Abap - HR: Presented by Gayathri & Sushmitha

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Presented by
Gayathri & Sushmitha

Nurturing Relationships.
Infotypes - Introduction

• Logical Grouping of different attributes – each field has to be

created individually and grouped together based on the
business requirements
• Total number of infotypes – 612
• Central check table – PP & PA – T777D
• E.g., Infotype 0002 – Personal Data
• IMG – contains all available and usable infotypes
• Enhancement – standard way , Function module exit , BAdi
• Mode N – suppress filling internal table at the GET pernr

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Number range & naming conventions

Number range Reserved Category Naming

0000 - 0999 HR master data PAnnnn

1000 - 1999 OM/PP HRPnnnn

2000 - 2999 Time Management PAnnnn

4000 - 4999 Recruitment PAnnnn

9000 - 9999 Customer PAnnnn

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Logical Database – Introduction

• Special ABAP programs – functions

1.Data retrieval
2.Authorization Checks
3.Performing Selection criteria
4.Customizing selection screen – report categories
• Report categories – function keys, selection parameters and properties
• Tcode – SE36; Dynamic Selection
• PUT statement – LDB reads data & makes available to application
program by put statement; Triggers GET statement
• GET statement – Obtaining data
• LDBs in HR: PNP & PNPCE – PA; PCH – OM; PAB – Applicant

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Reading and Processing Data

• With LDBs – provide & end provide statement; macros;

function modules
• Without LDBs – select & end select; read; loop & end loop;
update command
• PNP - tables: pernr; get pernr; get payroll
• PNPCE - concurrent employment
- tables: pernr; nodes: peras; get peras
• PCH – tables: objec; gdstr; get objec

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Macros and function modules
• Macros:
 Enable to create modules for the source text
 2 methods
1.Uses RMAC macros; program code stored in TRMAC
E.g., user-dependent breakpoint – BREAK< sy-uname >
2.Creating modules for a series of frequently used statement; Usually in a special
subroutine; Bounded by define and end-of-definition
E.g., rp_provide_from_fisrt p0002 ‘1’ pn-begda pn-endda
 PNP – include DBPNCOM; PCH – include DBPCHCOM
• Function modules:
Are the procedures with coding stored inside special ABAP programs,
type F function groups

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Function modules in ABAP - HR
This function module is used to read the screen field
contents value and transport field to help processor before PAI field transport.

This function module reads the data records of an HR infotype that exist for a person
(employee or applicant).
It does so in accordance with the specified selection criteria.
Data is returned to an internal table, the structure of which corresponds to the infotype table.
The system selects infotype records whose validity interval overlaps with the specified time interval.

This function module reads the data records of a HR infotype that exists for a person (employee or applicant)
does according to the selection criteria.( similar to the read infotype).

You can use this method to lock an employee so that the records stored for this person cannot be accessed.
When an employee is locked, only the user who has set the lock can access the records for this employee.
Other users are denied access. Only when an employee is locked for other users,
can his/her records be maintained (created, changed, deleted, copied) by the person who has set the lock.

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You can use the DEQUEUE method to unlock an employee so that
the records stored for this person can be accessed. If an employee is locked using the ENQUEUE method,
the user who set the lock can access this employee’s records. Other users are denied access to these records.
The DEQUEUE method removes the lock.

This function module enables you to maintain master data for employees
and applicants. You can transfer one data record. All validation checks take place
that would take place in the individual maintenance screens in the dialog.
If necessary, the module returns an error message. The error messages are the same
as the error messages in the dialog, that is, the individual maintenance screen error messages
are transferred rather than interpreted by this module.

This function module initializes the buffer, i.e clears the buffer

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This function module checks whether he is an active employee or not.
If he is not present then the exceptions are thrown.

This function module gives the exact hire date of the employee.

This function module is used to determine the sequence number for passing
to the payroll results function module. Input parameter is PERNR.

This function module is used to extract the complete payroll results
(i.e. for all country versions, from PCL2 or from the puffer) for a individual employee.
By exporting PERNR and Sequence number, the payroll result is obtained as a structure.

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The function module determine the day of the week for a date.
The date must be passed with a valid date.

This method is used to insert time data recorded in external systems or
applications in the SAP Time Sheet.

This method is used to delete time data recorded in external systems or
applications in the SAP Time Sheet.

