a thematic map.
• “Reorder”
Use the “UP” and Down” buttons to modify the
relative pisition of the current layer
Mapinfo Basic Concepts

• Objects in an map

 Dot
 Line
 region



Mapinfo Toolbars

• Toolbar is a group of commands possessing a certain

features. It is a kind of short cut menu and can be
placed anywhere in the screen
• Tool Manager
 Tool Manager, as shown below, is used to manage toolbars.

Mapinfo Toolbars

• Mapinfo toolbars
 Main toolbar

 Drawing toolbar

 Standard toolbar

 Tools toolbar
Mapinfo Table Maintenance
• Mapinfo table maintenance
 Maintain table structure : [Table/Maintenance]
 Update data in a table : [Table/Update Column]
 Combination : [Table/Combine Objects using Column]
 Rename table : [Table/Maintenance/Rename Table]
 Table import/export : [Table/ Import/Export]

Here, we only give an introduction

to “Update Column” and use it as
an example for other operation.

Mapinfo Table Maintenance
• Update data in a table using the [Table/Update
Column] menu
Update Column allows you to change a column's
value based on its own data or data from another
table automatically, it will alleviate your work. This
is done by using the special joint between two tables,
usual the cell name, to update the data in one table
or import the data from one table to another
 Operating steps:
• Create a table (usually using excel), and input the data to
be added and the joint data.
• Open the two tables in Mapinfo.
Mapinfo Table Maintenance
• Update data in a table using the [Table/Update
Column] menu
 Operating steps:
• Select [Table/Update Column] to pop up the [Update
Column] dialog, as shown below. Choose the table to be
update, then choose the source table, finally choose the
column to be updated.

Mapinfo Table Maintenance
• Update data in a table using the [Table/Update Column]
 Operating steps:
• Following the above, make the corresponding settings in the
[Specify Join] dialog box, as shown below.

Mapinfo Table Maintenance
• Update data in a table using the [Table/Update
Column] menu
 Operating steps:
• Following the above, then specifying the process for the return
result and click <OK> to update the table.
1. Calculate
Specifying the process for the return result:
A. Get the result directly;
B. Doing some special process for the return
result and then use it as final result
2. Of
Specify values stored in a single column or
a mathematical expression based on multiple columns.


Chapter 1 Introduction to Mapinfo

Chapter 2 Major Mapinfo Operations

Mapinfo Major Operations

• SQL Select and Find

• Labeling function
• Create Mapinfo Thematic Map
• Configure raster image and create vector
• Output the screen with layout window
• Perform drive test analysis using
• Labeling network indices geographically

“SQL Select” and “Find”

• SQL Select
 Structure Query Language (SQL) provides a powerful query platform
that makes a feature of simple language and convenient operation.
SQL platform presents a graphical dialog to facilitate selecting data
source and query conditions, and generates SQL sentence before
executing the SQL sentence. Finally, it generates a temporary table to
display the results, as shown below.


“SQL Select” and “Find”
• Find
 This function help to find the desired information correctly and
quickly, then display the information in the map in a specified form.

“SQL Select” and “Find”
• Find
 Operating steps:
• Select [Query/Find] or press the key combination
“Ctrl+F” directly. If this command is used for t
he first time, the dialog box on the left pops up,
prompting to input the corresponding settings. If
otherwise, that on the right pops up.

Keep them as blank generally

Select the mode to

display the results

“SQL Select” and “Find”
• Find
 Operating steps:
• Input the corresponding information in the blank
text box and then click <OK> to display the
results. Select one from the results displayed and
click <OK> pop up an dialog as below.

In Mapinfo system, the user can specify the content, position
and style of labels. The user can either label the object with the
content of a particular column in a table or create an
expression to set up and display custom labels.
By choosing label lines, the user can control whether a line
or arrow connects the object you want to label, or position the
label to fall in a particular location relative to the object.
The user can control the look of the label by choosing different
Operating steps:
Right click in the [Map] window to select [Layer Control],
and then select the layer to be labeled and click <Label>.

• [Label Options] dialog

Select the source of the


Set the position of the label

Create Mapinfo Thematic Map

• Create thematic map

 Based on the data from the table, use different kind of color,
character and graphic to display the object. Thus the data can
be geographically, directly and visually display on the map

Create Mapinfo Thematic Map

• Operating steps:
 In the menu bar, Click map,
choose “create thematic
map” , use the right window
to select thematic map type
(In the following section,
we use “ranges thematic
map” as an example)
 In the right window, select Select a table

data source for the thematic Select a field


Create Mapinfo Thematic Map

• Operating steps:
 Customize the pattern of the thematic map. For thematic maps
of different types, different dialogs will pop up. Referring to
the “receiving signal level analysis” for more explanation.

Save the user-customized

pattern as a template

Register Raster Image and Create
Vector Map

• Register raster image

 Raster image is some kind of bitmap. Register raster image can
make it contain both longitude and latitude. It is recommended
to choose at least three special points, such as the road cross,
school, hotel and so on, and then measure both the longitude
and the latitude with GPS for them. The points can’t belong to
the same straight line. For the points, the more the better.

