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IT Learning and Development Survey

Initial Analysis

IT Strategy Review
February 9, 2010
Global IT Learning & Development Survey


1. Survey Background

2. Summary of Key Questions

3. Initial High Level Observations

4. Recommendations/Next Steps

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 2 February 9, 2010

Survey Background
Survey Purpose:
Get input from across all levels of IT globally to understand:
the view of all IT learning, competency and development services -- quality,
importance, what is likely to change, what is missing
the global differences
priorities for us to focus on

Survey Distribution:
English and German versions open from December 16, 2009 January 8, 2010

Participation High Level Breakdown View:

English: 1,150 + German: 62 = 1,212 out of 4,018 = 30%
Over 3390 comments submitted on the 8 open-ended questions

Responses per Grade / APA CMSA Europe US Ford Credit

Region *
# of GSR 170 45 87 341 106
# of LL6+ 73 25 75 247 43

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 3 February 9, 2010

Summary of Key Questions - Quality of Service Global Responses
How you perceive the
Quality of Service current quality of each
Inf ormat ion in CDF

CDF Tools
Suspicious neutral
Supervisor Discussion
Training Approval Process

Training Booking Process

Positive Replies

Library Services

Learning Resources in FLN Neutral Replies

Int ernal Learning Event s
Negative Replies
Sat isf act ion wit h JF CoP
N/A Replies
Annual 1x1wit h CC

LL6-CC St af f Develop Mt gs High not

applicable for
CC role in ITPP resource mgt
CC role in Ford resource mgt

CC roles in support ing Pulse act ions

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

FOE only questions, except
Pulse actions which included Replies

Highest perceived quality Learning resources in FLN

Lowest perceived quality globally Training Approval/Booking processes
Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 4 February 9, 2010
Summary of Key Questions - Value to Employee Global Responses
How valuable each
Value to Employee service is to you
Info rmatio n in CDF

CDF To o ls

Superviso r Discussio n

Library Services
Suspicious neutral
Learning Reso urces in FLN

Internal Learning Events Positive Replies

External A ccreditatio n Neutral Replies

Negative Replies
Satisfactio n with JF Co P
N/A Replies
A nnual 1x1with CC
High not
LL6-CC Staff Develo p M tgs
applicable for
CC ro le in ITP P reso urce mgt GSR
CC ro le in Fo rd reso urce mgt

CC ro les in suppo rting P ulse actio ns

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

FOE only questions, except
Pulse actions which included Replies

Highest perceived value external accreditation

Lowest perceived value globally information in CDF/CDF Tools
Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 5 February 9, 2010
Initial High Level Observations Breakdown from the start of a hot list


Level of Quality 60%

50% Positive
of CDF Tools 40%

Regions that have utilized 10% N/A
CDF longer are trending 0%


Level of Quality 40%


Training Booking Neutral

Are the neutral/negative a carry 10% N/A
over from something else? 0%
More analysis needed
Personal Value 60%

50% Positive
of Library Service 40% Neutral
Unusually high number of 10%
N/As for an item that 0%
pertains to all APA CM SA FC FoE US Global

APA and CMSA generally are trending more positive

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 6 February 9, 2010
Initial High Level Observations Pulse Linkage

Most Challenging Aspects for Obtaining Training

30% Training Availability
25% Approval
20% Budget
15% Workload/Time
APA CMSA Europe US Global
*Taken from open text comments which were categorized
** Ford Credit numbers are grouped within each region,
they will be broken out separately in future presentations
***This represents 80% of all answers for this question

These are areas for us to analyze much more thoroughly, including focus groups

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 7 February 9, 2010

Initial High Level Observations Correlation of Certifications and Training Interests