The exchange rate valid on the specified date is read from table TCURR
according to the currency key and the exchange rate type. The ratios for the currency units
from table TCURF are transferred to the calling program in addition to the exchange rate determined.
if exchange rate fixing is defined for the exchange rate type TYPE_OF_RATE,
this information is transferred to the calling program.

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This function module determines whether a PERNR is active or not by reading the SY-SUBRC field.

This function module allows you to set your own status on a selection screen and
exclude function codes from your own or from a standard status.

This function module is used to determine the physical file name by exporting
the logical file name as input.

This function module outputs the time result details from the B2 cluster for a
valid begin and end date. The time results include Absences, Time Transfers, Period Balance,
Time accounts, Time quotas, Absence quotas etc.

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You can use JOB_OPEN to create a background job.
The function module returns the unique ID number which, together with the job name,
is required for identifying the job.

Use JOB_CLOSE to pass a background job to the background processing system to be run.
The function module returns an indicator as to whether the job was automatically released or not.

Use JOB_SUBMIT to add a job step to a background job that you have opened with JOB_OPEN.

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Personnel Administration

• Infotypes – grouping of fields e.g.,0502 (letter of appointment)

• Subtypes – To subdivide the similar information groups in an
infotype e.g., child
• Object Identification – To count similar objects e.g., child
• Time and time constraints – frequency of infotype occurrence
• Customer defined settings – T582A
• Enhancement of infotypes – PM01 – CI include – create –
add fields – activate and customization – screen painter
• Enhancement not possible in infotypes 0000 (Actions) and
0302 (Additional Actions)
• Enhancing infotypes for fast data entry – Tcode – PA70

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Time constraints

1 2 3

Record Single record Single record Multiple

Gap No gap Gap Gap

Overlap No overlap No overlap Overlap

Example First name Spouse Children

Occurrence Must May Any number of

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Characteristics of infotype

• Single screen
 One infotype with a time limit is displayed or
 Assigned screen number range (2000 - 2999)
• List screen
 Enables to present the relevant history
 Assigned screen number range (3000 - 3999)
• Default values – parameter id; Validation checks
• Infotype views – primary, secondary – IVWID
• Header and country specific infotypes

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Overview- data structures

Element Definition Includes Customer

PAKEY Structure - No
PSHD1 Structure - No
PSHDR Structure PSKEY, No
PSnnnn Structure CI_nnnn PS9nnn – yes
Pnnnn Structure PSHDR P9nnn – yes
Pannnn Trans. table MANDT,PAKEY, PA9nnn – yes

CI_nnnn Structure - yes

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Organization Management & Personnel
planning – data model
• Object types – internal and external
 Internal e.g., O, S, C; External e.g., K, P
 For the availability of external object type in PP –
interface pgm - must be entered in the table T77E0
• Relationships – logical association of objects
 2 directions - A - Bottom up – e.g., A007
- B - Top down – e.g., B007
 Location – T7778V
• OM – PCH - Sequential and Structural Evaluation

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Object type text Object type

Organizational unit O
Jobs C
Positions S
Cost centers K
Persons P
Task T
Work center A
Qualification Q

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Infotypes – OM &PP

• Objects, relationship – recorded as infotypes

• Infotypes defined in control tables T778T and T777T
• Table infotypes – PP – data part has a repetitive structure of
arbitrary length – created similar to field infotypes
• Table pointer(TABNR) – relationship between “fix attributes”
and table part
• Other features are similar to infotypes in PA
• External infotypes – not in the transparent tables of the type
• Enhancing & creating infotypes (language dependent or
language independent) – Tcode – PPCI

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Overview – data structures
Element Definition Includes Customer
HRIKEY Structure - no
HRIKEYL Structure - no
HRIADMIN Structure - no
HRInnnn Structure CI_nnnn HRI9nnn - yes
Pnnnn Structure HRPnnnn P9nnn - yes
HRPnnnn Transp. table HRIKEY or HRP9nnn - yes
PTnnnn Structure - PT9nnn - yes
HRTnnnn Trans.table PTnnnn HRT9nnn - yes
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Time management

• Infotypes linked via main program MP200000 – can run collision

• Enhancement not possible; Limited to creating default values and
customizing entries
• Other features are same as the previous
• Exception - Infotype 2011 – time events – table TEVEN
- pair formation
• Time evaluation input – trans.table PCL1 – has clusters
1. B1 – Time events
2. G1 – Group incentive wages
• Time evaluation results – PCL2 – cluster – B2

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• Infotypes similar to the previous

• Country specific grouping more significant
e.g., taxation
• Payroll results – clusters – database table PCL2
• Country specific grouping – T500L
• Principle elements of data structure of cluster RX defined in the
pgm H99paydata
• Payroll data for reporting – payic_result; ic – ISO code
• No rigid logic for reading, processing and outputting data

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Adjusting the applications

Components in the repository

• In order to create and edit infotypes ,its important to know the specific
components required in infotypes.

