Put The Power of Content of Power Content Marketing To Work

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Fresh Strategies - Web Seminar Series

Put the Power of Content Marketing

to Work and Get the ROI You Demand

Dustin Ruoff Byron White

Online Strategy Director PieheadChief Idea Officer

August 26, 2010 2:00-3:00PM, EST

What is Content Marketing?
“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and
valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target
audience — with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” – Junta42

Best practice tools for competitive intelligence
and content analysis
Indentify where your customers are what with types content they engage.
Find and serve tasty and fresh content to your online cocktail party
Tools to help find your audience and what they are reading/using:

– Free services:
• Google – Duh! Find top results for your service/tool keywords
• Google Blogs – Duh, again! Find who’s talking about your industries services and tools
• Google Analytics – From where are your customers coming? Search engines? Media content?

– Not so free services:

• Radian6 – Search online for keywords, phrases
• Visible Technologies – Search online for keywords, phrases
• Nexalogy – Map out online interactions between customers
• Wordtracker – Identify which keywords competitors and customers are using to find services

Tips to develop the all important
Content Marketing Plan
• Get out of your own way
• Preconceived notions may not stick
• While it’s great to create and distribute video, make sure your customers are interested
in watching your content
• Research will uncover what types and formats of content will resonate best with current
and new customers
• Details means success
• While thinking about your content marketing plan, make sure to be as detailed as possible
in your ideas, design, development and implementation
• Details show your superiors that you’ve done your homework and are serious about making
content marketing a success
• Editorial calendars rock!
• Imagine planning out a whole months worth of content before that month happens
• Rather than beginning every day wondering what you’re going to blog about or take
a picture of, create an editorial calendar that has the whole month mapped out. No surprises,
no questions
• Make sure an editorial calendar makes its way into your plan

Tips to develop the all important
Content Marketing Plan (con’t)
• Always leave more time
• If you think a blog post will take a day to write, copy edit and approve, it may be a good
idea to give yourself two days
• Content always takes longer than you think. It’s subjective so give more time for the approval
process and distribution
• Whatever you think it will cost internally in terms of labor hours and resources – double the
time to be safe! You’d rather come under budget, than over budget
• Create channels
• You can create all the content you want, but without channels, whether traditional or social,
it’s not going anywhere.
• While thinking about your plan and content creation, make sure you have the appropriate
channels to host and distribute it. If you’re writing blog posts, you should probably have
a blog. If you’re making video, you should probably have a place to host content

Tips to develop the all important
Content Marketing Plan (con’t)
• Optimize your channels
• If you don’t have any channels yet, come see us (Piehead)! We can help! If you do have
some channels, make sure to optimize them so you get the most bang for your buck
• Make sure sharing features are accessible – if you can’t share it, it won’t go anywhere
• Do you have contact info? – Let your followers be able to contact you. They could have
a good idea for a piece of content or want to give you business
• Spotlight your other channels – If you’re posting to your blog, make sure your Facebook
and Twitter buttons are available. If they like reading your stuff, they will probably “like”
your Facebook page

Tips to develop the all important
Content Marketing Plan (con’t)
Optimize your content
• Show in your plan how you will optimize the content you’re creating to not only attract
current and new customers, but also help with SEO and page rank
• How to optimize content:
• Link to outside sources as they provide traffic and improve ranking based on search
engine algorithms (Top Secret so don’t ask)
• Use images as they are indexable by search engines just as much as text
• Tag, tag, tag – Tagging a blog post, video or image helps to associate your content with
specific words. These words are what consumers use to search. So if you’re associated
with a bunch of top search words, then it makes it more likely you’ll be a top result

Methods to track the ROI you demand
1. Love Google Analytics – Love it, use it, and check it every day. Google analytics can give you
a great holistic view of what is happening with your content and whether it’s driving engagement
and interaction with your website or blog.

2. SEO/Page Rank – Based on your set of keywords, are you getting a better page rank with
Google or Yahoo! Keep a close eye on it and track your search ranking as you get closer and
closer to page 1, top.