Certifications Valued Interest in more training

1. Project Management 1. Project Management

2. Other Certifications 2. Process (ITIL, SDM, etc.)
3. Process (ITIL, SDM, etc.) 3. Skill Development
4. Infrastructure 4. Programming
5. Security 5. Infrastructure
6. Business Analysis 6. Future Trends
7. General
8. Leadership
#1 ranked item for both is project management, while PMs were 14% of the total
population taking the survey
*Taken from open text comments which were categorized
Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 8 February 9, 2010
Initial Recommendations / Next Steps
Initial Recommendations:
1. Further analyze the following categories to determine actionable steps:
a. External Accreditations
b. Training Issues -- time, budget, workload
c. Library Usage
2. Communicate to all IT employees: (explicit communication will be sent to the Directors for approval)
a. We heard you and are analyzing the data
b. What we have heard so far
c. Initial focus for the Global IT Learning Team (from Director recommendations)
d. Next steps
3. Annualize the survey each December, with 2009 as baseline

Next Steps:
1. Continue analysis and utilize focus groups to gain deeper understanding of all
2. Develop understanding of global, regional and local needs
3. Review additional findings and direction with the OCM during 2010
4. Continue communication with global Ford IT regarding activity
5. Distribute annual survey in December, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 9 February 9, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey - The Team

Thank you to the global team for a great collaborative effort:

APA: Dipesh Sharma, Ravi Sivaraman

CMSA: Alberto Loya

Europe: Christa Frings, Peter Klaes, Steve Martin, Birgit Pries, Helen Tovey

Ford Credit: Terry Bone

US: Jean Condron, Shelia Covert-Weiss, Lou Novak, Darcy Salman,

Eric Wingfield

HR: Carol Diroff and the Ford Corporate HR learning and development
survey team

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 10 February 9, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey


Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 11 February 9, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Questions
Global IT Learning Survey 2009

Next: Takes you to the next page of the survey

Save: Saves your response so that you can complete the survey at another time
Cancel: Cancels your response
Finish: Shown on the last page of the survey use this button to submit your survey responses


Drop-down list of countries covered by Region's CCs


Drop-down list: Hourly, GSR, LL6+

Years of Service:

Drop-down list: <1, 1-5, 6-15, 16-25, >25 [Ranges are as used in Pulse]

Work Area:

Drop-down list: Organization formerly known as PTG, ITO, AD, Plant, NSC, ITS&S, CC, Ford Credit, Other

Primary Job Family:

Drop-down list: [ Job Family list from CompConn, plus 'Don't Know']

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 12 February 9, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Questions
For each of the statements listed below,
please use the rating scales on the right to
indicate how valuable each one is to you Rate the value to you personally Rate the level of quality you receive
personally, and how you perceive the
current quality of each service.
Note: for open-ended questions, please type
your comments in the space provided.
Section 1:
Rate the following components of the Career Development Framework (CDF) and processes
1) The information and support you receive Very Little No
regarding the Career Development Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Framework (CDF)

2) CDF forms and/or tool for planning your Very Little No

development. ( for example, Employee Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Portfolio/LDEP, Gap Analysis;
Development Plan)

3) Discussions with your supervisor/manager Very Little No

regarding your Development Plan. Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A

4) What components of the CDF should we Text Box

consider changing and how should we
change them? i.e. competencies, skills,
job families, Competency Connection

Rate the value to you personally Rate the level of quality you receive
Section 2:
Rate the following statements about Training Processes & Learning
5) The process for obtaining approval to
attend training/conferences. Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
6) The process for booking or scheduling
training and facilities, and coordination of Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
external training providers.
7) Library Services (i.e. RLIS, PDP, Brazil, Very Little No
Chennai, Dunton, Merkenich, Mexico, Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Niehl, etc.)
8) The learning resources available in Ford Very Little No
Learning Network (FLN) such as courses, Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
job aids, tools.

9) Internal learning events you have Very Little No

attended. Some global examples are: Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Global IT Learning
Brown-bag & Development
training Survey Analysis
sessions; 13 February 9, 2010
Global IT Learning & Development Survey Questions
Rate the value to you personally Rate the level of quality you receive
9) Internal learning events you have Very Little No
attended. Some global examples are: Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
Brown-bag training sessions;
IT Conference; Learning Marathon; "lunch
with leaders"; IT Learning Expo;
peer2peer learning sessions.