• The following are the components:

1) DDIC(Tables,table rows)
2) Fields(local)
3) Modules(PAI,PBO)
4) Subprograms
5) Screens
6) GUI components(title,status)
7) Dialog Modules

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Typical Requirements in the SAP

• generation of default values.

• Customizing checks
• Additional fields
• Customer-specific
• Fast entry
• Enhancements using tcode PM01 can be used to meet these

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Enhancing Infotypes

• They can be enhanced using extra default values and checks ,or by
adding extra fields.
• This is usually done using SET/GET parameters or by maintaining
features; it is less frequently achieved with additional customizing
• Tcode PM01 enables you to enhance infotypes in the SAP standard
with customer-specific fields.
• You cannot enhance the infotypes 0000 (Actions) and 0302(Additional

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Steps Involved: 1] Goto PM01.

To enhance the infotype

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2] Enter the infotype number, select CI include under Subobjects.
Now click on Create.

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3] Enter the Component, its type and data type with a short description.

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4] Check, save and activate the new structure.
5] Go back to the previous screen.
Now click on Create ALL till it prompts the customizing request.

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6] Now click on Continue button.

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7] Now goto PA30 screen, enter the enhanced infotype number and
the personnel number where the detail has to be included.

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8] Click on Create.

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9] Now you can see the newly added fields ( as an I/O field ) in the additional fields frame.
10] Click on Save .
Now the new field entry gets saved in the transparent table of the infotype( PAnnnn)

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Steps involved

Create the fields for enhancing infotype nnnn in the

dictionary.You can go directly to the dictionary from tcode
If necessary, you should create a specific component type for
each CI table field.
Structure CI_Pnnnn is activated, and along with it, the dependant
structures and tables are created as well.
If you check the corresponding button ,the module pool will be
generated automatically and can then be enhanced to meet your
specific requirements.
You can customize the screen using the screen painter .
Assign the include screen to the standard screen .You do this by
using the assign enhancement button.
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Includes in module pool

 It contains the following includes :

 Include ZPnnnn10(global data)
 Include MPPDAT00
 Include FP50PPSB
 Include MPPERS00
 Include ZPnnnn20(PBO)
 Include ZPnnnn30(PAI)
 Include ZPnnnn40(Form routines)
Includes ZPnnnnxx contain customer-specific coding

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Creating Infotypes

The name range 9000-9999 is available for customers to create infotypes for master
data, personnel administration, and organizational management.
9000-9099 for master data,9100-9199 for organizational management, and so on.
Firstly ,the structure PS9nnn is created and activated for the new infotype.
Use transaction PM01,the following additional objects are created with the button
create all :
Structure P9nn10 : The previously created structure PS9nnn is included here.
Database table PA9n10.
Module pool MP9nnn00 with the corresponding includes.
Screen 1000,2000,3000 for module pool MP9nnn.The components LAYOUT and
FLOW LOGIC often have to be adjusted.

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The GUI status with the necessary icons for standard actions, such
as Create,Copy,Overview and so on, for these
infotypes.Usually ,no other adjustments are necessary;
however, for more complex infotypes,adding icons and menu
entries may be useful.
Dialog module RP_9nnn.No adjustments are required here.
In addition ,the entries for the new infotypes are created in tables
T777D(Check table for infotypes) and TDCT(Dialog modules).

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Roles and Authorization
When dealing with personnel data,you must ensure that access to such highly sensitive
data is restricted ,in order for work to run smoothly .The role concept supports the
assignment of authorizations tailored to the activity profile of the system users.
The system stores all elements that are relevant in the context of an authorization check
as authorization fields.
An authorization object is a selection of maximum of ten authorization fields.
When setting up a system user, all cases in which this kind of check can yield a positive
result must be described: value areas are set in relation to a single authorization object
for every field .This kind of setting defines an authorization.
The execution of a transaction checks several authorizations to users ,the authorizations
are summarized in authorization profiles.
A group of tasks that users perform in the system is known as a role .
Based on the role menu ,you can generate the corresponding authorizations for the
tasks involved (transactions, reports and others)