Register Raster Image and Create
Vector Map

• Operating steps:
 Find at least three points that must not in the same line .
 Measure both the longitude and the latitude with GPS
 In the Mapinfo, select [File/Open Table] to pop up the [Open Table]
dialog. Select [Raster Image] and then select a file, click <Open>. In
the popped up dialog, click <register> to pop up the [Image
registration] dialog box. Click <projection> to pop up the [choose
projection] dialog box. Select “Longitude/Latitude” in the [Category]
pull-down list. For the [Category members] pull-down list, it is set as
per the projection mode selected (i.e. Longitude/Latitude (WGS84).
Finally, click <OK>.

Register Raster Image and Create
Vector Map

• Operating steps:
 In the map, click the points measured before one by one to pop
up the [add control point] dialog box. Input the longitude and
latitude for [Map X] and [Map Y] respectively. Finally, click
<OK> to finishing configuring the raster image, as shown

Register Raster Image and Create
Vector Map
• Create vector map
 Create a vector map using the registered raster image as
the reference. The vector map is a standard digital map
file that can be opened by many software applications.

• Operating steps
 Open the raster image file configured
 Select [File/New Table], and then make sure to check [Ad
d to Current Mapper] in the popped up dialog. Click <Cre
ate> to pop up the [New Table Structure] dialog box. F
ollowing the above, click <Add Field] and then input the
field information including “Name”, “Type” and “Wid
th”. Add more fields in this way.
Then click <Projection> to select “Longitude/Latitud
e” (the same projection category with that of the raste
r image file).
Register Raster Image and Create
Vector Map

• Operating steps:
 In the [Create New Table] dialog box, input the file n
ame before click <Save>. Then, two tables can be viewe
d in the title bar of the [Map] window. One represents
the vector map, and the other represents bitmap. Right
click in the [Map] window to select [Layer Control] to
make sure that vector map is editable
 Drawing the vector map as per the raster image with th
e Drawing Toolbar. Select the polyline and right click
to select [Object /Smoth].
 Save the vector map in the following four files: XXX.d
at,, and Then it is available
38 either in the Mapinfo or others.
Using Layout Window to Configure
• Select [New Layout Window] to pop up the dialog as below
then configure the layout window.

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo

Mapinfo can help to perform drive test analysis by

displaying drive test results in various graphics
modes and processing measurement data. The major
methods include creating thematic map, labeling and
statistics. The most used analysis includes:
• Receiving level analysis
• Receiving quality analysis
• Cell coverage analysis
• Results output

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Receiving level analysis
 Create a thematic map by taking the receiving leve
ls gotten from the drive test as the data source o
f the thematic map, to display the receiving level
s in the Mapinfo window as per the actual test pat
h, as shown below.

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Steps:
 Convert the file obtained through the drive test into the TAB
file that can be identified by the Mapinfo. Open the drive test
file, and meanwhile the map file.
 Click [Map/Create Thematic Map] to pop up the [Create
Thematic Map] dialog. Click <Ranges> in the dialog.

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo

• Steps:
 Select the data sources of Select a drive test
the thematic map. Here Select receiving
the data sources are the
drive test table and the
receiving level in it, as
shown in the upper right
 Click <Next> to pop the
dialog shown in the
lower right figure, and
then make the
corresponding settings.
Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo

• Steps:
 Following the above, select “Customize” to divide
the receiving level into segments, and then set the
number of ranges before clicking <Recalc>, then inpu
t both the Max. and the Min. values and then click <
Recalc>. Mapinfo will calculate both the number and
the percentage of the measurement results in each ra
Select custom
nge. Finally, click <OK>.

Set number of ranges

Set Max. and

Min value

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Steps:
 Following the above, make the corresponding settings as


Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Steps:
 Following the above, customize the legend as below.

Save the settings as a


Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Steps:
 Thus finish the receiving level analysis, as shown below.

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Cell coverage analysis
 Mapinfo can help to perform cell coverage analysis with its
labeling function. It labels the data (such as LAC+CI) that can
identify an exclusive cell on the drive test path so that the user
can know which cell is the current service cell and then
optimize the network coverage, as shown below.

Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Output analysis results
 There are three methods to output the measurement results
after drive test analysis.
• Copy the screen and then do some specific process
• Use [File/Save Window As]
• Use [Window/New Layout Window]

Layout window is preferred to output the analysis

result. It uses WYSIWYG (What you see is what you
get) manner. This makes it more effective and
accurate comparing to other two.
Select [File/Save Window] of the layout window to
output the measurement results, as shown below.
Drive Test analysis using Mapinfo
• Output analysis results

Geographically Labeling Network

• Geographically Labeling network indices

 Create a thematic map for network indices. The specific
operating steps are given below.
1. Add a column in the BTS topological table to lay the
network indices
2. Open the EXCEL file including the network indices in
Mapinfo, and the corresponding TAB file will be generated
3. Import the network indices into BTS topological table
according to the previously mentioned operation: Update
column. (page
4. Create a thematic map for the network indices according to
51 the previously mentioned operation: Create thematic map.
Thank You


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