3. How’d you find us? – When you’re talking with potential new customers, ask them how they
“found you.” You might be surprised that it was the blog post you did 2 months ago

4. New customers? – Maybe you just start seeing an influx of new customer opportunities as
opposed to prior content creation. Good stuff.
Charts to show your CFO and secure the
funding you need for content marketing
Charts to show your CFO and secure the
funding you need for content marketing (con’t)
Charts to show your CFO and secure the
funding you need for content marketing (con’t)
Measuring the Return on Investment of Content Marketing

10 Tips 5 Hints 7 Methods 101

for For for Content Marketing
Content Planning Great Content ROI Measurement Tips Book
10 Tips for Content Planning
#1 Before you create your first asset, you need a Content Plan and research.
Content Plan Summary
Content Onsite Audit
Competitive Content Audit
Customer Profiles
Style Guides
SEO Onsite Audit
Competitive SEO Audit
Keyword Research
Keyword Silos
SEO Scoring
Tech Onsite Audit
Information Audit
SEO Plan
Editorial Plan
Information Plan
#2 Expand your content asset portfolio to catch readers orbiting at high speeds.

Content Assets Portfolio

Printed Books
Tip Centers
#3 Listen-in to the conversations in the social media sphere to find the hot topics.

Social Research Tools

#4 Use the free research tools to find performance keywords and topics.

Free Research Tools

#5 Evaluate how you stack up with the competition in a variety of ways.

Content Asset YourSite.com Competitor.com

Traffic A C

PPC Spend B A

Content Portfolio B B

Content Authority C B

Publishing Frequency D C

Social Reach F D

Social Conversations F F

Testimonials A F

Partnerships B A

Internal Links C B

Inbound Links C C

SEO Strength A C

SEO Performance B A

Testing Methodology A B
Identify your organic market share and mind share to pinpoint growth opportunity?
#6 Develop an SEO Plan that balances reader interest with search engine appeal.

SEO Plan
Keyword Universe
Golden Keywords
Keyword Silos
Internal Links
PPC Price
Search Volume
#7 Develop keyword silos featuring priority keyword tags for SEO scoring.

Keyword Silos
150 Keywords
1/3 Top 1 to 10
1/3 Top 11 to 50
1/3 Top >50
Keyword Silos
Primary Keywords
Secondary Keywords
#8 Make the content creation process easy for writers by providing category

Category Maps
Content Topic
Primary Keywords
Secondary Keywords
#9 Score content for SEO strength by keyword silo with priority keyword weights.
#10 Time stamp the date you publish content so you can track the ROI and
5 Hints for Creating Great Content
#1 Great content is written by great writers with great characteristics.

Passionate Voice Storytellers

Well Traversed Journalists

Make Meaning Researchers

Keep it Simple Socratic

Less is More Optimizers

Short and Sweet Knowledge Seekers

Fresh Insight Wordsmiths

Results Driven Deep Diggers

Inquisitive Big Picture Thinkers

#2 Great writers understand HOW to listen to customers’ wants and needs.

Listen Up
Search Box
Social Media
Web Analytics
Keyword Popularity
Customer Service
#3 Great writers tell stories that gets passed on, and on, and on.

Information A Story
Fills You Up Moves You On
Facts Acts
Citing Exciting
Reams Dreams
Promotional Emotional
Static Dramatic
Check lists Casts of Characters
Compiling Compelling
Annotated Animated
Feeding the Brain Touching the Heart
Expires Inspires
#4 Great writers create great content that keeps readers coming back for more.
#5 Great writers understand the New New formula for achieving results and ROI.
How much?
+ Current Content Quantity Onsite
+ Current Google Listing Positions
+ Competitive Content Quality
- Competitive Link Popularity
- Market Share Potential
= Content Quantity for Each Keyword Silo

How good?
+ Current Content Quality Onsite
+ Competitive Content Quality
+ Market Share Potential and Conversion Rates
- Cost for Content Creation
= Content Quality for Each Keyword Silo

How often?
+ Current Content Publishing Frequency Onsite
+ Competitive Content Publishing Frequency Onsite
- Speed for Content Approval and Deployment
= Content Frequency for each Keyword Silo
7 Methods for Measuring Content Marketing ROI
#1 Track improved monthly listing positions impacted by published content.
#1 Also track improved monthly listing positions by keyword silos
#2 Track increased traffic impacted by published content.
#2 Also track increased traffic by keyword silo impacted by published content.
#3 Track repeat visitation to published content.
#4 Track increased time-on-site from pages featuring newly published content.
# 5 Track improved conversion rates impacted by published content.
#6 Track increased leads from content published for download only.
#7 Track increased sales from customers downloading and interacting with content.
101 Content Marketing Tips Book

Free Book Download: www.ideaLaunch.com/101

Questions & Answers

Thank You

Dustin Ruoff Byron White

Online Strategy Director Piehead Chief Idea Officer
Druoff@piehead.com ideaLaunch.com
603.431.5983  x206 Byron@ideaLaunch.com
617.227.8800 x201


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