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Schemas, Rules and Functions

• Schemas – group of related functions used to perform payroll or

time evaluation calculations
- maintained using Tcode PE01
- create schema <schema_name>authorization
- e.g., calculate payroll taxes
• Rules – collection of operations that calculate value of a wage
type or perform some other decision logic;
- Tcode PE02
• Functions – Tcode PE04; To display std functions, operations
and to create user-defined functions and operations

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• Acts as decision parameter - defaulting the values – returns values
• Tcode - > PE03
• Enables mapping of decision trees without any programming
• Frequently used function modules
- HR_FEATURE_BACKFIELD(with field return)
- HR_FEATURE_BACKTABLE(with table return)
• Elements of features
1. Attribute – shows the persons responsible
2. Structure – for setting up of decision tree
3. Decision Tree – type s program created from its

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User Enhancements

• Ways to change SAP system that fits our need

- Customizing, Enhancement, Modification, Customer
• USER EXITS - does not have change in the source code
- Tcode -> CMOD/SMOD
 Menu exits – to add menu items
 Screen exits – to add sub screens to screen
 Function Module exits – role in screen and menu exits
 Field exits – for the field determination
• BAdi - Business Add-Ins; based on ABAP objects, SE18

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Dynamic Actions
• Are the activities triggered automatically by R/3 during infotype
• Maintained in SM30 - >T588Z – database table storing information
related to dynamic actions
• Maintenance view – V_T588Z
• Components: INFTY, SUBTY, FIELDN, FC, NO, A (type of
• External factors causing failure
 Qnnnn - Fieldname - may be overwritten in PBO and PAI modules
 If our dynamic action calls an infotype which has its own dynamic actions
 Turned off during batch input sessions

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SAP – Reporting Tools   
This section contains a table that gives you an overview of the purposes, advantages, and limitations of
the various reporting options in HR.

Reporting tool Purpose Advantages Limitations

Standard reports Provide solutions for your most Can be used immediately Limited flexibility
frequent reporting No developments required Output fields cannot be selected
requirements as required

HIS Hierarchies are displayed as User-friendly method , Limited flexibility

graphics Integration with InfoSet Query Tool is used to execute standard
Reports executed using selected and standard reports reports and customer reports
structures or substructures. It cannot be used to create

InfoSet Query Intuitive, general SAP reporting User-friendly interface InfoSets and user groups must
tool .Enables you to create No programming required be defined in SAP Query before
reports for all areas of HR If integrated with SAP Query, you can use InfoSet Query
When InfoSet Query is accessed you can continue processing Multiline lists cannot be
from Human Resources (HR), queries using SAP Query displayed
the Query area and User group Set operations enable you to
parameters already contain create sets of objects as required
values and you can only for which data must be output
perform ad hoc reporting. If Can be included in roles using a
InfoSet Query is accessed this suitable InfoSet
way, it is called Ad Hoc Query

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Reporting tool Purpose Advantages Limitations

SAP Query General SAP reporting tool Extremely flexible Restricted to data from the
Individual definition of user No programming required R/3 System
groups, InfoSets, and queries Queries can be provided in Each HR query can process
the SAP Easy Access menu data from just one HR logical
Includes numerous options database.
for aggregating data,
performing calculations, and
displaying graphics
Enables you to display
multiline lists,define one basic
list and several statistics and
ranked lists for each query

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• It is a very powerful tool to generate reports without the need for coding.

• ABAP/4 query provides 3 types of reports:

• Basic list
• Statistics
• Ranked list
• In order to create a query
• Create a user group
• Create a functional Area
• Assign the user group to the functional Area
• Create the query based on the functional area created
• There are many ways by which functional areas, user groups and queries .
You can create any one of these by choosing
SQ01for query
SQ02for functional area
SQ03for user groups
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Work Areas

• Queries are available to all clients. • Client dependant queries,Infosets and
user groups.
• This area is used for queries that are to • This area is intended for end users that
be developed and distributed centrally. want to develop their own queries in
their client environments.
• Query objects that are created in this • A link to the Workbench Organizer
area are registered in the Workbench does not exist.
Organizer. • Queries ,Infosets, and user groups of
• Infosets and user groups are stored in this area are stored in the Table
the the Table AQGDB. AQLDB.