Note: this question excludes Community

of Practice (COP) events, which are the
subject of other questions.
10) How do you personally value external Very Little No
accreditation/certification? Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A

11) What types of external Open ended (text box)

accreditation/certification do you see as
12) If you had a choice of methods, how List: a) Classroom learning
would you like to learn? Pick top 5 b) Books, Magazines
c) Web-based eLearning
d) External: Websites, Blogs, YouTube
e) Internal: SharePoint, Blogs
f) Other Social Media & Tools (i.e. Yammer)
g) Communities of Practice
h) Peer-to-Peer (XF, WeLearn in APA)
i) Facilitated web-based training sessions
j) On-the-Job
k) Lunch-n-Learns
l) Virtual Collaboration: Teleconference, Wikis, etc.
m) Simulations
n) Internal Conferences
o) External Conferences
p) Other (specify in question 13)
13) What other learning methods are you Open-ended (text box)
aware of that might be valuable to Ford
IT? For example, virtual worlds.

14) In your opinion, what are the most Open ended (text box)
challenging aspects of getting the training
that you need?

15) In what areas, topics or subjects do you Open ended (text box)
want or need to have more training?

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 14 February 9, 2010

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Questions
Section 3:
Rate the following statements about Communities of Practice
16) Your overall satisfaction with your job Very Little No
family Community of Practice. Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A

17) What do you/would you find most valuable Open ended (text box)
about Communities of Practice?
(e.g. providing opportunities to learn,
participate and share)
Rate the value to you personally Rate the level of quality you receive
Section 4: Ford of Europe Only (all questions) Question #22 for Europe and FTSI
18) Having annual one2ones with the Very Little No
Competency Centre (CC) and receiving Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
additional coaching as required.

19) (LL6+ only) Having annual discussions Very Little No

with the CC to discuss the development Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
needs of your staff.

20) The CC role in providing management for Very Little No

non-Ford resources (ITPP), such as Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
management of tasks and cost actions.

21) The CC role in providing resource Very Little No

management for Ford resources (e.g., Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
JOL coordination, PDC support,
development moves process, rotations
management, etc.)

22) The CC role in supporting employee Very Little No

satisfaction and Pulse activities for teams Valuable Valuable Neutral Value Value N/A Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A
or departments.

Europe & APA only: Please provide any additional comments relating to the value and/or quality of Competency Centre services:

All regions: Please provide additional comments that you would like to make about learning and development.

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 15 February 9, 2010

Survey Participation Breakdown By Organization

Responses per Function / APA CMSA Europe US


AD 89 19 33 210
Competency Center 4 5
ITO 101 12 51 218
ITS&S 5 1 4 27
PTG 21 19 53 89
Plant 4 5 10 22
Other 19 14 5 22
Ford Credit 34 5 27 83

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 16 February 9, 2010

Survey Participation Breakdown By Job Family

Grand % of base
Primary Job Family / Region APA CMSA Europe US Total
Application Dev/Testing 46 4 11 49 110 9%
Application/Technology Mgmt 61 9 27 97 194 16%
Architecture 6 1 8 43 58 5%
Bus Analysis/Reengineering 5 2 22 51 80 7%
Database Administration 7 4 5 14 30 2%
Don't Know 2 5 6 13 1%
IT Professional 27 15 24 99 165 14%
Knowledge Management 7 4 10 21 2%
Network Engineering 4 2 3 27 36 3%
Operations/Facilities Mgmt 17 4 9 20 50 4%
Process & Methodology 3 1 4 8 16 1%
Prod Creat Appl Engineering 1 4 19 24 2%
Project/Program Management 52 6 27 89 174 14%
Security & Control Engr 13 2 5 27 47 4%
Strategic Portfolio Mgmt 14 10 19 56 99 8%
Systems Design/Analysis 9 5 23 37 3%
Systems Engineering 4 4 3 24 35 3%
User Support 8 2 4 9 23 2%
Grand Total 277 75 189 671 1212 100%

Global IT Learning & Development Survey Analysis 17 February 9, 2010

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