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Steps to Import a ABAP Query :


For importing the transport

requests or Report name :

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Transport action :Import

User Groups

Transport Request no Corresponding to

User Groups

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Transport action :Import

Info set Name

Transport Request no
Corresponding to

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Now Transport the Info set and Query combination

Info set Name and Query Name

Transport Request no
Corresponding to

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The HR Forms Workplace enables you to attractively design forms in Payroll and Time
In order to confirm payment and working hours, forms for payroll and time
management, respectively, are printed or provided on the intranet for the employee.
In general, there are 2 options for creating statements :
•Time statement via report RPTEDT00 : The transaction PE50 contains a
graphical user interface, and is used to create time statements and maintain customizing
tables related to these statements. The time statements created in this way are output
using report RPTEDT00.
•Time statement via HR forms Workplace : (Transaction : HRFORMS )This
workplace uses the technology of SAP Smart forms or SAP form builder. This
technology also enables you to create the forms with much more flexibility with regard
to both their layout and the way the displayed data is structured

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Creating Forms
The creation of forms are divided into 3 steps.
They are :

•Creation of a catalog that contains the necessary information from the

master data and the results from payroll or time management

•Selection of the data from the catalog for use in specific forms

•Formatting and graphical preparation of the data

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Business objects and BAPIs
The technological basis of the type of communication with an HR system described here are BAPIs.This
standard SAP interface supports you in the technical integration and the exchange of business-relevant data
between SAP components themselves and also between SAP and non-SAP systems.
Possible ways to use BAPIs are :
• Integration of SAP systems with the Internet
•Linking of components from different SAP applications
•Integration with third-party systems
•Access to data in the SAP Business Workflow
For the definition and creation of BAPIs,SAP business object types are used that structure the data and
processes according to business criteria.
A business object type contains both functionality (in the form of methods) and data( in the form of
In order to enable an asynchronous communication via BAPIs,Application Link Enabling (ALE) inbound
processing is used. When a BAPI is called in the sending system ,an IDOC is generated and sent to the
receiving system. Once the IDOC has been received the parameters of the corresponding BAPI are
automatically populated with the IDOC data ,and the BAPI is called synchronously.
The Business Object Repository (BOR ) represents the central point of access to the SAP business object
types ,including types, including their BAPIs.

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IDOC – Intermediate Document
 Idoc is simply a data container to exchange information
between any two process that can understand the syntax and
semantic of the data.
 Inbound and outbound Processing E.g., Ex: The ORDERS01
IDOC is used by the purchasing module to send a purchase
order and is also used by the sales and distribution module to
accept sales order.
 Structure of IDOC
• Control record – document characteristic – table EDIDC
• Data record - Applicant relevant information – table EDIDD
• Status record – To identify the chronological history
 IDOC type documentation – WE60
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More about IDOC
• IDOC components:
1.Basic IDOC – defines the structure & format of the document to be
exchanged between two systems
2.Extension IDOC – Extending the functionality by adding more
segments to the existing basic IDOC
• IDOC type: Tcode – WE60; 31 Character name in the release of version
4.0 and the last two characters are incremented by one from the previous
• SYNTAX : Valid segments – mandatory; Data record cannot exceed the
maximum number of exceptions defined for the segment type; Segment
must occur in the same physical sequence as defined in IDOC type; Child
segment cannot exist without the parent segment

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IDOC – Segments
• Segments – Defines the structure and format of the data record
- Reusable components
- Data elements : Positional ; Based on the qualifiers
• Segment components
 Segment type – Version independent; SAP provided segments begin
with E1 and customer provided segments begin with Z1
 Segment definition – Version dependent; name – 10 characters long;
SAP provided segments begin with E2 and customer with Z2; After the
segment is released and a new version of SAP installed, any change to
the segment definition creates a new segment definition.
 Segment documentation - Segment Documentation represents the data
dictionary documentation for each field in the segment definition; name
– SAP – E3; Customer – Z3;

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Step by step procedure to create an IDOC
Step1: Create the segment or segments (WE31)
Step2: Create IDOC type (WE30)
Step3: Link the segments to the IDOC type ; Select the Idoc type and link the
segment type in WE31
Step4: Create message type (WE81)
Step5: Link message type to IDOC (WE82)
Step6: Build the function (SE37); Standard Naming Convention
Step7: Create the process code (WE41)
Step8: Link the Process Code with the Message Type WE41 Logical system

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ALE – Application Link Enabling
• ALE: Set of tools, programs and data definitions that provide the
mechanism for distributing functionality and data across multiple systems
• Components:
 Services : Application – where SAP applications generate data & documents
Distribution – Format & filters data; IDOC creation
Communication – TCP/IP, RFC, tRFC
 Tools : Customizing tools; Development tools

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Overall View

Application Distribution / ALE Communication

Layer Layer Layer

Master Filter/Convert
Filter/Convert Comm.
Determine Data, IDOC
Application IDOC Data,Create
Application Recipients


Applicatio Application
Application Filter/Convert
Filter/Convert Comm.
n Data Functions

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Overall procedure – IDOC/ALE
• Go to Tcode – SALE
• Define logical systems
• Attach the Clients to the Logical Systems
• Define Target System for RFC
• Enter Host Name and Logon Credentials
• For Different Physical server get the details through SM51
• Enter TRFC Options (WE21)
• Create the Distribution Model (BD64)
• Give the Sender and Receiver details (i.e. Logical systems)
• Create / Assign the Message Types (WE81)
• Link message types to Idoc (WE82)

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• Generate Partner Profiles (WE20)
• Ports are created after Executing
• For both In-bound and Out-bound replicate the settings in the other
system also
• Through WEDI Transaction, the Idoc status can be viewed
• WE31 for creating Segments
• WE30 to create Idoc Type
• WE82 to Link Message types to Idoc
• WE41 to link
• WE42 to maintain process codes

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Unicode – The Universal Code

• Character encoding scheme for (nearly) all the characters used

world wide
• Code point : Any character should have a single and unique code
• Benefits : Enter and display any character from any script – reach
customer globally;
SAP adapting ESA framework – open stds – J2EE, .net
Platform independent
Lower Cost of implementation; Faster speed to market
• Unicode Consortium – based in Mountain View, California
published “The Universal Standard” in 1991
• Before Unicode : Single code page system, Blended code page
system, MDMP
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Unicode – Brief Explanation
• Unicode System (US) – Unicode flag enabled
• Procedure to make the program Unicode compliant:
- Tcode – SAMT – performs NUS check 1st then US syntax check for a
selected program
- Run the program RSUNISCAN_FINAL – US syntax error
- Complete the syntax check in NUS – then US
• Concepts & Conventions
- Interpreted character types are C, N, D, T, String, Structures which directly
or in sub structures contain above fields – length corresponding to the relevant
- Flat structures are C, N, D, T, F, I, P – some have alignment requirements
• Unicode Fragment View
• Restrictions – Flat structures alone - considered character type
• Some new ABAP statements for Unicode; new classes
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Why upgrade to mySAP ERP now?

• Built on SAP NetWeaver platform
• Tightly integrated to optimize cross-functional business processes
• Enhanced by industry specific features and support for best practices
• Design to support international operations

© Copyright, Hexaware Technologies www.hexaware.com

Different Upgrade Approaches

• Technical Upgrade : Includes a complete clean up of the system without

implementing additional functionality, as well as technology upgrade with the
opportunity to eliminate “not used” modifications and custom developments .

• Functional Upgrade : It represents an opportunity to maximize the use of SAP

standard functionalities by replacing custom modifications and consolidated
instances and systems.

• Strategic Upgrade : This approach represents a significant technology improvement

step by step leveraging Sap NetWeaver components to standardize, adapt and enable
new business processes and optimized scenarios through the use of Sap
xApps,composite applications.

However the first step is to check modifications in SAP R/3 system and compare
them with the new functionalities provided by mySAP ERP 2005.The upgrade
project can also be an opportunity to reduce total cost of ownership by returning
modifications back to standard within the higher release.

© Copyright, Hexaware Technologies www.hexaware.com

Impact of Upgrade on the hardware

The impact depends on the following criteria :

• Short or long transition path (the difference between the current
and target release)
• Scope of functional enhancements in the target release
• Extent of utilization of existing IT infrastructure

© Copyright, Hexaware Technologies www.hexaware.com

Production Downtime

The downtime depends on various factors such as hardware power and size of the tables to be
migrated, and is therefore contingent on each individual situation. SAP upgrade technology
provides you with two strategies :

• Downtime minimized Strategy : Shorter production Downtime, parallel operation of

production system and shadow system enables the execution of as many upgrade tasks as
possible during the uptime of the production system,higher demand on system resources.

• Resource minimized Strategy : No parallel operation of production system and shadow

sytem.lower demand on system resources,increased production downtime.

SAP recommends Downtime minimized strategy if shorter production downtime is required.

© Copyright, Hexaware Technologies www.hexaware.com

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